Minutes of the Patient Group Meeting held on Monday 2nd March 2015


Review – Rachel welcomed everyone to the meeting, and then reviewed the previous meetings minutes.

Michelle Taylor from Rockwell Community centre - Discussed that they will be holding Question Timeevent and have invited Parliamentary candidates representing all political parties to attend( Eccleshill Ward) on 22nd April 2015 at 6pm to 9pm.

HOTS Closure - As previously discussed, despitecampaigningagainst closure HOTS will be cut from Bradford Council budgets on 1st April 2015. It has been a great resource for our patients and is a shame. The practice will continue to explore alternative means of campaigning as the service will not end until August 2015.

CQC- previously discussed in last meeting about CQC .CQC inspected Rockwell and Wrose on 3 February 2015 and RT highlighted the preliminary findings which were

  • The practice is well led and work well as a team
  • The practice live up to the practice charter
  • The practice has excellent signposting links with other services
  • Patients were very complimentary about service and said we had a high calibre of staff
  • CQC inspectors found some debris behind one radiator
  • CQC inspectors found a couple of emergency drugs had passed their expiry date.( by 2 days)
  • One of the small oxygen cylinders was also outside expiry date.

RT thanked the members of the patient groupwhohad taken up their own time to speak to the CQC and for all their praise about the practice which was much appreciated.

The official results will be made to the practice in 12 weeks and these shall be published in our waiting area and also on a website.

RT said that most GP practices were coming out with “good” rating which is excellent for patients of Bradford.

National Bowel cancer Screening – watched a short videoregardingthe bowel screening programme. Patients aged 60 – 75 are routinely invited to complete a kit every couple of years.

Dr Gavin encouraged all patients who get the kit through the post to send it off and NOT throw it away. The test cost to the NHS is very small ( about 20 pence per test) but detection rates are excellent. The test itself is simple to do, if a little unpleasant, but this should not put you off having the test. If cancer is caught early then patients can be managed very well and may not require radical and expensive surgery and long term therapy . Any patients aged over 75 ( they are not included in the national screening recall) can ring up0800 707 6060.for a kit this screening if they are

Patients in England are extremely fortunate to be offered this free screening that saves lives.

Funding and improvements – Patients suggested that they would like a couple of high back chairs for disabled people in the waiting rooms at both branches.

Family & Friends outcome - How likely are you to recommend our GP practice to friends and family if they needed similar treatment ?

Extremely likely / Likely / Neither likely or unlikely / Unlikely / Extremely unlikely / Dont know
21 / 16 / 1 / 1 / 3 / 0

RT said these were positive results. Mrs B H said she felt the question was unnecessary and pointless as she would only recommend if someone was expressing dissatisfaction.

The results of the second question :When sitting in our waiting room waiting to see the Doctor/Nurse – howhappy are you with the length of time you have to wait before being seen ?

Extremely happy / Happy / Neither happy or unhappy / Un happy / Extremely unhappy / Dont know
13 / 15 / 7 / 2 / 3 / 0

RT reminded the patient group that the second question was the one they put forward and invited them to consider whether waiting times seem to be a problem. Unanimous agreement that the results do not reflect a problem with waiting times

RT said the survey will continue each month and she will report the outcome at next meeting.

On Line access to medical records - Talked about viewing patients records “on line” and what information they can accessso far. RT explained the process for granting access (which includes a consent form). MR GS said it was an ideal way to monitor yBP i.e. and when you next need review.

Ambulatory care- , discussed at last meeting – Dr Gavin reminded the group that this was a new hospital service to assess patients who may need admission. It is working well so far..

Pharmacy first Scheme - This is a new scheme to encourage patients to self medicate with over the counter drugs in the first instance ( as alternative to going to the GP) Patients can go to pharmacy for advice regarding minor ailments.

Open floor – mixed reviews on X-PERT Diabetic course.

Drugs and driving , new laws came out 2nd March 2015 relating to certain prescribed drugs whilst driving.

Hospital Assessment Team - Mrs PM is volunteer at Bradford Hospitals and she asked the group for more volunteers to work at Bradford Hospitals re privacy, dignity, cleanliness , food and maintenance. Training given.

Discussed toys and reading booksfor children in waiting room. RT will purchase some more Toys . Mrs BC requested books however these carry a higher risk of infection and will probably not materialise.

Next meeting Monday 8th June 2015 at Wrose health centre