PCM 13th JUNE 2016





Present: Councillors: Barnshaw, Mrs Barnshaw, Mrs Belli, Edwards, Gallagher, Mrs Garner,

Mrs Hopkins, Kenyon, Mrs Mason, Richardson,

Clerk: Mrs Smith,


1.  1. Apologies for absence. (Reasons to be given to the Clerk in advance of the meeting)
2.  Apologies were received from Cllr’s Orford and Williams.
3.  2. Declarations of interest for any agenda item.
Cllr Gallagher declared a personnel interest in item 8.
6.  3. Signing of the minutes. To accept the Clerk’s notes from the meeting held on 9th May 2016.
It was proposed by Cllr Mrs Hopkins and seconded by Cllr Edwards that the minutes of 9th May 2016 were a true record of the meeting and they were agreed to be signed.
7 Agreed, 3 Abstention. Carried.
7.  4. Matters arising from the last meeting. Only for discussion.
Cllr’s Mrs Mason and Orford had attended the funeral of Mr Cole.
5. Burial Ground. To receive and discuss a letter received regarding the burial ground.
The Clerk had received other complaints about the grass in the burial ground and had visited the burial ground and met with the contractors to discuss what needed to be done. The Clerk had also removed all the excess items that were on the burial ground, that were over and above the rules, to make it easier for the grass to be cut.
It was proposed by Cllr Barnshaw and seconded by Cllr Mrs Garner that the Clerk keep an eye on the grass cutting and ask the handymen to do some extra work if needed.
9 Agreed. 1 Against. Carried.
The Clerk will reply to the letter received.
6. Noticeboards in the Bus Shelters. To discuss placing noticeboards in the bus shelter.
It was proposed by Cllr Gallagher and seconded by Cllr Mrs Barnshaw that the Clerk prices up 5 noticeboards to be placed in all the Parish Council bus shelters.
All agreed. Carried.
7. Election of Committees. To fill the spaces on the Planning and HR Committees.
Cllr Barnshaw volunteered to go on the Planning Committee.
Cllr’s Mrs Barnshaw, Mrs Hopkins and Williams volunteered to go on the HR Committee.
Cllr Gallagher left the meeting.
8. To discuss the Central Lincolnshire Plan. Discuss the response received and the way ahead. Cllr Williams.
It was proposed by Cllr Barnshaw and seconded by Cllr Mrs Barnshaw that the ask Cllr Williams if he is willing to attend on behalf of the Parish Council.
All agreed. Carried.
Cllr Gallagher re-entered the meeting.
9. Heathcliff. To discuss the space we are receiving. Cllr Mrs Hopkins
Amount of space the Parish Council receives in the Heathcliff was discussed.
It was proposed by Cllr Mrs Hopkins and seconded by Cllr Gallagher that they go out of session to allow Cllr Cawrey to speak.
All agreed. Carried.
Cllr Cawrey informed that you could book a space well in advance and then send in the article on the deadline date.
It was proposed by Cllr Mrs Hopkins and seconded by Cllr Gallagher that they go back into session.
All agreed. Carried.
It was proposed by Cllr Barnshaw and seconded by Cllr Gallagher that they contact the Heathcliff about the space allocated.
All agreed. Carried.
It was agreed that Cllr’s Mrs Belli, Edwards and Mrs Garner would look into the different ways the Parish Council can communicate with the residents.
10. Grass Cutting. To discuss the new contract how it is going and any complaints. Cllr Mrs Garner.
Cllr Mrs Garner had received complaints about the grass cutting on Hollywell Road and Brant Road.
The Clerk informed that Hollywell Road is the District Council, but Brant Road was theirs.
It was proposed by Cllr Barnshaw and seconded by Cllr Kenyon that they talk to the contractors about the complaints,
All agreed. Carried.
11. Phone Boxes. To discuss the ownership. Cllr Mrs Garner.
The phone boxes are owned by BT and are still in use, although they do not take cash.
It was proposed by Cllr Gallagher and seconded by Cllr Mrs Garner that they write to BT asking them to clean the phone boxes.
All agreed. Carried.
12. Update on the Britain in Bloom.
All the planters have been planted up. A minion made from tyres will be placed in the High Street playground.
The inspection will be on Monday 4th July at 10.30am.
Volunteers were asked for to water the planters, the residents association are looking after the ones on Bar Lane, Cllr Mrs Garner the one on the corner of Brant Road/ Station Road, Cllr Belli volunteered to look after the ones on the Hilltop and Cllr Gallagher volunteered to look after the ones at the entrance to Waddington from Harmston.
It was agreed that the best kept garden would receive a £10 vouchers, one up hill and one down hill.
It was agreed that members of the residents association and the church would be asked to be present at the judging.
13. Report from the Project Assistant.
A report was given out to the Councillors from the Project Assistant.
9.  14. Clerk’s Report and Correspondence.
The 3 new benches will be installed in Sidney Hall Field in the next couple of weeks, the parties that are donating the money have been consulted.
The wooden benches outside the fish and chip shop and near the vets will be painted in the next couple of weeks, weather permitting.
The bus shelter seat has been ordered, the company will be measuring it and then sending a quote.
The bus shelter will be painted in the next couple of weeks, weather permitting.
The request to have the condition of the gate removed on Sidney Hall Field has been submitted.
We have received the NK Community Champion Awards for this year. It was agreed that anyone can nominate someone if they wish to and it should be put on the facebook page.
15. Finance
a.  (a) Signing of the Annual return for the year ended 31 March 2016.
b.  Sections 1 and 2 were discussed by the Parish Council and agreed and signed by the Chairman.
d.  (b) Monthly finance report – to receive and accept the monthly finance report.
It was proposed by Cllr Gallagher and seconded by Cllr Mrs Hopkins that the finance report be accepted.
All agreed. Carried.
e.  (C) Signing of cheques. To resolve to sign cheques listed by the RFO. And certify invoices.
It was proposed by Cllr Gallagher and seconded by Cllr Mrs Hopkins that the cheques and invoices could be signed.
All agreed. Carried.
16. Urgent matters for attention – Items which the Chairman is of the opinion should be considered as a matter of urgency due to special circumstances.
17. ‘In Camera’ item.
It was proposed by Cllr Mrs Hopkins and seconded by Cllr Mrs Mason that in view of the special /confidential nature of the business about to be transacted it is advisable in the public interest that the press and public be temporarily excluded and they are instructed to withdraw.
All agreed. Carried.
a)  Foss Dyke Band.
20. Date of the next meeting. The next Parish Council Meeting will be on Monday 11th July 2016 in Redwood Drive Community Centre, there will be no meeting of the Parish Council in August.
Meeting closed at 9.15pm / Action

Open Forum


Mrs Daphne Jackson from North Hykeham, informed the Council that she had wrote to the Council regarding the burial ground.

Cllr Barnshaw thanked her for her letter and noted that it was on the agenda item 5, and she was welcome to stay when the discussed it.

Mrs Jackson informed that she couldn’t stay but that she had another letter she would like the Council to answer. She informed that she had visited the burial ground on Thursday and spoken to the grass cutters and she was informed that they will be cutting the grass on an 11 working day rota so she would be visiting at that time to check on it.


Flt Lt Chris Pritchard introduced Flt Lt Adam Dickson who is the new Media Communications Officer.

Flt Lt Pritchard informed that the aircraft was coming back and there would be only one squadron left to do shortly afterwards. The 12th July will be the next stage of the emergency plans and so there will be lots of emergency vehicles using the camp.

He has been looking at the distribution list for events on the camp and it would appear that there are lots of different ones, so they are looking at collated one full list of associations within Waddington. They are arranging a serious of lunches at the offices mess followed by a visit to the heritage centre.

Flt Lt Dickson, offered to leave his contact details and informed that although he had nothing present to inform the Council of he looked forward to working with them.


PCSO Meneses informed that there had been 3 crimes between 9th May and 13th June 2016.

15/05/16 - Criminal Damage, Hobart Close – A vehicle has been scratched with sharp object whilst parked.

(closed undetected)

31/05/16 - Criminal Damage, High Street – Telehone wire cut, external letterbox damaged and a vehicle fabric

roof slashed. (ongoing investigation)

31/05/16 - Attempt garage burglary, Robertson Close – Offender(s) have damaged a garage door whilst trying to

break in. (closed, undetected)

District Councillors

Cllr Cawrey informed that there will be an Energy Efficiency Breakfast taking place on Wednesday 6th July at the Siemens Plant, a chance to find out how to be more energy efficient.

Council fraud, councils in Lincolnshire have recovered £611,000 in public money from people who have continued to receive single person discount on their Council Tax. 2,229 discounts were taken away and individuals have had to pay back and enforcement action has been taken against 543 people. If you know anyone who is fraudulently claiming you can report them on 0800 0853716.

North Kesteven are looking for volunteers to help out at Cogglesford Watermill, Cranwell Aviation Heritage Centre, Navigation House and Welbourn Forge.

Cllr Burley informed that the Tenants Liaison Panel can report that they take 9.5 days to process an application. However, homelessness can take 52 days to process an application. The void between a house been vacated and re-occupied is 28 days and this it down to the standard of repairs they are doing between tenants. Overall people are satisfied, they had 22 complaints last year against 33 the year before.

The new universal credit is coming in, this is a one of payment which will be made to the individuals instead of the landlords. So they will need to pay their landlords themselves from the payment.

Internet access, 85% satisfactory access in North Kesteven at present and they expect this to be 95% by the end of next year.

The empty properties working group, the house on Blind Lane has been empty for over 12 years, he had been asked if it was listed, it is not. The empty property officer has a meeting with the owner later this month. Houses that are empty for a long time they are trying to get back on the market, there are over 600 houses been empty for a long while and this could help reduce the number of people of the housing list.

If you like to keep fit there will be the NK Walking Festival from Saturday 9th July for 9 days, with various walks including the Spires and Steeples, Sleaford Walk, Witham Valley and more. Each walk costs £5 to pay for the guide.

Cllr Pennell congratulated those involved in the Fete on Saturday.

North Kesteven has had its Annual Council meeting on 19th May and he is staying as the Chairman of the Licensing Board.

There was a pop festival near Swinderby over the bank holiday weekend and he has not heard of any complaints.

West Ward there is nothing new, but he is still waiting for the meeting regarding the flooding on Station Road.

Cllr Gallagher informed that for Armed Forces Day they will raising a flag on June 20th between 10am and 11.30am in the NKDC Courtyard, Sleaford and on Friday 24th June at 6.15pm there will be a Veterans Evening with a fork buffet.

There are some new fly tipping signs, which were designed by Cllr Gallagher, there is one on Somerton Gate Lane.

Cllr Money is the new Chairman of the District Council and Cllr Mrs Tarry is the Vice-Chairman.

County Councillor

Cllr Mrs Talbot sent her apologies.

Finance Report for May 2016
Current Account
Balance as at 2 May 2016 / £7,747.21
Transferred from Deposit account / £10,000.00
Add Receipts
NKDC / £512.00
refund from Scottish Power / £854.69
Booking Deposits / £150.00
Village Hall / £294.00
Redwood Drive / £57.75
Burial Ground / £800.00
Village Fete Stalls / £30.00
Circus Tyanna / £200.00
Less Expenditure
NKDC / £4,144.00
PAYE for May 16 / £4,558.87
Wages for May 16 / £555.70
Waddington Playing Field Trust / £3,000.00
Chattertons / £600.00
Realise Features (Benches) / £2,027.80
Byland Countryside services / £1,475.00
Other expenses / £2,059.76
Balance as at 1 June 2016 / £2,224.52
Deposit Account
Balance as at 31 March 2016 / £66,894.74
transferred to current account / £10,000.00
Balance as at 1 June 2016 / £56,894.74
Accounts for Payment / Description / Amount
ESPO / Wipes and High Viz w/coat / £30.21
ESPO / cleaning products, towels, kitchen roll / £88.71
ESPO / Ant Powder, graffiti remover, bin / £28.69
UK safety management / PAT testing / £230.87
Acts Trust (Energize) / Youth Club January to March / £2,584.00
EON / Street Light Maintenance / £695.38
LRCS / skip exchange / £125.00
Total / £3,782.86
Accounts Paid Since Last Meeting
Angel Springs / Six months rental of water cooler / £69.76
Realise Future / 3 benches and 2 picnic benches / £2,027.80
Total / £2,097.56

1 Chairman:
