PCM 9th May 2016





Present: Councillors: Edwards, Gallagher, Mrs Garner, Mrs Hopkins, Kenyon, Mrs Mason,

Richardson, Williams

Clerk: Mrs Smith,


1.  The Council had a minutes silence in memory of Mr Colin Cole who had died. Mr Cole was once the Clerk to the Parish Council for 25 years.
3.  1. Election of Chairman. Sign the “declaration of acceptance of office”.
It was proposed by Cllr Gallagher and seconded by Cllr Mrs Garner that Cllr Barnshaw be the Chairman.
All agreed. Carried
The Clerk informed that she had spoken to Cllr Barnshaw prior to the meeting and he would accept.
5.  2. Apologies for absence. (Reasons to be given to the Clerk in advance of the meeting)
6.  Apologies were received from Cllr’s Mrs Barnshaw, Barnshaw, Mrs Belli and Orford.
7.  3. Declarations of interest for any agenda item.
Cllr Gallagher declared a personnel interest in item 12 and Cllr Kenyon declared a personnel interest in item 19a.
4. Election of Vice Chairman. Sign the “declaration of acceptance of office”.
It was proposed by Cllr Gallagher and seconded by Cllr Mrs Mason that Cllr Mrs Hopkins be the Vice-Chairman.
All agreed. Carried.
Cllr Mrs Hopkins accepted the position and signed the declaration of acceptance of office.
Cllr Mrs Hopkins Chaired the rest of the meeting, she started by thanking Cllr Mrs Garner for her work as Chairman of the Parish Council.
6.  5. Signing of the minutes. To accept the Clerk’s notes from the meeting held on 11th April 2016 and the extraordinary meeting held on the 27th April 2016.
It was proposed by Cllr Gallagher and seconded by Cllr Mrs Garner that the minutes of 11th April 2016 were a true record of the meeting and they were agreed to be signed.
7 Agreed, 1 Abstention. Carried.
It was proposed by Cllr Mrs Garner and seconded by Cllr Williams that the minutes of 27th April 2016 were a true record of the meeting and they were agreed to be signed.
6 Agreed, 2 Abstention. Carried.
7.  6. Finance Committee. To accept the Clerk’s notes from the meeting held on the 7th March 2016.
It was proposed by Cllr Mrs Garner and seconded by Cllr Edwards that the minutes of 7th March 2016 were a true record of the meeting and they were agreed to be signed.
4 Agreed, 4 Abstention. Carried.
8.  7. Matters arising from the last meeting. Only for discussion.
8. To receive and accept the resignations of Councillor’s Mrs Cooke, Cooke and Cosker.
It was proposed by Cllr Mrs Garner and seconded by Cllr Williams that they accept the resignation.
All agreed. Carried.
It was agreed that letters of thanks should be sent to them all.
9. Election of Committees:
i. Finance – minimum of 6 members (3 from East Ward and 3 from West Ward)
As Chairman and Vice-Chairman Cllr Barnshaw and Cllr Mrs Hopkins have to be on
the Committee.
East Ward, Cllr Richardson, and Cllr Gallagher volunteered.
West Ward, Cllr Mrs Garner, and Cllr Edwards volunteered.
ii. Planning.
Cllr Williams, Cllr Mrs Hopkins, Cllr Mrs Mason, Cllr Edwards and Cllr
Mrs Garner volunteered. At least one more Councillor is required.
iii. HR.
Cllr Richardson and Cllr Mrs Garner volunteered. At least two more Councillors are
iv . Waddington Playing Field Trust.
Cllr Mrs Garner, Cllr Mrs Belli, and Cllr Kenyon volunteered.
10. Election of representatives to:
i.  Association of Local Councils
Cllr Mrs Garner volunteered.
11.Re-adopt the orders / regulations / Terms of Reference:
i.  Standing Orders
It was proposed by Cllr Mrs Hopkins and seconded by Cllr Gallagher that the Standing Orders be re-adopted.
All agreed. Carried.
ii.  Financial Regulations
It was agreed that the Financial Regulations would be reviewed at the next meeting following a request from the Clerk as she had found some more up to date orders.
iii.  Planning Committee
It was proposed by Cllr Mrs Hopkins and seconded by Cllr Williams that the terms of reference for the Planning Committee be re-adopted.
All agreed. Carried.
iv.  Finance Committee
It was proposed by Cllr Mrs Garner and seconded by Cllr Mrs Hopkins that the terms of reference for the Finance Committee be re-adopted.
All agreed. Carried.
v.  Risk Assessment
It was proposed by Cllr Mrs Garner and seconded by Cllr Mrs Hopkins that the Risk Assessment to be re-adopted.
All agreed. Carried.
vi.  Social Media Policy
It was agreed that this should be deferred to July and then revisited as a separate agenda item, to include looking at the different types of social media.
vii.  HR Committee.
The HR Committee had created some Terms of Reference, it was agreed that these should be sent to the Clerk and put on the agenda to be agreed by the full Council.
12. To discuss the Central Lincolnshire Plan final consultation.
Cllr Gallagher left the meeting.
It was agreed that Cllr Williams would check through the final Central Lincolnshire Plan to see if the previous comments had been resolved, if not they were to be resubmitted .
Cllr Gallagher re-entered the meeting.
13. Update on the Britain in Bloom.
We now have 5 large flower boxes, 2 on Bar Lane, 2 on the Hilltop and 1 at the bottom of Station Road.
They are looking at something for the playground on the High Street to get the children involved. They have been planting lots of bulbs.
Letters were sent to the shops asking them to get involved.
An article is to be put in the heathcliff informing residents that the bloomers committee will be judging the best front garden, 1 Up hill and 1 downhill, to be put forward for the Britain in Bloom competition.
14. Update on the Queen’s Birthday Fete.
Everything was organised for the day, the Clerk is putting forward a list of jobs for Councillors and asked that they let her know when they would be available, be it all day, half the day.
The banners will be put up in the next week and it was agreed that posters should be put up in all the bus shelters.
An advert is to be put in the Heathcliff, facebook and the website.
It was proposed that Mr Goss be contacted to see if he would be willing to do a dog show.
It was proposed by Cllr Mrs Hopkins and seconded by Cllr Gallagher that they go out of session to allow the District Councillors to speak.
All agreed. Carried.
Cllr Cawrey informed that they Air Ambulance have a mobile exhibition that they would be able to bring along if they were contacted.
It was proposed by Cllr Gallagher and seconded by Cllr Mrs Mason that they go back into session.
All agreed. Carried.
The PA System has been order but this will require picking up on the Friday and dropping off.
A discussion was had about who would be opening the event. Ideas such as the Chief Exec of the Bomber Command and the Chairman of NKDC were discussed.
15. Report from the Project Assistant.
A report was given out to the Councillors from the Project Assistant.
It was discussed how applying for grants is very difficult and when you are unsuccessful it can be very disheartening, especially in the current climate when there is not a lot of money out there.
Cllr Williams proposed that a letter of thanks be sent to Mrs Kendall Adams for all her hard work, with an encouragement to keep going.
All agreed. Carried
9.  16. Clerk’s Report and Correspondence.
The Clerk and Admin Assistant will be attending a LAPS meeting on Thursday 12th May at 2pm with NKDC representative and other LAP Office staff.
Street Lights – A letter has been received from LCC informing that they will be turning off the street lights between Waddington and Harmston on the A607. The Clerk has also been informed that to save money LCC will be turning off street lights between 10pm and 6am or in some cases 12pm and 6am, this is taking place all over the county but they have scheduled Waddington in for July. Not all the street lights in Waddington are LCC street lights a lot of them are Parish Councils.
It was suggested that this may be an idea for the Parish Council to save money and it was agreed to be put on the agenda in September for discussion.
A letter has been received from Redwood Drive Primary school, who were consulting with the Parish Council about them considering converting to academy status.
It was agreed that a reply should be sent thanking them for their letting and that they should take whatever steps they feel are best for the school.
The Clerk had today received paperwork from the Drama Association about the electrical work they had carried out in the Village Hall.
It was proposed by Cllr Mrs Hopkins and seconded by Cllr Mrs Garner that Cllr Mrs Belli should be consulted on the requirement from a theatre production side and an electrician on the electrical side, then the Clerk can deal after the consultations. However, it is not acceptable that the work was carried out prior to consulting with the Parish Council.
All agreed. Carried.
The Clerk informed that she would like to take holiday during half term week.
It was proposed by Cllr Gallagher and seconded by Cllr Williams that the holiday be approved.
All agreed. Carried.
Cllr Mrs Hopkins commented that during the clean for the Queen, not mush rubbish was found and this shows what a good job the handymen do. Therefore, it was requested that thanks be passed to the handymen for all their hard work.
17. Finance
a.  (a) Monthly finance report – to receive and accept the monthly finance report.
It was proposed by Cllr Mrs Garner and seconded by Cllr Gallagher that the finance report be accepted.
All agreed. Carried.
b.  (b) Signing of cheques. To resolve to sign cheques listed by the RFO. And certify invoices.
It was proposed by Cllr Mrs Garner and seconded by Cllr Gallagher that the cheques and invoices could be signed.
All agreed. Carried.
18. Urgent matters for attention – Items which the Chairman is of the opinion should be considered as a matter of urgency due to special circumstances.
19. ‘In Camera’ item.
It was proposed by Cllr Gallagher and seconded by Cllr Mrs Mason that in view of the special /confidential nature of the business about to be transacted it is advisable in the public interest that the press and public be temporarily excluded and they are instructed to withdraw.
All agreed. Carried.
a)  St Michaels Church.
b)  Foss Dyke Band.
20. Date of the next meeting. The next Parish Council Meeting will be on Monday 13th June 2016 in the Community Hub.
Meeting closed at 10pm / Action
Cllr Williams
Office staff
Office staff
Cllr Mrs Garner
Cllr Gallagher

Open Forum


Flt Lt Chris Pritchard informed that there would be a live exercise on the base on the 25 May and a families day on the sports pavilion on the 11th June. He informed that they base is keen to do a joint venture and if there is anything we would like to do as joint venture, please contact him.

The Heritage Centre on base have also informed that they are happy to do any day trips to the centre.

Finally the AVRO will be visiting the base on Friday.

Cllr Mrs Hopkins asked when the runway will be open.

Flt Lt Pritchard informed that at present it was looking like November but this could change.

Cllr Mrs Mason asked on behalf of the shops in the village if there would be any changes to the gates opening, in particular the Manchester Road gate, as since the changes were implemented the businesses in the village had seen a loss in business.

Flt Lt Pritchard commented that he wasn’t aware of any changes but he would take back the comments.


PCSO Bell informed that there had been no crimes between 11th April and 9th May 2016. However, on the ASB front, there had been a report of youths camping on the other side of the lake down Station Road.

District Councillors

Cllr Burley informed that Dunston are doing a Neighbourhood Plan if the Council would like to have a look at theirs.

The Citizens Advice Bureau has opened at North Kesteven Offices in Sleaford and it is open on Monday and Tuesdays.

The Empty Property working group have been looking at Blind Lane and they are trying to contact the owner, who lives in Wales.

Cllr Cawrey informed that One NK had the official opening of the pool last Monday. She reiterated that Dunston have done a Parish Plan and that it is really simple so please have a look at it.

Cllr Pennell informed that the Planning Committee go out and look at sites, they recently went to the Old Rauceby Hospital Site, sometimes it helps to go out and look at the sites to get a better understanding of the applications.

He commented that he had been contacted by a resident on Darwin Close who questioned what was being built behind them, not matching the application. After investigation he found that an amendment had been submitted in 2014,

Cllr Gallagher informed that they had approved the Sleaford conservation area. The Witham St Hughes Parish Council has got down to 2 Councillors, so the District Councillors have become Parish Councillors to help whilst they try to obtain new members.

The CCTV in North Hykeham is being reviewed.