Sutton Bridge Parish Council
Minutes of Parish Council meeting held on 29th November 2016, at The Curlew Centre, Sutton Bridge.
Cllr Grimwood in the Chair.
Also in attendance: Cllrs M Booth, S Booth, Brewis, Ms Cook, Ms Davies, Dewsberry, Fenton, Scarlett & Mrs Scarlett.
Mrs S England – Parish Clerk
Six members of the public.
Mr Mike Doolan – C.A.B, Money Mentor
The Chairman greeted all present, there followed a 15 minute Public Forum during which one person, Mr Doolan [CAB Money Mentor] requested to speak;
Mr Doolan explained that he had taken on role as Citizen’s Advice Bureau Money Mentor for Sutton Bridge, part of a new scheme funded by Big Lottery and the European Social Fund. SB had been identified as an area where a significant number of people were suffering financial exclusion and the aim was to assist them [on a ‘one to one’ basis for up to six months] with budgeting, opening bank accounts, searching for jobs etc, thereby restoring a sense of pride. 600 flyers promoting the service had been distributed in SB. The Chairman confirmed that it was important to spread the word about this new service and thanked Mr Doolan for his attendance at the meeting.
273.16 Apologies:
Apologies were noted for Cllr Mrs Canham.
274.16 Declarations of interest – to receive declarations of disclosable pecuniary or other interests not previously notified to the Monitoring Officer and consideration of any written request for dispensation;
None reported.
275.16 Signing of the Minutes – Notes of meetings held 25th October & 15th November 2016 to be accepted as minutes
It was RESOLVED to accept notes of meetings held 25th October and 15th November 2016 as Minutes.
276.16 Police Matters
Nothing reported.
277.16 Chairman’s Remarks
The Chairman reported;
· Dong Energy – Second cable had been damaged between points KP2 and KP3, repairs were ongoing. The sea defence had been reinstated and would be subject to a ten year monitoring programme. Works were still ongoing land side of the sea defence.
· LCC Highways had advised that replacement iron works for traffic island in Bridge Road had been returned due to sub-standard workmanship. Situation to be monitored.
· There had been further damage to posts on build outs in Bridge Road; concern voiced that if covered by snow, the raised sections would be completely invisible to motorists.
· Thanks to litter picking operatives and Members of SBiB for their continued efforts which made a huge difference to the street scene in SB.
· Flytipping was still an issue.
278.16 Clerk’s Report
The Clerk reported;
· LCC had reported that the Cross Keys Marina was due to open in February 2017. An open day [with pre-allocated appointments] specifically for those interested in using the mooring facility was being held on 13th December. Official opening ceremony due in Spring 2017.
An information leaflet concerning the facility was being produced, there may also be an exhibition held in the library.
279.16 To receive reports from County and District Councillors
County Councillor:
Cllr Brewis reported;
· There was a massive shortage of staff in the care/health service sector across the country, bad news connected to the shortage was expected in early 2017.
District Councillor:
Cllr M Booth reported;
· Devolution appeared to be ‘dead’ in Lincolnshire.
· He would be meeting with SHDC Street Scene Manager concerning flytipping in SB. Woad Lane was a particular hot spot which had been cleared of rubbish but shortly afterwards more tyres, play equipment, doors and windows had been dumped.
· Hare coursing was rife, incidents were occurring daily. Anyone witnessing such events should report immediately to police 101 number providing vehicle reg. numbers if possible.
280.16 Financial Matters
a. Schedule of Payments 29.11.16
Payee / Detail / Chq. No. / Net / VAT / TotalMr D Large / Tree Works / 845 / 2220.00 / 2220.00
Mr D Large / Tree Works / " / 760.00 / 760.00
Fenland Leisure Play / Play Equip. Painting / 846 / 1346.00 / 269.20 / 1615.20
Eastern Bus. Systems / Photocopier / 847 / 41.15 / 8.23 / 49.38
Play Maintain / Play Insp. Report / 848 / 76.00 / 15.20 / 91.20
Mr A Floyd / Litter Picking / 849 / 93.60 / 93.60
Mrs K Croxford / Salary / 850
Mrs S England / Salary / 851
Lincs Pension Fund / Emp & Emp’ee ctr’s / 852 / 542.59 / 542.59
RBL Poppy Appeal / Poppy Wreaths / 853 / 49.50 / 49.50
Mrs K Croxford / Expenses / 854 / 1.74 / 1.74
Fraser Dawbarns / Legal Fees / 855 / 195.00 / 39.00 / 234.00
C & K Dawson Grass cutting 856 440.00 88.00 528.00
Anglian Water Rates (pavilion) 857 25.38 25.38
Members confirmed receipt of the monthly bank reconciliation. The Clerk presented details of cheques numbered 856 & 857 which had been issued in addition to those originally included on the agenda. It was RESOLVED to pay the supplier invoices due in November; details as presented.
Signed ……………………………………….. Date ….. / ….. / 2016
b. Money In £
Allotment rent 1871.25
c. 2017-18 Annual Budget
The Clerk confirmed that SHDC litter picking grant would still be available for 2017-18. It was confirmed [as resolved 15.11.16] that the 2017-18 budget and precept would be for the sum of £60,177.
d. To resolve on £500 grant application for Sutton Bridge in Bloom
7.25pm It was RESOLVED to suspend standing orders.
Members of SBiB were asked if there were any particular projects that were planned for the 2017 planting season, towards which the grant funding could be utilised. SBiB advised that they would report back during the next few days.
It was RESOLVED to defer the item to the December meeting.
7.27pm It was RESOLVED to reinstate standing orders.
e. To resolve to provide Finance Committee with delegated power in order to authorise supplier payments for invoices received during the period 14th to 31st December 2016.
It was RESOLVED to provide the Finance Committee with delegated power as detailed above.
(i) Email, parishioner – concerning damaged barrier at Chalk Lane and associated insurance claim.
The Clerk presented content of email to Members advising that although insurance company had agreed to finance repair works, the appointed contractor had since decided not to undertake the job.
It was RESOLVED to write to all parties advising that the matter was nothing to do with the PC and arrangements should be made by the insurance company and haulier to ‘sort things out’. Copy letter to resident & Water Management Alliance.
(ii) Email, parishioner - request to film in MP.
The Clerk presented content of email advising that a media student wished to film in MP as part of a project.
It was RESOLVED to approve filming in MP on condition that no children or other members of the public were captured on the recording.
(iii) Letter, parishioner – request for reducing height of trees on MP boundary.
The Clerk presented content of letter and advised that advice was being sought from SHDC Tree Officer concerning the matter. Holding reply had been sent to parishioner.
(i) Commercial
H18-1161-16 – Installation of two 12 ton LPG vessels, platform, plinth & fencing, Wingland Foods, Millenium Way, SB – Mr R Good.
Council RESOLVED to support the application on condition all works were carried out under current regulations.
H18-1111-16 – Construction of four residential dwellings, land at SB Golf Club, New Rd, SB – McCurry Developments Ltd.
Council RESOLVED to submit comments in line with previous application for the proposed site.
Cllr M Booth withdrew from voting on the application.
H18-0997-16 – Agricultural storage building, Fenland Lodge, King John Bank – Mr & Mrs Ali
Refused: N/A
(ii) Non-Commercial
H18-1167-16 – (Outline) Residential development comprising six detached dwellings, land east of Chestnut Terrace, SB – Mr P Crawley.
Council RESOLVED to object to app. ref. H18-1167-16, raising comments as follows;
1. Chestnut Terrace was privately owned, permission would need to be sought from all relevant parties in order for access to be made available. Access road would need to be improved to County Highways adoptable standard.
2. The application did not include any means of ‘ease’ for turning vehicles [including emergency vehicles] at the north end of the access road. A mini roundabout would need to be provided in what was already acknowledged as a very difficult place to manoeuvre.
3. Gravel driveway [extension to sealed surface] was an unacceptable means of access to the six properties. Issues would arise in connection to vehicle noise on the surface and also distance to be travelled in order to drop off rubbish sacks. Road needed to be of adoptable standard.
4. Robust and thorough flood risk and surface water assessments need to be undertaken by the Environment Agency and County Council [as lead flood authorities]. The F.R.A. enclosed with the application is misleading and incorrect. Specifically, the proposed site is not covered by South Holland main drain and Lawyers Pumping Station. South Holland main drain does not cover any of the Sutton Bridge area, it merely passes close by to the south with its outfall in the River Nene via sluice gates, not pumps. Lawyers Pumping Station is further to the north on the sea bank and covers the Holbeach area.
5. Lower level of a dwelling recently erected at north end of Withington Street was raised approx. 1m above ground. If similar conditions were imposed then properties to east side of site would overlook the Children’s Nursery attached to Westmere Primary School.
H18-1168-16 – (Outline) Residential development comprising two detached and eight semi-detached dwellings, land north of Withington Street.
It was RESOLVED to object to app. ref. H18-1168-16, raising comments as follows;
1. As ‘Point 2’ for H18-1167-16 app.
2. Access road narrowed at junction with Withington Street, single track roadway was not suitable for access to ten properties. Road should be of adoptable standard and as least as wide as Withington Street.
3. As ‘Point 4’ for H18-1167-16 app.
It was RESOLVED to request that both applications, H18-1167-16 & H18-1168-16 were referred for consideration to the full Planning Committee.
It was RESOLVED to authorise Cllr Scarlett to meet with Planning Officers in order to discuss in detail the issues relating to both applications.
Cllrs M Booth & Brewis withdrew from voting on both applications.
H18-1131-16 – Garden room to rear of property, 1B Youngs Row, SB – Mr Carvalho.
Council RESOLVED to support the application.
H18-0972-16 – Two storey side extension including new garage and vehicular access, Crossways, Wharf St, SB – Mr & Mrs Elves.
Refused: N/A
a. Update on outstanding matters
None reported.
b. To report any new matters:
· Metal drain cover had lifted on West Bank. Clerk to arrange remedial action.
· Beacon was not working on pedestrian crossing, north side of Bridge Rd. Clerk to report to Highways.
· Beacon not lit on traffic island, west end of Bridge Rd. Clerk to report to Highways.
· Beacon light was flashing on island adjacent to the Bridge. Clerk to report to Highways.
A. Church Yard & Playing FieldsCllrs Cook, Grimwood, A Scarlett / See report, App. 1. Cllrs AS & DC advised pavilion was in untidy state. It was RESOLVED to authorise Cllrs AS & DC to liaise with FC concerning condition of pavilion
B. Allotments
Cllrs M Booth, Brewis, Davies, Fenton / Cllr Brewis to enquire sourcing road planings for potholes in Wrights Lane roadway. Cllr Fenton advised some railings not fixed at West Bank.
C. Personnel Committee
Cllrs S Booth, Brewis, Cook, Scarlett / Meeting after PC meeting.
D. Footpaths & Bridleways
Cllrs M Booth, Cook / Well used.
E. Parish Newsletter
Cllrs Dewsberry, A Scarlett, P Scarlett / Contributions for Jan newsletter would be sought in December.
F. Burial Ground Committee
Cllrs S Booth, Cook, Grimwood, Scarlett,
D Bell (co-opted) / Site looking good.
G. Pavilion Refurbishment Project
Cllrs Brewis, Canham, Grimwood, A Scarlett, P Scarlett, D Bell ( co-opted) / Covered above.
Cllrs Davies, P Scarlett (co-opted electors x3) / Nothing to report.
285.16 To receive reports from outside bodies’ representatives – where appropriate
Youth Club – A more favourable rent had been negotiated, finances look manageable and Club will therefore not be folding after all. More volunteers needed.
Suttons Emergency PG – Live exercise [evacuating Lutton] due to take place in February 2017.
(i) To review and resolve on Councils’ representation for Phillips and Allens Charities
It was RESOLVED to appoint Cllr Mrs Scarlett as representative to Phillips and Allens Charities in addition to Cllrs Dewsberry and Ms Cook.
286.16 To receive feedback concerning construction of wooden wall for footballers’ target practice and resolve appropriately- Cllrs Grimwood & M Booth
The Chairman advised that he had visited example of wooden football target wall at Terrington and was impressed. An area of astro-turf was laid to the front of the structure.
It was RESOLVED to support the project in principle, further information to be sought in order to obtain quotes.
287.16 To resolve on meeting dates for 2017
It was RESOLVED to approve schedule of meeting dates; draft details as circulated.
288.16 To resolve on bringing ‘Lincolnshire Voices of the Great War’ Exhibition to Sutton Bridge
It was RESOLVED to make arrangements for the Exhibition to be brought to Sutton Bridge. Clerk to explore possibility of linking date in with Propeller Service subject to event being scheduled slightly later in September thereby avoiding school summer holidays.
289.16 To resolve on action concerning repair to Parish clock
It was RESOLVED to accept quote of £160 for inspection of clock to be undertaken by contractor utilising cherry picker [subject to appropriate risk assessment]. Two extra strands of Christmas tree lights to be installed at the same time. Clerk to arrange for lights to be tested.
290.16 To receive requests from Members for consideration at the discretion of the Chairman (nothing may be resolved under this heading)