Draft Minutes Feb 16

Salford Parish Council

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held at

Salford Village Hall

on Tuesday, 2 February 2016 at 7.30pm


Cllrs N. Hill (Vice-Chairman), N. Colston, and H. McGlynn, and Mrs C. Ross (Clerk). Mr R Timms and Mrs R Smith were also present.

1.  To note apologies for absence

Apologies were received from Cllrs S. McBride and R. Caldin and County Councillor Hilary Biles.

2.  To receive Declarations of Interest

There were no Declarations of Interest.

3.  To approve the minutes of the last meeting held on 5 January 2016

The minutes of the last meeting were approved and signed as a correct record.

4.  To note matters arising from the minutes

The Clerk would contact Highways again about the Cornwell sign, which was in poor condition.

5.  To note and discuss financial matters

(a)  There was £3331 in the current account and £332 in the deposit account. It was noted that the County Council was having to make large cuts and it was possible that the grass-cutting grant might be diminished or withdrawn in the future. County Councillor Biles had reported that all the proposed 95 cuts had been accepted by the County Council and the proposed Council tax, not yet decided, was 3.99%.

(b)  A cheque for £84 to the OALC for two Clerk training sessions, agreed at the last meeting, was retrospectively approved.

(c)  It was agreed to postpone decisions on this year’s donations until the next meeting. The Clerk would send Councillors a list of the last five years’ donations.

(d)  The Clerk had attended a financial training morning the preceding week on end of year processes. It was predominantly to do with Transparency and Governance and proper internal controls, and she would report to the Parish Council on the details at a future meeting.

(e)  The Clerk explained that the OALC had advised Parish Councils to opt into the new audit arrangements, which was contrary to our decision at the December 2015 meeting to opt out. It had become apparent that opting out would incur more work if a second auditor needed to be appointed, and it was agreed that we should revoke our December decision and communicate that to the appropriate authority. This was proposed by Cllr Colston and seconded by Cllr McGlynn. The Clerk would email the OALC’s documentation to Councillors.

6.  To discuss a proposed lunch to commemorate the Queen’s 90th birthday on the weekend of the 11th and 12th June 2016

It was agreed that a street/village hall street party should take place on Sunday, 12 June, at 4pm. The Clerk would start the organisation and publicity and contact the appropriate individuals. Beacons would be lit nationwide on the Queen’s real birthday on 21 April, and Cllr Hill would initiate enquries to see if a bonfire could be lit as it was in 2012.

The District Council was encouraging a litter clear-up on the weekend of the 4th to the 6th March. It was agreed that the Parish Council could not formally organise a litter clear-up but there was nothing to stop volunteers doing this. It should be discussed at the next meeting.

7.  To discuss issues concerning the parish council website

There was a discussion on the inadequacy of the current Parish Council website, and it was agreed that a more professional one for the village generally would be ideal. Other local villages have done this with good results. The Clerk would ask the Village Hall Committee to discuss this and would do some research.

8.  To note the recent Village Hall committee meeting

Cllr Colston had attended this meeting on behalf of the Parish Council.

9.  To note the current state of the playground

Cllr Hill had carried out a recent inspection.

10.  To discuss any other business

·  Cllr Hill said there had been positive comments about the Remembrance Sunday memorial service.

·  Mr Timms said that the road from the Greedy Goose to the Rollright Stones was not being salted by the Parish Council, and he had been involved in a near-accident on the icy surface in January. He had been in touch with Highways but they had not been helpful. The Clerk would contact them in this regard.

·  It was thought The Black Horse would be opening sometime in February after its refurbishment.

·  Car parking in the village remained an issue and Cllr Hill undertook to try to resolve the latest issue.

·  The Clerk was concerned about the drain at the junction of The Leys and Roses Lane. Water coming off the field at the back of The Leys did not flow into this drain due to the road camber. Cllr Colston would have a look.

·  Mr Timms had cleared the drains on the A44 opposite the Salford turn. Highways had undertaken to do this in May 2015 but nothing had been done.

11.  To note the date of the next meeting

Tuesday, 1st March, 2016.

The meeting closed at 9.10pm.

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Signed Date
