Burstall Parish Council
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting 17thMarch 2014 – 7.30pm
59.13Present:Barry Gasper (chair), Joan Eagle, Simon Girling, Nick Fiske, Clive Debenham, Andrew Cooper,Andrew Kerrison, District Clr Nick Ridley, County Councillor Dave Busby and PCSO Melissa Cohen.
60.13. Apologies. Clr Peter Jones, Mary Smith, Ann Burchnall, Keith Raby and Lesley Raby
61.13To approve Minutes of Parish Council Meeting 20thJan 2014.
These had been circulated to all parish councillors and were proposed as a true record by
Andrew Cooper seconded by Joan Eagle and signed by Barry Gasper.
62.13. Matters Arising from these minutes:
Coronation Corner – Andrew Cooper kindly offered to clear the wood debris
In Touch Magazine – Volunteers cover most of the village apart from some of the outlying areas, this was discussed and it was decided to have some copies in the red telephone box available for people to collect. An item will be included in the newsletter. Clive Debenham will be providing the report for the next In Touch magazine.
Land Ownership – ownership of the piece of land where the village sign is was discussed, the clerk will speak to former clerk John Runnacles for further information and look at the minutes from the 1990’s when ownership was first discussed. SALC will also be spoken to once again for help and advice in proving that the Parish Council have taken ownership of the land.
64.13. Declaration of Interest of any item on the agenda:
Nick Fiske declared an interest in the planning item for White House Farm.
65.13. Reports from CountyCouncillor, District Councillors and Police:
County Councillor: Clr Busby had sent a report which had been circulated to all councillors. The traffic lights issue at the Holiday Inn was raised. Andrew Cooper had sent an e-mail to Graham Newman at SCC regarding the traffic congestion on the A1071 and the ongoing problems with light sequencing going into Ipswich. A reply from Mr Newman had been received however Andrew will follow this up with an e-mail to make clear that the parish council are not in favour of traffic lights being placed at the Beagle and in order to assist with the traffic congestion a filter lane needs to be installed to enable motorists to turn off the A1071 onto the Hadleigh Road. The sequencing of traffic lights in and around Ipswich in general remains a problem.
District Council:The core strategyhas been adopted on the 25th February. The budget has been agreed by Council with for the first time a recorded vote. No increase will be made to Council Tax. The Annual meeting is due to take place in April. The consultation period for the wind turbine at Pannington Hall has closed, a planning expert has been appointed at Babergh and the application is expected to go to committee in May.
Police:No crimes have been reported in Burstall since November 2013 however in the surrounding areas burglaries from outbuildings, heating oil thefts and thefts of catalytic convertors remain an issue. It is hoped to have an operation locally to mark convertors in the near future.
66.13. Reports from Parish Councillors:
County Councillor Busby was asked a question regarding the recently publicised reduction in teaching days at Suffolk ONE specifically for Foundation students with SEN resulting in a loss of jobs at Suffolk ONE and students with no option but to look further afield to obtain five day a week teaching.
67.13. East Anglia One – update:
Phase 3 and 4 are now being raised and a meeting has been booked on the 18th of June by East Anglia ONE in the village hall between 1 and 7pm. This date will be included in the newsletter and residents reminded it is important to attend.
68.13. Belstead Wind Turbine Application – update:
The consultation period for the application was extended until 28th February and by the time this had closed there had been 721 letters logged at Babergh which includes representations from twelve parishes who in total have 12,500 residents. The joint liaison group of Stop Ipswich Turbines Action Group (SIT), Pinewood, Belstead and Wherstead Parish Councils also submitted an extensive and detailed objection.
69.13. Newsletter and APM/AGM
Barry Gasper had prepared a newsletter which had been circulated for comments/suggestions, once all relevant items have been added the clerk will arrange for the newsletter to be printed and it can then be delivered to every house in Burstall.
70.13. Planning – B/14/00153/LBC – White House Farm, The Street, Burstall
Listed Building Consent to rebuild storm damaged barn in keeping with the existing.
The plans were discussed by the council and approved by all present. The clerk will communicate this decision to Babergh Planning Dept.
71.13: Finance-
Accounts for payment:
The following payments were approved and cheques signed:
Cheque No PayeeExpenseAmount
298S BarberClerks Salary£220.00
299SALCCILCA Training£210.00
300Burstall PCCChurch Donation£350.00
Clerks and Councils Direct - magazine
73.13: Any other business/items for next agenda:
The telephone box is in need of repair and painting, the clerk will find out where to get the paint from and then arrangements made for someone to carry out the work.
A discussion was held surrounding councillors intentions to remain on the parish council at the AGM in May. Sadly Clive Debenham will be resigning as a councillor and a vote of thanks was given to Clive for all his work over many years on the Parish Council. The subsequent vacancy will be advertised in the Newsletter and on the village noticeboard.
Andrew Kerrison will compile the short report for the ‘In Touch’ magazine at the May AGM
There appears to be a water leak in Burstall Lane which the clerk will report to Anglian Water.
The meeting closed at 8.55pm