Allan Ralph Andrews, born Long Beach, California, Sept 13th 1939:

(Yukinomics, Juginomics, Fusinomics, Mircenomics, Riscenomics, Icinomics, Sukinomics, Trapenomics, etc., see below) Nipology, Nipography, Nipoencomics: The current economic situation makes more sense if you cluster the data. In 2012, the ruling economic systems seem to cluster as JUG (Japan, United States, Germany) and the older ruling economic systems as FUSI (France, United Kingdom, Spain, Italy). The old order appears to have exploited MASS for its economic raw materials (Middle East, Africa, South America, and South Asia). Out of that old British order, BAS (Britain, Australia, South Africa) and its FUS, FES, and SIP ancestors (France, United Kingdom, and Spain; France, England, and Spain; Spain, Italy, and Portugal), and various prior and concurrent combinations like these, what remains is CAN (Canada, Australia, New Zealand) and PASTBI, or PASTBIIII (Pakistan, Afghanistan, Sri Lanka, Turkestan, Bangledesh, and what ever I you like, Iran, Iraq, India, Indian.

Ocean, etc).

For sometime various economic combinations seem to have been emerging out of MASS. At the end of World War II, it was SUCC against BUF, or the Soviet Union and Communist China against Britain, United States, and France. As the old communist order passed away and Japan and Germany rose up to replace Britain and France as America’s prime economic sisters, SUCC began to slowly transform into BRIC, Brazil, Russia, India and China. But, as SUCC lost its ideological color (Red), new ideological colors rose up to replace it in the Green of Islam and the Blue of the Israeli flag. The new ideological order seems to be NIP, or NIPI, North Korea and Iran and Palestine and sometimes Israeli as the good guy, bad guy, depending on your religious and political orientation. This ideological aspect of current economics generates a new way of looking at the old order of economic theory, I call it Nipeconomics. With Nipeconomics comes new ideas about geography, Nipography, and about systems in general, Nipology.

The theory goes this way. One point systems tend to fall inward into their own internal emptiness, see Arnold Toynbee’s study of history and his reading on the fate of Empire: Assyrian, Persian, Roman, Egyptian, etc., etc.. Two point systems like SUCC against BUF generate conflict and war. Three point systems like JUG and CAN tend to be remarkably stable. Four point systems have internal conflicts that generate breakdown. SUCC was actually made of more than three parts, Eastern Europe, Russia, East Asia (China, etc.) and South Asia (Viet Nam, etc) and too large to sustain internal harmony. Five point systems are both stable and unstable and break down into parts around three point cores. For example, BRIC seemed to be driving the economic world till it began to be replaced by MIRCI (Mexico, Indonesia, Russia, China, India). Hidden in MIRCI are two possible tripoints that may be in conflict, an Asian ICI, of India, China, and Indonesia, and a Pacific Ocean tripoint: RIM, of Russia, Indonesia, and Mexico. The organizing factors in BRIC, RIM, MIRCI, and ICI appear to be purely economic and opposed to the ideological Red, Green, and Blue of NIP and NIPI. NIPI is unstable and breaks down into NIP and JIN (Jewish support groups for Israeli policy in North America), which are obviously in a state of opposition. Jin is often three point when it manages to link Israeli policy with a least two other supporting states with supporting points of view. The original JIN was the United States and Britain and international Zionism.

An ideal system appears to be tetrahedral and octahedral, as modeled on the flag of South Korea and in the I Ching and Yi Ching of Confucian philosophy. Where two point conflicts in yin and yang form three point stable points (trigrams) and contrasts (eight trigrams) that combine into larger harmonic relationships, sixty four hexagrams. Economic relationship always seek enough conflict, yin and yang, to generate expansion, within a larger system of stability, trigram and hexagram coordinations and complementarity, as Heaven complements Earth and Sun complements Moon.

The basic western system has gone through many permutations, sometimes closely linked to the East and sometimes not. Any description of these will necessarily be imperfect, but a partial list, following the writings of Toynbee, see above, might go as follows:

TEN (Tigris, Euphrates, Nile river valleys) against SAT (Semites, Aryans, Tribes (various others such as Uralic, etc); AMP (Assyrian, Minoan, Phonecian) against GAP (Greek aryan, Aryan others, Persian Aryan); PEG (Persian,Egyptian, Greek) against PEA (Phonecia, Etruscan, Aryan other): HIS (Hellenic, Indic, Sinic) against PAT (Phonecian, Aryan other, Tribal other); SIN (Sinic Indic Roman) against HAM (Hunish, Aryan Germanic, Mongolian); CAR (Chinese, Arabian Islamic, Roman Byzantine) against GUM (Germanic, Uralic, Mongolian); KEG (Khanates of Gengis, etc., European-english, Germanic-holy roman) against JAS (Japanese, Arabic-islamic, Slavic); SIP (Spainish, Italian, Portugese) against MASS/MAS (Middle East, Africa, South America/South Asia); FES (France, England, Spain) against MAS (as above); FUS (France, UK, Spain) against MAS; BAS (British, Australian, South African) against MAS and PAS (Pakistan, Afghanistan, South Asian), with a remainder of CAN (Canadian, Australian, New Zealand), with transitions to JUG and ICI, see above.

August 19th, Sunday, 2012, Allan Ralph Andrews, Cambria, and Bakersfield, California.

There are some interesting extensions of the above possible. There is currently a YUKIITTRAP of Yemen, United Arab, Kuwait, Iraq, Iran, Turkestan republics and Tibet, Russia, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. You can add in Kashmir as an extra K and India as an extra I as an area where danger seems to increase and nuclear weapon problems are intensifying. YUK by itself is simply Yemen and United Arab and Kuwait. You add in Iraq and Iran and it becomes YUKI or YUKII and then you can add the TRAP of Tibet and Russia and Afghanistan and Pakistan, or T for various Turkestans and central Asian stans. You can make it pushy by adding in UK and USA and some Hindi and or Hindustani, thus PUSHIII, with I for Israel and Iraq and Iran and S for Syria. You can make it a PIT, or PITT, by focusing on Pakistan, India, and Tibet and the Turkish areas. You can make it RISCI, where Russia, Iran, and China, interact with Syria and Isreal. Where US and UK are involved it can be PUSI and SUKI, with Pakistan, Syria, Korea, etc. Russia, India, and Pakistan can RIP, it can be BINS of PINS in Bengal and Pakistan and India and Nepal. It can SINK, Sri Lanka and India, and Nepal and Kasmir. It can be PINK, Pakistan, India, Nepal, Kashmir.

What you are doing is to combine the left brain ability to focus on a quantitative fact with the right hemisphere ability to twist a left brain word into all sorts of sticky meaning. The result is the Yukinomics that comprehends the wars of Portugese against Spanish that divided up Latin America between Brazil and Argentina, etc. How Spanish won that war, only to be appended to French as it absorbed Italian and prepared to fight German. How Spanish fought English and lost, Dutch fought English and lost. French fought English and lost. So Japanese and German and Italian combined against English and lost. Finally Russian lost to English, which had previously won against Chinese and Hindustani. Now English, which had won against Turkish, had to face the Arabic languages, supported by Persian, with renewed support by Russian and Chinese. This could be CRAP or MIRCI ICI or YUKIITRAPS in which force JUG into the ICI MIRC of a hidden PARC or YUKIITRAP, that is a Persian Arabic Russian Chinese system rooted in Yemen United Arab Kuwaiti Iraq Iran Turkemenistan Russian Afghani Pakistan SOMALISUNDAN areas. (YUKIITRAPSS), So JUG and FUSI ETC and CAN are pulled by ICI and MIRCI toward NIPI problems surrounding YUKIITRAPSS arising from MAS and MASS. JUG and ICI are at war for dominance of the quantitative aspect of the world ideology emerging from the long war of FUS and MAS culminating in JUG and CAN and FUSI ETC and MASS in which the UK and the USA and CAN emerge from FUSI ETC to ideologically dominant the Anglican English American World or WE (WORLD ENGLISH) or WECANBEUUMASA that is World English of CANADA and AUSTRALIA and NEW ZEALAND and BRITIAN and ENGLAND USA and UK and Middle East and Africa and South America and Asia against YUKITRAPSSNICIAKS that is Yemen United Arabic Kuwaiti Iraq Iran Turkmenistan Russian Afganistan Pakistan Somali Sudan Niger India China Indonesia Arabic Koran Stuff. JUG and CAN are fast moving economically powerful triangles broken off of FUSI squares and FUSI ETC pentagons and hexagons, slowed down by extra baggage, so also ICI picks up spead as it breaks away from B RIC and MIRCI and avoids the NIPI messes in the YUKIITRAPSS MASSES of Middle East Africa South America South Asia European Subsidiaries.

Now maybe we should look at this I Ching idea a different way. Let us try making the oceans the eldest son yang and the land the eldest daughter yin, so something like Indonesia would be eldest son yang and something like the Indus valley of Pakistan would be eldest daughter yin. Middle son yang could be the equatorial areas like the Congo and middle son yin could be the polar areas like Siberia and Russia, youngest son yang could be uplift of strata like in California and Japan and youngest daughter yin could be build up of alluvium and sediments as in the Valley and mouth of the Rhine.

We could make the Flame Trigram volcanic and the Water Pit sedimentary, the Mountain Trigram mountainous and the Lake Trigram a eroded shield area full of depressions. We could make Heaven filled with rain generated rainforest and Earth filled with glacier generated sediments and soils. We could make Wind Trigram into tropical uplands and Thunder into temperate lowlands and coastal tidal areas.

If we are looking to continents and subcontinents, Heaven would be Africa and magic and Earth would be Europe and science. Wind would be India and metaphysics and Thunder would be China and business and economics. Mountain would be the Rocky Mountains of North America and reason and debate (as in the initiatives on the ballot in California) and Lake would be coastal wet areas like the marsh land of the Amazon Basin of South America and South American music and literature, as in Borges of Argentina. Flame could be the designs and crafts of Polynesia and Melanesia and Water Pit the laws and imperial governments of the Iranian Basin area, (Persian Empire, works of Zarathustra).

If eldest son is Indonesia and eldest daughter is Pakistan, then maybe middle son can be Nigeria and middle daughter can be Russia. If so can youngest son be Japan and youngest daughter Germany? So is Flame Trigram Australia and the Pacific? Is Mountain Trigram the Western US? Is Water Pit Iran and Iraq? Is Lake Brazil, Thunder China, Wind India, Earth France?

Now lets play Nipenomics. So FUSI can rule Europe and Earth Trigram. JUG can rule the transition from Mountain to Earth. BRIC and MIRCI and ICI belong to that whole extension of JUG and FUSI into the area watched over by CAN, the Flame Trigram realm of OCEANIA. The central realm once controlled by FUSI is spreading beyond JUG into the Wind area of India, the Thunder area of China, the Lake area of Brazil, the middle daughter realm of Russia and the eldest son realm of Indonesia as the old imperial order of LIPSI, Lebanon, Iraq, Palestine, Syria, and Iran, victim of various imperial rules, Egyptian, Roman, Persian, Greek, Assyrian, Turkish, English, French, etc., attempt to thrust out new imperial efforts of Arabic and Persian in their ancient war against Western interpretation, thus the Hebrew of Israel fights the Arabic of Mecca and the English of USA and UK confronts the Modern Persian of Iran.

What is actually happening is a decline of the old FUSI system rooted in eldest daughter yin and Earth Trigram in favor of a new opening that is causing the mechanism of Water Pit to boil in the competition of Flame. The expansion of JUG and CAN based English into Mountain and Flame breaks the old imperial collective thought systems and subjects them to revision. New systems begin to emerge and compete for power in MIRCI and ICI and BRIC. The BRIC of Indonesia and China and Brazil confronts the old systems. The pragmatism of China in Thunder against the metaphysics of Hindu India in Wind. The competition of Indonesia in Flame against the Islamic determinism of Asia in Water Pit. The complex synthesis of Brazil in Lake against the old simple skepticism of North America in Mountain. This competes against the old Mountain and Earth empirical (John Locke based) power system in JUG and CAN and FUSI and presents new dialectical, Hegelian, and process philosophy metaphysical options.

Allan Ralph Andrews, Bakersfield, CA, September 9th 2012

The ideological systems involved in these operations can be New Catholic, BUMPI or BUMPS (Brazil, USA, Mexico, Philippines, Spain and Italy, or Protestant, GUUNS (Germany, USA, UK, Netherlands, Scandinavia), or Old Catholic, PAPIFIS (Portugal, Austria, Poland, Ireland, France, Italy, Spain) or African Moslem, MMMESS (Morocco, Mauretania, Mali,Egypt, Sudan, Somali, Shiia, SLIPI (Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Palestine, Iran), South Asian Muslim, TRAP (Turkestan, Russia, Afghanistan, Pakistan), BIT, (Bengali, Indonesia, Thailand) or MMMMESSISLIPITRAPS. Generally the more letters, the more ideology and the less economic movement. JUG, CAN, ICI, are major economic movers. FUSI and BRIC are close behind, but MMMESSISLIPITRAPS and FUSIETC become burdened by the NIPIMESSILIPITRAPIBITS they are stuck in. MAS is moving forward until it gets stuck in the TRAPIMESSISPITS of the NIPI parts of the economic pie. The NIPIS are the economic sand, the friction that prevents the operation of a perfect economic machine that is pictured in the ideal equations of the mathematical theory that supports microeconmic and macroeconomic models.