Effective Date:September 2014
Review Date:September 2017
Coordinating Responsibility: CEO Office, Epworth Geelong
- The Council of Clinicians primary responsibility is to provideadvice and feedback to the Executive Leadership of Epworth HealthCare from Clinicians committed to workingat Epworth Geelong.
- Meetings will serve as a forum for commentary from groups and individual Clinicians on the establishment and performance of the hospital and provision of clinical services and other matters.
- The Committee will provide detailed advice to the CEO Epworth Geelong regarding service development, models of care, quality improvement, research and education, equipment and staff requirements;
- The philosophy of the committee is to provide timely and frank information to facilitate the establishment, development and improvementof medical services at Epworth Geelong in a less formal setting than the Medical Advisory Committee (MAC)when established
- Upon commencement of clinical services the Committee will review hospitalactivity and utilization statistics and make recommendations to the CEO Epworth Geelong for potential action.
- Meeting and general business of the Committee will be facilitated by a Chair person elected from the membership;
- The Chair will serve a 2 year term and will be eligible for re-election for a further 2 year term;
- Meetings will be conducted 4 times per year in February, May, August and November;
- Minutes will be taken and verified as accurate for the prior meeting at the commencement of each meeting;
- An agenda and minutes will be distributed 1 week prior to each meeting;
- A quorum will be regarded as 50% of Members in attendance;
The Council of Clinicians will be constituted initially through expressions of interest from specialist medical practitioners practicing in the Geelong region in the following categories:
- A representative from each of the surgical sub-specialty groups (including anesthetics);
- A representative from each of the medical sub-specialty groups (including rehabilitation and psychiatry);
- A representative from the Emergency Department;
- A representative from the Intensive Care Unit;
- A representative fromthe on site pathology provider;
- A representative from the on site radiology provider;
- A representative from Deakin University;
- The Medical Director of Epworth Geelong (upon appointment);
- The CEO Epworth Geelong;
- The Director of Clinical Services at Epworth Geelong; and
- Executive Director Academic and Medical Epworth HealthCare or nominee.
Members of the committee will be appointed for an initial two year period. Reappointment may be made for two further terms of two years each.
If a Member of the Committee is unable to attend, the Member is entitled to nominate another person from their Craft Group to attendas their proxy. Notification to the Medical Director or CEO should occur twoweeks prior to the date of the meeting.
- The Committee will report through the Chairperson and Medical Director to the Epworth Geelong Medical Advisory Committee (when established);
- Meetings (and minutes) will also provide a direct mechanism for communicating with the CEO and Medical Director;
There are no direct reports for this Committee
Damian ArmourProf John Catford
Chief Executive Epworth GeelongExecutive Director Academic and Medical
Date Revised: September 2014