Minutes of the Monthly Meeting of the

Parton Parish Council.

Held on the 10th February 2015

1. Attendance: Chairman Cllr K Young, Cllrs Madrick, Morton S Rogan Quayle, Ryden, V Young, Ward Councillors J W Bowman, J Bowman, Dixon and the clerk

2 Announcements and Apologies: There were apologies from Cllrs M Rogan and from County Cllr Hayman.

3 Approval of the minutes of the last meeting: The minutes of the January 2015 meeting were approved subject to the date of the next meeting being corrected

4 Declaration of Member’s Interests: It was agreed that should an item arise where it was proper for a declaration of interest to be made it would be done at that stage.

5. Public Participation None

b) Ward/County Councillors Ward Cllr J Bowman said that there were a number of changes planned to the borough council accommodation. The customer services were to move to the Market Hall. Ward Cllr Dixon raised a number of issues concerning the hospital. The clerk said he was to attend a health meeting later in the week when he would ask the question posed. At this point Ward Cllr Dixon presented a framed photograph of the poppy display outside the Tower of London. Cllr Dixon said that Parton parish works very close to Parton school and due to the fact that it was 100 yearssince the start of the First World War he felt the picture could be used on an educational basis to benefit the children

6. Police The chairman said that PCSO Marshall had sent her apologies but had produced a note of incidents in the village since the last meeting. The clerk referring to the note said that most calls have been related to the roads and traffic. There had been a reported road traffic collision and there was continued concern about parking outside the school on the zig zags. One drug related offence had resulted in three people being arrested. PCSO Marshall said she would continue to monitor the problem of cars for sale being left at the junction of the A595 and Criffel Road

7. Traffic and Highways The clerk said that Mrs J Bestford had agreed to garage the sand /gritter for the bottom of the village. The clerk said that he had received a call about a salt bin on Ramsay Drive and had reported the matter to the highways team. Mr Quayle said that the salt bin at the top of Brewery Brow was damaged. The clerk circulated the options proposed for Parton Brow. None were accepted as they all included Screel View which was unnecessary. The clerk said that proposals for the Church Brow junction were being discussed by Lowca parish council but he would include Parton comments in his reply. He said that he had enquired about a feasibility study for footpaths on Parton Brow and Brewery Brow but had heard nothing. He said he had written to Stagecoach about the manner in which drivers misused Criffel Road

8. Lengthsman Work. Mrs Young said she had spoken to Chris Pickles about how the young people could further help the lengthsman and Mrs Rogan said she would speak to the school.

9. Budget and Precept The clerk introduced the papers relating to this item and following debate it was proposed and seconded and agreed that the parish would set the precept at £8000.00 for the forthcoming year.

10 Clerk’s Report

a) Dog Fouling The enforcement team at the district council had agreed to increase patrols around Ramsay Drive and in the better weather site further stencils.

b) Surface Water Drainage The highways department had asked for further and better particulars as to the inefficient drains but confirmed that they were behind with the schedule to cleanse the drains.

c). Domestic Waste Collections The district council have agreed to remind the collection teams of the need to pick up spillage that occur when bins are emptied

d) Lowther Arms The enforcement manager at the district council said that environmental health officers would visit the building’s yard.

e) Air Pollution Waste Water Treatment Site No response had been received from United Utilities.

f) Copeland Local Plan The clerk reminded councillors that a presentation and discussion on the Site Allocations and Policies Plan was to be held on the 24th February 2015 at Moresby Rugby clubhouse starting at 7.00pm and he hoped that councillors would attend.

g). Long Arch Steps The clerk asked if councillors were aware of who had built the barrier in the form of steps on the seaward side of the Long Arch. Mr Madrick said he thought they had been in place for about four weeks but knew no more .

10. Correspondence

a) A practical guide to Affordable Rural Housing had been received from Calc.

b) The district council were consulting on a draft revised statement of Licensing Policy. It was agreed that the parish should respond on the application procedure which they considered to be inadequate and where consultation with the relevant local council was flawed.

c) Information on the reduction of bus services through the village had been received. It was agreed to notify the integrated transport team at the county council that the council opposed such a move that would result in no buses in the evening other than those on the A595.

11 Cheques to be approved for payment

100998 J C Shaw (Salary) £180.00

100999 J C Shaw (Expenses) £26.23

12. Parish Councillors Matters:

a) Mr Quayle said that builders rubbish had been dumped on the foreshore and he suggested that the archway from the Square should be gated for key holders only.

b) Mr Morton asked that the parish council consider how best to protect the football field. The chairman said the matter would be a substantive item on the next agenda.

c) Mrs Rogan reported that United Utilities were to undertake remedial flood prevention work at the school during the half term holiday

d) Mrs Ryden raised the problem of surface water on Parton Brow which was icing up in the cold weather.

e) Mrs Young asked whether the county councillor would attend future parish council meetings. The clerk said she would continue to receive the agenda.

The meeting closed at 8.22. The next meeting was fixed for the 11th March 2015.

Chairman ...... Date......