commencing at 7.30 Pm


Councillors Cllr Michael Craft, Cllr Simon Cropper, Cllr Alan Harris, Cllr Sughra Nazir,

Cllr Beverley Porter (Chair), Cllr Janet Turpin

ClerkEve Haskins

In attendanceTwo membersof the public were present(including Ward Cllr Sue Duffy)

110/17Apologies consented to

None received; apologies were noted from WardCllrRichard Dunbar.

111/17Declarations of interest

None received.

112/17Minutes of previous meeting

Minutes of previous meeting held on 21stAugust 2017 confirmed as true recordand signed by the Chair.

113/17Public forum

  1. Circus advertising:

A member of the public expressed concerned regarding an advertising A-board for a local circus that has been placed on the side of the road on the junction of Prune Park Lane and Wilsden Road: this has been reported to the enforcement officer.

  1. ‘Welcome’ stones:

A parish councillor confirmed that they had circulated the photos of the ‘Welcome’ stones to illustrateadvice: agreed that the Clerk to pass these onto a local stonemason for advice.

  1. Fly-tipping on Prune Park Lane:

A member of the public reported fly-tipping and debris from a car crash on Prune Park Lane: agreed that Cllr Nazir to report this to Bradford Council.

114/17Representation from local police

RESOLVED that this item be deferred to the next meeting when the local police may be in attendance.

115/17Ongoing issues

  1. Summer event feedback:

The Chair thanked everyone for their input into the successful summer event, which went very well. Extensive discussion took place regarding future events and how they could be more successful.


  • Short evaluation form to be circulated within the next newsletter, to gain feedback from residents on whether they were aware that a fun day was taking place, whether it was well publicised, what attendees liked/disliked about the day, why others did not attend, and any ways it could be improved: Clerk to liaise with the church to check that it is appropriate for residents to post replies in their post-box;
  • Banner was too small to advertise the event and needs to be larger for next year;
  • Tea/coffee/biscuits within the cricket club pavilion need to be better advertised next year and a rota set up for manning this;
  • Further collections buckets are required, to be placed by each ride/game/refreshments;
  • Four people are required to erect/take down the gazebos at the beginning and end of the day;
  • New gazebo was quite flimsy: to consider purchasing a sturdier one prior to next year’s event;
  • Cllr Turpin to purchase some First Aid kits, for use by the Parish Council;
  • Cycling track was a great success, especially for the older children: agreed to provide a donation of £100 to Bronte Tykes for their attendance on the day and that Cllr Turpin to liaise with them regarding attendance at next year’s event;
  • Further rides for older children to be sought for next year’s event, e.g. bungee trampolines: Clerk to liaise with the amusements representatives accordingly;
  • Face painters/glitter tattooists also a great success again: Clerk to liaise with them to organise for them to attend next year’s event;
  • Next year’s event to take place on Sunday 26th August 2018, 1.00-4.00pm;
  • Toilets may not be required at next year’s event as the toilets were available in the cricket club pavilion;
  • Chair to liaise with the ice-cream man to organise his attendance at next year’s event;
  • Police representation was really appreciated by the children: Clerk to liaise with them to organise attendance at next year’s event;
  • More stalls are needed: to be considered early next year in the initial event planning;
  • Food bank to be the charity for next year, and foodstuffs requested as payment, as this was more successful than collection of money;
  • Flyer drop to all households advertising the event to be carried out prior to next year’s event.
  1. Red phone box/defibrillator:


  • Cllr Cropper to replace the glass windows in the phone box now that the decoration is complete and to send measurements of the windows to the Clerk to obtain window signs with ‘defibrillator’ upon them;
  • Clerk to continue to liaise with the electrician regarding the installation of the defibrillator.
  1. Traffic issues:

The Parish Council reported the ongoing concerns of speeding all over the village, as well as parking on double yellow lines, general thoughtless parking and dangerous parking at the end of Cliffe View, Prune Park Lane: Ward Cllr Duffy explained that the request for a TRO on this road has been raised at the Area Committee and gone forward for consultation (this may take six to nine months). The Parish Council also reported that the school bus continues to park on the zig zag lines outside the school, blocking traffic each time: agreed that Ward Cllr Duffy to liaise with the school regarding a ‘walking bus’ idea to the bus layby further up the road.

  1. Park equipment funding:

Ward Cllr Duffy showed the Parish Council the four separate designs that had been created for the playground, explaining that these now need to be shown to residents at a consultation event: agreed that Ward Cllr Duffy to liaise with the school to set a date for this consultation event, which is to be advertised in the next newsletter.

  1. Emergency planning:

Nothing to report: agreed that Cllr Craft and Clerk to liaise with the cricket club Chair regarding the emergency planning equipment being based in their pavilion.

116/17Planning issues

  1. Planning applications:

None received.

  1. Notifications of decisions by Bradford Council:

None received.

  1. Local Development Plan (LDP):

Nothing to report.

117/17Financial matters


  1. The following accounts were approved for payment:

a)BMDC for salaries for September (£511.49);

b)Clerk’s expenses (£80.02), including travel (£12.00), refreshments (£2.20) and reimbursement for equipment for painting of kiosk (£65.82);

c)Beverley Porter for reimbursement for summer event items (£59.66);

d)British Heart Foundation (£100.00) for collection at summer event (£47.91) and donation from Parish Council (£52.09);

e)Graham Sharp for expenses for painting of kiosk (£35.00);

f)Staples for stationery (£44.63);

g)Bronte Tykes for summer event attendance (£100.00);

h)Hirst Wood Regeneration Group for donation for painting of kiosk (£150.00).

  1. Tax rebate: Clerk informed all that a tax rebate for £692.69 has been submitted.

118/17Sandy Lane Cricket Club

RESOLVED that this item be deferred to the next meeting.

119/17Remembrance Day


  1. Clerk to liaise with the church to verify whether 12.30pm on Sunday 12th November will be convenient for the remembrance service;
  2. Clerk to circulate the order of service to all parish councillors to determine whether any changes need to be made to this for this year;
  3. Clerk to investigate prices for a PA system;
  4. Clerk to liaise with the Chair of the cricket club to determine whether the building could be used on this day if the weather is inclement;
  5. Clerk to organise wreaths for placing on the war memorial on the day.

120/17Christmas 2017


  1. Christmas tree to be purchased and lit up again this year: Clerk to liaise with Carlton Nurseries and electrician accordingly;
  2. Angel decorations to be installed again this year, including a new one on Haworth Road: Clerk to write to all households to determine whether they wish to display a decoration again this year, and a Yorkshire Day flag next year, and to liaise with the Chamber of Trade accordingly;
  3. Clerk to liaise with the Cricket Club re access to the building for the above works, and to ask whether they would like to display an angel decoration also;
  4. Clerk to liaise with the church to determine whether they would like to be involved in a suggested food bank collection for advent in December.

121/17Yorkshire Day flags

RESOLVED that Yorkshire Day flags to be purchased to display each year for the duration of August: Clerk to liaise with the residents with a decoration bracket to determine whether they would be willing to display a flag also.


RESOLVED that the following items to be included in the next newsletter: usual contributions from local groups, advert for Remembrance Day service, article and photos for summer event (including thanks to all involved and evaluation form), advert for playground consultation event, and Chair’s ‘niggles’.

123/17Correspondence received

  • Email from Hirst Wood Regeneration Group re phone box: acknowledged;
  • Email from Forever Living representative re summer event: acknowledged;
  • Emails from British Heart Foundation representative re the summer event collection: acknowledged;
  • Email from Ward Cllr Dunbar re planning application on Prune Park Lane: acknowledged;
  • Email from local resident re noisy gate in playground: acknowledged, Clerk contacted the Parks Dept. accordingly;
  • Email from local resident re request for a shelter in the park: acknowledged, agreed that this would be used for antisocial purposes therefore not to pursue it;
  • Email from Wilsden Parish Council Clerk re their objection to the recent planning application on Prune Park Lane: acknowledged;
  • Email from local resident re request for update on Wilsden Road development: acknowledged, Ward Cllr Duffy confirmed that her colleague Ward Cllr Dunbar is investigating this issue.

124/17Minor items and items for next agenda

1.Standing items of traffic and emergency planning to be included at the next meeting;

2.Remembrance Day event and Christmas arrangements to be included on the next agenda.

125/17To note the date, time and venue of next meeting

  • Next meeting of the Parish Council due to be held on Monday 9thOctober 2017 at 7.30pm at Bethel Baptist Church, Sandy Lane.

The Chairman closed the meeting at 9.35pm.