ILJ: Use of Force

Complete the Model (two points per blank): Fill in the FLETC Use of Force Model on your answer sheet. Make sure you specify level color as well as both sides of the steps. Also fill in the blanks in the boxes at the bottom. Allow ten minutes. 34 total points.

Multiple Choice (two points each): Write your answers on the answer sheet provided. Allow for ten minutes. 30 total points.

1. In general police use force and pain for what reason?

A) To get respect

B) To gain compliance

C) To make an arrest

D) For any reason they choose

2. Which of the following is a type of deadly weapon?

A) Car

B) Baseball Bat

C) Gun

D) Chair

E) All of the above

3. Tennessee v Garner stated that shooting a subject is considered a:

A) Search

B) Seizure

C) Double Jeopardy

D) Incrimination

E) All of the above

4. According to Tennessee v Garner deadly force may be used:

A) If the suspect uses or threatens to use force likely to cause death &/or serious harm

B) If the suspect only uses force likely to cause death &/or serious harm

C) To stop a fleeing felon

D) Only for felonies

E) None of the above

5. Which of the following is NOT a factor considered determining if the use of force by a police officer was reasonable?

A) Location

B) Severity of crime

C) Suspect resistance

D) Fleeing or evasion

E) All of the above are factors to be considered

6. Excessive Force is:

A) Intentional inappropriate use of force

B) Using one level of force more than the suspect

C) Not using the appropriate level in response to a threat

D) Failing to reassess use of force

E) C & D may qualify as excessive force

7. Which of the following is NOT true about a taser?

A) It works by causing electro-muscular disruption

B) It will stop most dogs

C) It is not effective at more than about 10 yards

D) So far no deaths have been determined to have been cause by the taser itself

E) All of the above are true about tasers

8. Which of the following is NOT true about handguns?

A) They are identified by the width of the barrel

B) It is critical to keep your finger on the trigger guard unless firing

C) They are accurate under 30-50 yards

D) There are two types: revolvers and semi-autos

E) Caliber is measured in English Standard measurements only

9. According to class lab rules what comes first?

A) Using equipment properly

B) Wearing the right clothing

C) Respecting others

D) Safety

E) Learning

10. As far as dress and appearance for labs which of the following is NOT true?

A) Clothing should not be too tight nor too loose

B) Shoes must be closed in the heal and toe

C) Long hair should be pulled back

D) Safety clothing must worn when directed

E) Flip flops are acceptable to wear

11. Which of the following is NOT true about lab equipment?

A) It must be used as demonstrated

B) Students are financially responsible for equipment they damage

C) Equipment may be borrowed for projects in other classes

D) Safety equipment must be used when directed

E) All of the above are true about lab equipment

12. When using force:

A) You can only use the force necessary to protect yourself or another

B) You must reassess the use of force frequently

C) It is possible to become the perpetrator of a criminal assault or battery by using excessive force

D) All of the above

E) Only A & B

13. The most common police defensive stance is:

A) Weaver

B) Isosceles

C) Pop out

D) Ghostbusters

E) Breakdancing

14. The yellow strike zone refers to:

A) Potentially deadly

B) Reasonably safe to strike without fear of injury

C) Avoid striking as it could lead to serious injury

D) Strike only if they hold a knife

E) The outside corner where David Ortiz typically crushes the ball

15. An important thing to remember when using force is:

A) If one thing won’t work – try something else

B) Pain is only used to gain compliance

C) Physiological factors like health and body structure will affect pain level

D) Psychological factors like mental illness and drug use can affect pain level

E) All of the above are true about using force

Scenarios: Evaluate each of the three video scenarios and answer the questions below. Three points for each question for each of the three scenarios. 18 points total.

1. Could the officer be justified in using deadly force?

2. Explain why or why not (if why not – what level of force would be best)?

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