Minutes of the Meeting
Monday 24th April 2017
People who were there today: Sally Eshraghi, Alison Flack, Jenny Steeples, Marta Coates, Amy Castles, Simon Shears, Kate Ford, Chris Chalkley, Jane Richardson, Jane Chadwick, Ros Davies, James Elsworthy, Janet Chierchia and Florence Garland
Apologies: Alyson Miller, Bernadette Beresford, Lorraine Louth, Sam Davenport and Peter Bromley
Mistakes/corrections/updates from the last minutes:
PA’s work
Jenny added that the emails were from 2010. Louise Osborne (health) is now going to lead on the PA’s work.
Care Division – Kate Ford (Director, specialist care)
(Helena Homes brought the Care Division last year but the running of the service is the same)
Thanks to Kate who provided us some information about the service.
Support Workers/ Personal Assistants in Care, How many staff do you employ?
The service started in 2009. The head office was based in Dorset, and gradually the service developed in Southampton, Surrey, Hampshire and Kent. They supply 12,000 hours for a mix of people, support, Launchpad and complex needs.
Staff train for a week. Once new people have done the training, they will do meet and greet and progress. There is training through the year.
The training is Total Communication based, bespoke course.
What hourly rates do you pay staff? It varies upon experience, qualifications etc £7.55 to £11.00 per hour depending on grade etc
Finding good people is tough.
Different rates for different areas, depends on which local authority.
There is a good concentration of staff in Winchester/Gosport and Eastleigh, and people cover each other. there is back up staff set up into teams. Salisbury and Winchester are well covered too. there are 3000 hours of support in So’ton.
Do you pay extra for weekends and bank holidays if so how much?
Enhancements at week ends.
29 days holiday inc bank holiday
What do you pay staff for a sleep over? What time does a sleep over start?
Night shifts £35 to £65 overnight.
What times do shifts start? Anytime, 9 hour shift
How many days holiday a year? 28 days inc bank holiday
Do you have an in-house behaviour support team, if so how many homes/ Service User does this cover? There is an LD nurse employed supported by a training team.
Positive behaviour support and breakaway
Bespoke service: local LD team helps.
My Diary IT system: real time information for service users, professionals and families.
How many ‘Personal Budgets’/ Personal Health Budgets do you manage in Hampshire?
15 service users on direct payment
Generally commissioned services.
Individual service fund: all set up but no one yet on it.
What is your Policy on Personal Mobile phones?
Staff have their own. Can be used as emergency. Some people only work for a few hours a week so the company would not be able to provide a work mobile phone for a few hours.
ROYAL MENCAP – Chris Chalkley
It was formed in 1946 by a group of families in London. It is its 70th anniversary.
It supports providers, national campaigns, employment, provides housing and support families.
There is no fundraising for support. The charitable funding is not used for support.
It supports 35000 people across the country. 170 people across Hampshire in Registered Care Homes, their own homes and in the community with support varying from 24 hours a day to one hour per week, for example to support people with budgeting.
It is difficult to recruit across the country because of pay rates. £8 to £12. The lower rates will be revisited. Sleep-ins are £35-£40 per night.
There is currently a court case with HMRC for minimum wage.
Hants rate is £14.20 (+2.5%).
They use Team Teach for positive behaviour support, part of the PBS network.
Support staff recruited must have service user involvement and their values assessed first. There is a panel which recruits.
The induction programme: 10 days – can’t work with people with learning disabilities until signed off. There is a bespoke training offer.
Annual Health Checks – Amy Castles
Amy has been working on annual health checks for the past 3 years. Everyone in the group has heard about annual health checks. They are generally improving and increasing generally but Jenny thinks that a lot more could be done.
The GP practice gets paid £140 (used to be £116).
In her patch, 100% surgeries are delivering AHC. There are 4 training sessions to deliver in surgeries. The focus is going to be on quality from next time round. CCGs are also looking at employing GPs to help surgeries struggling with AHC.
Electronic templates are provided by NHS England but it is still patchy in some surgeries/areas depending on who you see.
Resources are available at surgeries for surgeries to use. There is a mandatory meeting in each surgery in June (CCG target event).
Friendly surgeries in this area – names to follow
Each surgery codes patients. Amy has the task to check that the coding for each patient with a learning disability is correct so that no one misses out.
Eyes: Specsavers can do home visits. Also See Ability.
Information sharing
James will have his beard shaved on 9th May. He has done some training.
Ros has been to Amsterdam.
Jane went to Australia.
Jane: Go Social at Twyford.
18th May – disco: 7 – 9.30 pm £3.50 per person. There will be one every term.
Chris mentioned the Royal Mencap health campaign starting in May.
Simone reminded everyone to use the CART service on 0300 500 1386.
Amy: LD awareness week 19 to 25th June will be friendships and relationships
Jenny: moto-bility show on Wednesday
In put on course from Portsmouth Uni
Claire 40th birthday: music festival. 100 people coming
Alison: |Choices main office in Southampton remains the same. There is a base in Gosport but the telephone number has become 02380 783715 (the line is always manned in Southampton)
Janet: event for Meridian news on ITV for LD week. Watch the space
Next meeting: 15.05.2017
- 12.30 to 2.30 pm
We usually meet on the 3rd Monday of the month except in August.