Chairman Rick Kochel called to order the Earl Township Board of Supervisors meeting, held on Thursday, January19, 2017, at 7:00 a.m. The following were present: Supervisors Rick Kochel, Ray Martin and Tom Plitt and Road Master Lee Zimmerman.
Lee discussed bidding to use ¼” chip seal product in the multi-municipal cooperative bidding, which will beexpensed out of the general fund due to at this time it isn’t an approved Liquid Fuels product. Lee reported he will get a better end result using this product and the Supervisors already budgeted it in the general fund. The Supervisors agreed to bid this product with all other chip seal product.
Lee presented preliminary quotes under the Co-Star purchasing program, for the truck body from Lancaster Truck Bodies, Inc., in the amount of Sixty Two Thousand Three Hundred Ten Dollars ($62,310.00). Lee reported that the complete truck purchase is well under the budgeted amount and inquired if the unit could be fitted for a new conveyor in the amount of Eight Thousand One Hundred Ninety Five Dollars ($8,195.00). This would be better than retrofitting for the old conveyor. After some discussion, Ray made a motion to approve purchasing the2018 model year truck and accessories in the total amount of One Hundred Fifty Eight Thousand Four Hundred Six Dollars ($158,406.00), detailed as follows:
a.Peterbilt Chassis – in the amount of $87,901.00
b.Body – in the amount of $62,310.00
c.Conveyor – in the amount of $8,195.00
Tom seconded the motion and all voted yes.
Lee reported he wants to apply for the Low Volume Road Grant for stormwater improvements at Ronald Steinmetz, 144 Redwell Road property. Mr. Steinmetz will need to execute an Agreement for the Township to proceed with the project. A letter will be sent to Mr. Steinmetz encouraging his cooperation and assistance with the project and to inform him of the grant submission deadline being February 13, 2017 and welcome him to attend any of the upcoming meetings.
Aaron Beiler, Walnut Street, was present to discuss changing the stormwater infiltration pit from what was shown on his Recorded Plan. Mr. Beiler reported he is hoping to occupy the home in February and requested approval to proceed. After much discussion Aaron was directed to provide Revised Plans showing all the field revisionsfor the building construction, stormwater and sewagesystem installation, to the Township and ELA Group for review and recommendation of approval.
Mark Hackenburg, RGS Assoc., and Steve Lindsey, GSV, were present to discuss the Cooperative Living Single Family Home proposed for 303 Ranck Road. A Stormwater Management Plan has been submitted for the project, without Land Development Planning. Mr. Hackenburg stated that since it is a single family home the land development planning process is not required, hence the road and road frontage improvements are required. Brenda reported that Chuck Haley, ELA Group Inc., recommends waiving the land development planning process, but due to safety concerns encourages the sidewalk and curbing installation. After much discussion it was agreed that a letter requesting deferral of the road and road frontage improvements and execution of the Sidewalk and Curbing Deferral Agreement would be submitted for approval.
Ray made a motion to conditionally approve the Cooperative Living Home (Single Home), 303 Ranck Road, may connect to the New Holland Borough public water system, contingent upon receiving the formal letter requesting this connection and that New Holland Borough Water Authority is agreeable to that connection. Tom seconded the motion and all voted yes.
Ray made a motion to sign the Grace Press, 2175 Division Highway, Reimbursement of Professional Services Agreement, relative to the proposed land development and building expansion for property. Tom seconded the motion and all voted yes.
Meeting adjourned at 9:00 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Brenda S Becker, Secretary/Treasurer