Minutes of the meeting of the Village Hall Committee
held on Tuesday 20th October 2015
at 19.30
in the Village Hall seminar room
Ermine Street South
Present: Chris Howlett, Chairman (CH), Bob Baker (BB), Mark Honeywood (MLH), Barry Hume (BH), Paul Phillips (PP), David Potter (DP)
In Attendance: Tess Rogers, clerk
1 Apologies for absence
2 Declaration of pecuniary interests.
3 To confirm and approve the minutes of the meeting held on the 19th May 2015.
Deferred to the next meeting.
4 To confirm and approve the minutes of the meeting held on the 15th September 2015.
It was resolved to accept the minutes as being a true record of the meeting.
5 Caretaker’s report.
The caretaker was not present
6 Matters arising or carried forward from the previous meeting.
i) Update on outstanding items still to be purchased
There are a number of items remaining to be purchased, this is difficult as many organisations require payment before shipping and will not raise a pro forma invoice. This will remain an issue until the Parish Council is able to source a prepayment card such as a credit card etc.
ii) Stage lighting – any further news regarding this.
CH has sent out a request for quotes to a number of different companies.
iii) Update on outstanding snagging issues
The outstanding gas issue is due to be rectified in the fortnight commencing the 2nd November 2015. It is hoped that the clock will be repaired during this period. It was agreed that the committee would set a date at the next meeting, to undertake a walk around the hall to assess any snagging issues prior to the annual inspection by the contractor.
It was agreed to ‘box’ the area at the front of the stage where there is space to house footlights. The area slopes away and would be considerably safer levelled off. The boxing would be a removable structure should footlights be required in the future. The clerk will contact a local contractor for a quote for this work
iv) Update on installation of signage
The signs are due to be installed on the 29th October 2015
v) Update on the sign writing above the main hall doors.
Borney UK have been asked to provide a quote for gold lettering on a vinyl background to be fixed to the oak panel above the main hall external doors. However, it was decided, at this meeting, that black lettering on clear perspex would look better.
vi) To tarmac the gravelled area at the south east corner of the hall - any quotes received.
One quote was available at the meeting, a further two have been requested. A discussion took place where it was decided to request quotes for the area to be surfaced with block pavia. The clerk will look into this.
7 To consider the draft risk assessment for the village hall
The clerk had circulated risk assessments for the ground floor, the 1st floor and the car park. It was agreed that members would review these before the next meeting whereby a decision will be made to recommend adoption of these to the Parish Council at its’ December meeting.
8 To consider procedure to remove the dome shaped bollards outside of the North hall door.
It was decided that the contractors being asked to quote to pave the area as at vi, would also be asked to quote to remove the bollards. However, a barrier would be needed at the North Hall door to prevent cars being parked immediately outside thus blocking the exit. PP suggested a barrier similar to those used for locking bicycles to. Yellow lining would also need to be applied to the area.
Two external ‘Fire Exit’ signs are required. One to be placed above the North hall door and one above the fire exit door leading from the main hall into the car park.
9 Report regarding the gas supply to the hall.
The clerk has received a reply from E-on informing her that E-on does not service organisations supplied by independent gas transporters. The clerk will contact British Gas as they do.
10 Low level lights placed off the parking area.
Three of these have been broken, decision to be made regarding their repair/replacement.
It was agreed to look into the costings of LED floodlights to operate off the current supply.
11 To receive advice from a professional regarding the gate to the staircase to the 1st floor being adapted for use and hinged to the stairwell. Following which a resolution to be made to accept a quote for the work.
The arranged meeting with a local carpenter had not taken place. This will happen at a later date. In the meantime another contractor will be contacted for a quote.
12 Consideration of charges to be made to non profit making organisations.
It was agreed to recommend to the Parish Council that it supports these groups by accepting fifty percent of any profits made after the deduction of any expenses incurred. CH will draft the proposal before the next Parish Council meeting.
13 Update on bookings to date.
Report on hirings and events since the last VH Committee meeting, and an update on future bookings. (Including highlights and any comments from hirers).
The clerk tabled copies of the village hall diary for members to view. The hall will be closed for all hirings from the 2nd November to the 15th November inclusive.
Bookings are being taken for Christmas activities. The committee agreed that the Parish council will sponsor a village Christmas carol service at the hall, supplying mince pies, teas and coffees. DP will liaise with the village school regarding this.
13 Request received from the leader of the Brownie group to store the divisions’ tents etc on the premises.
It was agreed to store the seven tents, boxed, under the stage. It will be pointed out to the pack leader that these will not be covered by the Parish council’s insurance
15 Comparison of hall income over expenditure.
The clerk tabled the spreadsheet showing the comparison, pointing out that October’s figures were arrived at as being the total invoiced out for the month. As only one bank statement is received each month it is not possible to produce ‘live’ income figures.
16 Matters for future consideration.
16.1 To consider external window cleaning.
16.2 To decide upon an organisation to undertake the maintenance of the fire equipment.
16.3 The purchase of the internal mats necessary at the 3 fire exit doors in the main hall, the kitchen door and the North hall door.
17 Date of next meeting.
17th November 2015.
Close of meeting.
The meeting closed at 21.15.
Signed: Date:
Minutes of the PEPC Village Hall Committee
meeting held on the 20.10.2015