Councillors: M D Lowe (Chairman)

D E Atterbury N B Bedder

J Brown S R Brown

M Brookes S A Coombe

W B Coupe R E Davies

D J Hill D Maguire

J Parker B J Seaton

C A Wooding

ALSO PRESENT: The Clerk and Deputy Clerk

5 Members of the Public

PCSO – Harkerat

APOLOGIES: Cllrs: F Osman


PRESENT: Councillors: M D Lowe (Chairman)

R Davies

D Maguire

N Bedder (MBE)

S Brown

B J Seaton

D J Hill

ALSO PRESENT: The Deputy Clerk & Assistant Clerk

1. To Receive apologies for Absence: None

2. Disclosures of Interest - To receive disclosures from Members and Officers and the nature of those interests as specified In respect of items on this agenda.

Councillor Brown declared an interest in any business concerning Miss S Brown

Councillor Lowe declared and interest in any business concerning Max Lowe and Macorley Lowe.

Councillor Hill declared an interest in any business concerning Mrs R Hill

3. Monthly Expenditure Report – Mrs G M Smith

ACCOUNTS: Expenditure: The Deputy Clerk presented cheque no’s 110930 - 110940 for invoices and petty cash and direct debits totalling £37,024.98

It was proposed and seconded that the Council approves the expenditure.

Resolved: the motion was carried.

4. Monthly Income Report - Mrs G M Smith

The Deputy Clerk presented income reports for October.

It was proposed and seconded that the Council accepts the accounts.

Resolved: The motion was carried.

5. Bank Account Reconciliation Statements;

The Deputy Clerk agreed to forward copies of the bank Account Reconciliation Statements for September.

Resolved: Councillors considered and approved the reports.

6. General Precept 2017 – 2018

The Deputy Clerk presented the draft precept for consideration. A discussion took place and it was proposed and seconded that the Council approves The General Precept for the consideration of the Full Council.

Resolved: the motion was carried.

7. Correspondence

Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal

Confirmed and signed this day of 2016


Chairman Councillor M D Lowe welcomed all to the November meeting of the Council.

1. To Receive Apologies for Absence:

Councillors: F Osman

2. Disclosures of Interest – (In respect of items on this Agenda):

Councillor Lowe declared an interest in any Business concerning Charnwood Borough Council.

Councillor Seaton declared an interest in any Business concerning Charnwood Borough Council.

Councillor K Knaggs declared an interest in any Business concerning Leicestershire County Council.

Councillor Atterbury declared an interest in any business concerning the Royal British Legion.

Councillor Bedder MBE declared an interest in Leicestershire Police.

3. To receive reports from the Police

Copies of the monthly crime report figures for October were issued to all

Members of the Council. PCSO Harkerat explained the contents of the report answered questions from Councillors.

4. Public Participation - Maximum of 15 Minutes (Meeting adjourned)

Two members of the public expressed their concern about recent crimes including theft of tools from a van parked outside of their property and theft of a scooter with a value of £3000. Both women concerned expressed disappointment in the service received from the police.

Councillor Lowe explained that the Council has no jurisdiction over crimes and explained that the Council has concerns about Police Service cuts and lack of

Support received from the Police. The Parish Council has written to the Local Police and Crime Commissioner requesting meetings and expressing our concerns, however, a detailed reply is outstanding.

PCSO Harkerat Sanghera took part in the discussion and met with the residents

following Public Participation.

5. To confirm and sign the minutes of the meeting of Parish Council Tuesday 11th October 2016 Pages 76 - 84

(make corrections amendments) to be signed by the Chairman end).

It was proposed and seconded that the minutes and resolutions therein be

adopted as a true and correct record.

Resolved: The motion was carried.

6. To confirm and sign the minutes of the Environmental Committee Tuesday 25th October 2016 Pages 85 – 88

Page 85 correction – Representatives of CBC street cleaning department will attend meeting on 29th November not 22nd.

It was proposed and seconded that the minutes and resolutions therein be adopted

as a true and correct record.

The Clerk reported that there is an error on page 85 as the next meeting of the

Environmental Committee will be on 29th November not 22nd November.

Resolved: with the above amendment, the motion was carried.

7. To confirm and sign the minutes of the Leisure Centres Committee Tuesday 25th October 2016 Pages 89 - 91

It was proposed and seconded that the minutes and resolutions therein be adopted as a true and correct record.

Page 90: Councillor Atterbury reported a typing error on page 90 – Play Equipment grant funding available up to the value of £10K (not £10).

Resolved: with the above amendment, the motion was carried.

8. Watermead Regeneration Project

The Clerk reported that in accordance with the Councils instructions she had responded to the consultation in full support of the proposals.

Information relating to the Watermead Regeneration project was issued to councillors at the last meeting of the Council including:-

·  Invitation to Watermead Regeneration Action Plan Partner Launch Event

·  Watermead Regeneration Corridor – Draft Regeneration Framework Action Plan.

Suggestions are required by 18th November so that they can be addressed before te event and attendance to the event needs to be confirmed by 25th November. To date we have reserved places for Councillor Lowe, Councillor Seaton and the Clerks.

At the last meeting of the Council, it was agreed that Councillors consider the contents of the document and return with comments/questions for inclusion in the Councils response if required.

Resolved: No comments submitted to date, any comments for inclusion to be submitted to the Clerk by 17th November latest.

9. Street Cleaning Issues – The Clerk

The Clerk reported that Gemma Chapman and Julie Byrne Cleansing Contract Officers will attend the next meeting of the Environmental Committee on 29th November as per Councillor Seaton’s request. Gemma has requested information prior to the meeting relating to any particular areas within the villae where we have concerns about litter and street cleaning service.

Resolved: Comments to be forwarded to the Clerk as soon as possible before 28th November.

10. Precept 2017 – 2018 update – The Clerk

The Environmental Committee and the General Committee have prepared their precepts for the approval of Full Council at the December or January meeting. The Memorial and Cemetery Committee and Leisure Centre and Parks Committees will finalise their precepts at the November Committee Meeting. Charnwood Borough Counil have again reduced the Council Tax support grant by £9,460.00, effecting a 3.4% raise on the precept. We are aiming to achieve no increase on Parish Council expenditure for the next precept, however, reduction of the support grant will impact an increase.

11. Planning Applications


60 Church Hill Road, Thurmaston

Erection of single storey side and rear extensions, porch to front and proposed

outbuilding to rear of dwelling.

Resolved: No comment


52 Winster Drive

Erection of two storey extension to rear of dwelling

Resolved: No comment


190 Humberstone Lane, Thurmaston

Erection of porch to front elevation of dwelling and alterations to roof including

raising of existing roof height and provision of new pitched roof.

Resolved: No comment

12. Correspondence


Leicestershire Anniversary Event

Invitation to anniversary event to celebrate CPRE Leicestershire’s 80th Birthday as well

as the 90th anniversary of the CPE Movement.

Watch a screening of the 1970s film: Leicestershire – a heritage at risk.

Listen to a talk by Oliver Hilliam – author of “22 Ideas that saved the English


Resolved: Please contact the Clerk to book a place if you wish to attend

Charnwood Borough Council

Letter received from BT regarding Payphones in Thurmaston

Dear Mrs Kunne


We have received a letter which asks for comments as part of the current

Consultation being carried out by BT on the removal of a number of public phone

Boxes in the Borough. As part of the process it is a requirement that the Borough

Council responds formally to this consultation and it is therefore seeking views from a

number of stakeholders before doing so. The Borough Council is therefore writing

to all Parish/Town Councils that are affected.

Notices have also been placed on the affected phone boxes by BT.

BT is undertaking the consultation against a background of a significant decrease in

use of public phone boxes. The information attached to this letter setting out the

phone boxes that BT is proposing to remove in your area includes details of the

number of calls made from each of them in the last 12 months.

There are 3 responses that can be made to the consultation in respect of each

phone box:

1.  Agree to the removal of the phone box

2.  Adopt the phone box

3.  Object to the removal of the phone box

If your Council wirough Coushes to adopt a phone box then I will provide BT with your

contact details and they will contact you in due course.

Reasons would need to be provided for any objections. Those reasons should

In particular relate to the facors set out in guidance from Ofcom. These

include the number and type of households in the surrounding area, the likelihood of the phone box being used for emergency calls, if for example it is located near an accident blackspot, the local mobile phone signal and the takings for the phone box. A copy of the Ofcom guidance is attached for information.

I have attached a table listing the phone box(es) in your area that are

proposed to be removed. Responses can be made until Thursday 15th December 2016 by completing the table, noting one of the thee options for

each phone box and,, if you wish to object, your reasons for doing so, and returning it to me.

The Telephone Kiosk concerned is located on Sandiacre Drive and the number of calls in the last 12 months is 8.

However to enable the Borough Council to carry out the other stages of the process I would be very grateful if you could let me know your initial thoughts by Friday 18th November 2016.

Please let me know if you have any questions or require any further information.

A discussion took place with Councillors expressing views both in favour and against retaining the phone box.

Resolved: A vote took place and with 5 Councillors voting in favour of retaining the phone box and 9 Councillors voting against, it was agreed that the Council would support the removal of the phone box.

John Storer House Charnwood

Notice of the next meeting of Charnwood VCS Forum

Tuesday 29th November 10am – 12 at Johns Storer House, Wards End, Loughborough

Please inform the Clerk if you would like to attend.

Jalkesh Amin

Thurmaston Pharmacy, Melton Road

Dear Mrs Kunne

I have sent the letter below as an email to Mr E Argar

In brief the NHS has announced funding cuts that will ultimately lead to the closure of pharmacies. I believe that Thurmaston Pharmacy will be eligible to the “Pharmacy Access Scheme” (PhAS) fund which will help balance the ddrastic funding cuts that will take place from December 2016.

Currently we are not eligible for the fund ecause other pharmacies are within a mile (Boots at Thurmaston shopping centre and Pattani chemist net to the Manor Medical and Thurmaston Health Centre) however a review process is in place.

We are the only pharmacy in the village and many patients rely on us for the free services we provide. The funding cuts will effect the number of staff we can employ and have a direct effect on the services we provide. Many of our patients are housebound and benefit from our free “collection and delivery service” and would find it a great inconvenience to cross the dual carriageway to gain access to other pharmacy services if we were to close.

The application for the PhaS and any supporting letters need to be sent to

Yours sincerely

Mr Jalkesh Amin

A discussion took place and it was proposed and seconded that the Council responds to the review in support of Thurmaston Pharmacy and the services they provide.

Resolved: The motion was carried.

Letter – Thurmaston Scouts re Christmas Lights event

We are the fast team, a part of Thurmaston Scouts & Guides. We are coordinating the lights up in Thurmaston Village this year on Sunday 4th December 2016 from 2pm to 5pm.

We would like to ask permission to provide pony rides on grassed area behind the memorial hall in Thurmaston village from 2pm – 4.15pm.

We propose to have two ponies available on the day for pony rides.

The name of the company we propose to use is Pretty Pony Parties

I have attached copies of their risk assessment and insurance documents. Could you please confirm as soon as possible your permission for us to go ahead.

We look forward to hearing from you (please see contact details below).

A discussion took place and it was proposed and seconded that the Council approves the request.

Resolved: the motion was carried.

13. To receive reports from the Clerk and Councillors (for information only)

To remind Councillors of Thurmaston Remembrance day on Sunday 13th November. Copies of the Parade details were issued at the October meeting of the Council.

Christmas dinner everyone has now kindly confirmed their attendance and we need to pay £5 per head deposit by the end of this week.

Payment and menu choices required as follows:-

Councillor Mark Lowe & Guest – Choice of menu £5 per head deposit

Councillor Brenda Seaton & Guest – £5 per head deposit

Councillor Matt Brookes – choice of menu £5 deposit

Councillor Cyril Wooding – choice of menu £5 deposit