Minutes of the Meeting of the Sutton Bonington Parish Council held in the Village Hall on Monday 6th July 2015 commencing at 7.30pm

Present: E.M. Raven (in the Chair), F. Clarke, J Barton, B. Pickering, T.W. Holt, C. Hellier

& D. Etherton

Apologies: Councillor A. Brown, J Bradshaw & R. Ereminowicz

2 members of the public

15.88 Minutes.

The Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 1st June 2015 as circulated, were agreed and signed as a true record of the business transacted.

No action required.

15.89 Matters Arising.

1) Item 15.61 - Delegates & Representatives – D. Etherton has agreed to act as a representative on the ELMG Participation Group.


Nicky Tyler to be informed

Delegate & Representative register to be updated.

2) Item 15.87/2 Pasture Lane – Nottinghamshire County Council have written to the residents concerned with regard to the possibility of enforcement action/recovery costs. Further discussions are to take place.

No Action Required

3) Item 15.87/3 – Park Lane speeding traffic – Nottinghamshire County Council have stated that traffic calming measures are now accident led with the criteria being 3 serious/fatal accidents in 3 years, this has not occurred on Park Lane. For a flashing interactive speed sign the criteria is 250 vehicles in one hour in one direction at peak time with 85% of the vehicles exceeding 35mph. Nottinghamshire County Council have agreed to consider Park Lane for a flashing interactive sign using the results of the survey carried out in December 2013 or are happy to carry out a new survey this year.


Defer until September meeting

3) Item15.88/1 – Defibrillator at Zouch had tripped electrically but the cabinet is working fine. Restoration work is to be carried out on three cabinets


Handyman to be contacted

15.90 Policing Matters

/1. Crime Reports:


Burglary - 1

Car - 0

Other - 0


Burglary - 0

Car - 1

Other - 0

No action required

/2. Police Concerns

No concerns.

No action required.

/3. Community Speed Watch/Speed Trolley: There are currently some technical hitches with the new community speed equipment. PC Warwick will be in touch as soon as the equipment is functioning. Concern was raised as to what the technical hitch is and how long it will take to resolve the problem as the Parish Council are keen to start using the equipment.


Clerk to contact PC Warwick

15.91 Planning

17.15 / 23 Bollards Lane
Sutton Bonington / Crown lift Ash tree to 7 metres from the ground / Do Not Object
18.15 / Dairy Farmhouse
Dairy Centre
Melton Lane
Sutton Bonington / Temporary change of use (up to 5 years) of Dairy of Nottingham dairy centre to geological test facility; drilling of up to 15 boreholes for geological education and research; Associated structures and equipment (max 15m) / Do Not Object
19.15 / Brookland House
4 Park Lane
Sutton Bonington / Erection of two storey dwelling (revised design following approval (Ref 14/00338/ful) / Object – due to the intrusion on properties which already have planning permission on Barrington Court. There will be loss of amenity and privacy to these properties should an increased provision of windows on the first and second floors overlooking Barrington Court be granted
20.15 / 33 Landcroft Lane
Sutton Bonington / Rear extension and alterations to dwelling. Dwelling remains single storey, extension no higher than existing with accommodation provided within the new roof space. / Do Not Object
21.15 / 18 Landcroft Lane
Sutton Bonington / Demolish stable building and re-build as holiday cottage, including extensions. / Do Not Object
22.15 / Land between
11 & 17 Orchard Close
Sutton Bonington / Development of 3 dwellings, 2 x 2 semi-detached dwellings and 1 x 3 bed detached dwelling. / Object – it is not sympathetic to the character and appearance of the neighbouring buildings and surrounding area by virtue of its density, scale, height, massing, layout and materials. It would lead to an over-intensive form of development, would be overbearing in relation to neighbouring properties and would lead to undue overshadowing and loss of privacy. (We would refer you to the principal reason for approving planning application 13/00770/ful).Concern over the lack of off street parking in an area which is already stressed with on street parking.
23.15 / Wayside
5 College Road
Sutton Bonington / Details of appearance, landscaping, layout and scale for one house on the development on Plot 1 and details of the layout and marking of car parking along with turning provision for a fire appliance adjacent to Plot 1 / Do Not Object

/2 Decisions:

16.15 / Kirk Hill Bridge
Rempstone Road
Normanton on Soar / Application for prior approval of detailed plans and specifications for replacement bridge / Grant Prior Approval
17.15 / 23 Bollards Lane
Sutton Bonington / Crown lift Ash tree to 7 metres from the ground / Grant Consent

No action required.

/3 Other Planning Issues.

No report

No action required.

15.92 Correspondence and Reports.

/1 Highway Matters:

/a. NCC Report.

1)  Bus stop Gables Lea/Main Street a work order has been issued and will include a raised kerb, hard standing area along with a bus stop clearway.

No action required.

2)  Knotweed on Landcroft Lane - The Cyclical Maintenance Manager has confirmed that the knotweed will be treated in August as this is the optimum time for addressing Knotweed growth.

No action required.

3)  Barrier on the Fisherman’s car park has been damaged – Nottinghamshire County Council have been informed.

No action required.

/b. Drainage:

1)  Work on the drainage through the village is to commence late October

2)  Canals and Rivers Trust are to be asked for an update on the Navigation Dyke work.


Clerk to contact the Canals and River Trust

/2 Transport Matters (Rail & Bus)

/a. LANRAC – Electrification of the Midland Mainline – T W Holt is to submit an objection on behalf of LANRAC highlighting concerns over the loss of the program to electrify the Midland Mainline. A meeting is to be held on 14th July with local Council members directly affected by the pausing of the program. A meeting with East Midland Trains will be held on 15th July.


T W Holt to provide a written summary of the meetings at the next PC meeting.

/b. Bridge Works –Station Road has been cancelled – email from NCC circulated

1)  Kirk Hill - Email from Penny Jones regarding lack of consultation with over the closure of Kirk Hill Bridge was circulated. The businesses on Hathernware Industrial Estate have not been consulted and were not included in the letter drop re the presentation from Network Rail.

No action required

2)  County Bridge – Leicestershire County Council are proposing to use display exhibition boards to notify the general public of the proposals. The exhibition will be open from 8.30am – 8.30pm for 2 weeks at the end of August and will be unmanned apart from both Thursdays when there will be officers from Leicestershire County Council available to answer any queries. It is proposed that the work will begin in the summer of 2016. It was proposed that the display could be housed in either St. Michal’s Church or St. Anne’s Church. Exhibition to be advertised in the Village News, noticeboards and Village Website


Clerk to inform Leicestershire County Council

3)  Minutes of the meeting held 15th June 2015 with Peter Goode (NCC) were circulated

No action required

4)  Email from Tony Rivero Network Rail – confirming that the Midland Main Line electrification has been “paused”. At present this means that all non-committed work will cease until further notice – this also includes the works at Station Road. However the Syston to Stoke gauge clearance is still going ahead and this will also require some bridge alterations, but not to the same extent as the electrification. Once it has been established which bridges will be affected by the gauge clearance and the likely level of work/road closures involved Network Rail will of course let the Parish Council know. The current prior approval applications for Kirk Hill and Bowleys, along with the LBC for Nottingham Road in Loughborough, will be taken through to determination so as to establish the principle of re-construction, though it is likely that Network Rail will have to re-apply for them if the overall project is postponed for more than three years.

No action required

/3. NCC

/a. Broadband – Concern was raised regarding the lack of signal on Landcroft Lane possibly due to the distance from the cabinet. Residents should enter their telephone number into the Broadband checker and it will provide the list of services that you can receive with regard to upgrading their telephone line.

No action required

/b. Documents regarding the latest consultation from the Boundary Commission with regard to the electoral arrangements for Nottinghamshire County Council were circulated. The consultation period runs from 9th June 2015 to 10th August 2015. Comments are to be submitted to

No action required

/c. County Councillor Report:

No report

No action required.

/4 RBC Items.

/a. Borough Councillor Report.

No report

No action required.

/5 NALC, RCAN & Voluntary Organisations.

No report

No action required.

/6 Any Other Correspondence.

No report.

No action required

15.93 Receipts and Payments

/1 Payments

DD / Eon / £27.00
2969 / Playsafety Ltd / £88.80
2970 / Glasdon Ltd / £100.80
2971 / S G Faulks / £242.00
2972 / J Faulks Expenses / £58.18
2973 / AA Stationers / £69.29
2975 / D Betts / £182.40
2976 / J Faulks / £894.64
2977 / Inland Revenue / £124.02

/2. Receipts

Allotment rent / £470.00
SBSC / £250.00
SBVFC / £435.00

/3.Other Financial Matters

/a. One year bond has matured and the £20,000 is to be reinvested in a one year business bond with Nationwide.

No action required.

15.94 Pavilion & Playing Field

/a. Report.

1)  Dog Fouling notice has been retrieved from the ditch and has been re-erected.

No action required.

15.95 Spinney & Meadows Nature Reserve

1) Meadows have been mowed and the hay bailed.

2) Noticeboard on the meadows requires the grass around the board strimming

3) A fire has been lit in the spinney near to the playschool area


S G Faulks to strim around the noticeboard

15.96 Village News Items.

1) Update on the railway bridge work

2) Notice re the LCC exhibition re the County Bridge

No action required.

15.97 Allotments

1) Minutes of the Committee meeting held 15.06.15 were circulated. A request was received to infill the ruts on the track leading up to the allotment field. The Parish Council do not own the track and it was felt that the ruts were not deep enough to cause concern.

No action required.

2) Mr Parry has agreed to reduce the height of his compost heap following a complaint from the resident on Park Lane. Mr Parry would like to have permission to burn weeds on his allotment. There are no restrictions as to bonfires as long as consideration is given to adjacent properties and that the direction of the wind is taken into consideration. A request was also made for the erection of a shed on the allotment garden.


Permission for a shed was granted. Design and size to be approved by J. Bradshaw


Letter to Mr Parry

15.98 Community Orchard

No report

No action required.

15.99  Doctors Surgery

1)  Circulated email from East Leake Medical Group regarding the new opening hours, details have been placed on the village website

2)  Letter from Rushcliffe Borough Council was circulated.

3)  Reported discussion between Nicky Tyler and Mrs James. Letter has been sent to East Leake Medical Group asking for further details.

No action required.

15.100  Nottingham University- Sutton Bonington Campus

1)  Email was sent to Andrew Nolan regarding the parking of buses on Landcroft Lane.

2)  Request for the hedge at the bottom of Landcroft Lane requires cutting back due to restricting visibility at the junction.


Letter to Andrew Nolan

15.101  Matters of Report.

1)  Saplings planted on Park Lane have died due to lack of water. Trees are to be replaced in the Autumn.

No action required.

2)  Two seats around the Jubilee Tree require the wood replacing. A quotation has been obtained from Delegate Services for replacing of the wood at £460.


Quotation agreed. Cllr Brown to be approached regarding a grant for the work


Clerk to contact Cllr Brown

3)  Railings around the Jubilee tree require wire brushing and repainting.


Clerk to contact the Village Handyman

4)  Pasture Lane noticeboard requires a new back board, it was proposed that cork tiles be used.


Clerk to contact the Village Handyman

5)  Complaint raised re parents from the school double parking on the footpath outside 7, 9 & 11 Park Lane, which nearly resulted in a child being knocked over. PC Warwick to be informed and asked to visit the site during school dropping off /collecting times and to let the Clerk know of her findings and any action taken.


Clerk to contact PC Warwick

Next Meeting to be held Monday 7th September 2015 at 7.30pm in the Village Hall. Meeting closed at. 21.28 pm