July 19, 2017
Present: John Schnebly, President Board Absent: Ellie Doub
Kathleen Poole Al Martin
Brendan Fitzsimmons
Katherine Oliver
Greg Snook
George Stone
Margaret Trader
Staff Present: Mary Baykan
Kathleen O’Connell
Elizabeth Hulett
Sara McCall
The meeting was called to order at 12:02 p.m. by the President, Mr. Schnebly.
Original Hancock stock certificates were given to Mr. Fitzsimmons for transfer to RBC for financial oversight.
The minutes of the May 10, 2017 meeting of the Board of Trustees were reviewed. Motion to accept was made by Mr. Snook; seconded by Ms. Oliver and unanimously approved by the Board with the attendance correction that Mr. George Stone was present at the May meeting.
Director’s Report
Maryland librarians took part in a major campaign by the American Library Association to save the Institute of Libraries and Museum Services (IMLS) which was zeroed out in the President’s proposed budget. IMLS provides grant funding to state libraries who provide funding to public libraries for staff development and training.
We received final funding figures from the State and County. The state provided a funding increase based on our current population/poverty levels. The County funded WCFL at the requested levels for FY 18.
WCFL, Garrett and Allegany Counties are participating in a facility needs study funded by a State library grant with IMLS funds. This grant is overseen by our Regional Library. Results will be forthcoming shortly.
Ms. Baykan and the Superintendent of Washington County Board of Education signed an MOU giving every student in Washington County Public Schools a “library card.” Using their student ID, students can now check out up to three books at a time fine free. This has been in effect for one month and we are monitoring to see what impact, if any, this will have on reading patterns of school age children.
At our budget presentation to the County Commissioners, Ms. Baykan highlighted the unsafe handicapped walkway conditions at the Williamsport Branch. The County, with funding support from the Town of Williamsport, recently completed the process of replacing the front sidewalk and handicapped walkway leading to the library. This is the good news. The bad news, neither the County nor the Town advised the Library the project was out for bid for the repairs, let alone the start of demolition. We learned of the project one day before demolition was to start, leaving no access into the library. We had to quickly come up with procedures to transfer books waiting for pick-up, reroute deliveries, suspend fines and advertise the closure. The project concluded sooner than the projected one month time frame allowing the Williamsport Branch to reopen within one week of closure.
Ms. Baykan invited the board to the annual Citizens for Maryland Libraries meeting for trustees on Saturday, October 14th at the Laurel Branch of Prince Georges County from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. The title of this year’s meeting is, “Supporting your Library during Challenging Times.” Senator Mike Miller will be a guest speaker.
Assistant Director’s Report
Summer Reading Club (SRC) is in full swing and still accepting registrations. Statistics are down from last year’s SRC.
Comic Con is scheduled for August 5, 2017.
Ms. O’Connell is working with the supervisors to update the Policies and Procedures Manual and the Staff handbook. We have completed the Circulation section.
On July 18, 2017, Ms. O’Connell and Ms. Baykan will meet with the Gaming Commission to defend the grant proposal for funds for the fixtures and furnishings at the new Hancock branch. We have received grant funds from The Gaming Commission for the Hancock project which we have been allowed to “bank” until the funds are expended as the project progresses.
Associate Director, WMRL
WMRL received over $120,000 in IMLS (Institute for Museum and Library Services) funds. These funds paid for the Salaries Survey, Facilities Study and Staff Training. The Facilities Study was planned to start over one year from now. With these funds, the facilities study is anticipated to be finished by September 30, 2017.
Increased Staff Development and Training Grant for FY 18.
Financial Statement
In Mr. Martin’s absence, Ms. Baykan reviewed the Draft June 30, 2017 financials for the board. Revenues are ahead of projections. Savings were in salaries due to senior staff members retiring, replacement staff being hired at beginning pay scales and waiting to fill positions. Being the final statement for the fiscal year, she reminded the Board that the unexpended balance would not all be available.
$283,912.96 rollover available on 6/30 Financial
($ 70,000.00) transfer to FY 2018 budget
$213,912.96 projected final rollover to be transferred to after Audit
Ms. Baykan advised that the auditors will begin the annual audit in August.
Ms. Baykan recommended setting aside the funds for the Hancock building project upon completion of the audit to help with project cash flow under the pay go reimbursement practice.
Ms. Oliver moved and Ms. Poole seconded to accept the financial statements for audit. This motion was approved unanimously.
Old Business
The board discussed the slight decline in circulation statistics. Of concern was Keedysville, our smallest branch. The board discussed what could be done to help increase usage. Ms. Baykan advised the hours at Keedysville were adjusted based on a survey. Ms. O’Connell advised the summer reading club Critters and Conservation program brought over 100 people to the park.
Hancock Update
Ms. Baykan provided the board with the construction bid tabulations from the County. Ms. Baykan requested financials for the contractors. The County would like approval to proceed with Eagle Construction Company (ECC) from Greencastle, PA as project contractor. Ms. Baykan gave copies to Mr. Reynolds and Mr. Martin to review. Both the County and Mr. Reynolds are familiar with the company, ECC has a very good reputation and the reference checked out. Mr. Fitzsimmons inquired on ECC’s change order history when reviewing the difference in bids.
With discussion, the board agreed to proceed with ECC as project contractor with the following stipulations:
· WCFL is to co-sign beside the county or architect on any change order within a designated percentage limit.
· Clarification that the County is providing construction management oversight.
· Surety Bond procured by ECC with dual obligator of WCFL and Washington County.
· Project liability insurance for the project include WCFL under the requirement.
· Bills should be submitted to WCLF using the industry standard AIA forms after being reviewed and signed off by the architect and the county.
The Mr. Fitzsimmons moved to accept ECC as contractor for the Hancock Library with the above stated stipulations. Motion was carried with the exception of Mr. George Stone.
Boonsboro Solar Panels
The Boonsboro Solar Panels were a gift from the Nora Roberts Foundation. Historical electricity billings were provided to the board showing cost reduction from fiscal year 2012 to fiscal year 2017 at 49.86%. The board has interest in partnering on future projects with cost savings.
New Business
No new business
Board Comments:
All members present stated their thanks for the work being done.
Ms. Trader appreciated the history on the Boonsboro Solar Panels.
Meeting adjourned at 1:17 with a motion from Mr. Schnebly and seconded by Mr. Fitzsimmons.
The next regular meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, September 13, 2017 at 12:00 noon, Board Room, Administrative Office, Alice Virginia & David W. Fletcher Branch.