Minutes of the Meeting of the Powys Branch of SLCC

Wednesday 9th March 2011 at the Sports Hall, Llandrindod Wells


  • Ed Humphreys (Chairman), Gwilym Rippon, Jane Johnston, Yvonne Charker, Rodger Garratt


Alan Loveridge, Jane Rees, Peter Kirk, Steve Geary, Glenys Smith, Gail Rofe, Gwyneth Davies, Tracey Price


  • Jim Griffiths (Co-ordinating Officer for Wales)


The Chairman welcomed members and visitors to the meeting and informed those present that the Secretary was unable to attend. Jane Johnston agreed to take the minutes in her absence.

2. GUEST SPEAKER – LYN CADWALLADER, Chief Executive One Voice Wales

Mr Cadwallader had not arrived so it was agreed to continue with the agenda in his absence.


The minutes of the meeting held on 3rd November 2010 were approved and signed as a correct record, subject to amendment as follows:

Item 13 – should be “One Voice Wales Chief Executive, Lyn Cadwallader.”


Rodger reported the current financial situation:

  • Balance at 01/01/11£205.71
  • Capitation Grant received£218.75 (35 members @ £6.25)
  • Current balance£424.46
  • There is one outstanding invoice from PCC for £31.51 for room hire July 2010 AGM. Rodger indicated he was unable to contact the Secretary so there may be some secretarial expenses also.
  • Roger highlighted the importance of using funds available during 2011 in order for Branch to continue to receive Capitation


The Chairman had prepared a written report (previously circulated) on this event and highlighted a few areas at the meeting. The cost of the conference was £198 and was run over 2 days. There were a series of workshops to choose and plenary sessions at the end of each day from, which he found interesting and informative. He felt the event was extremely well organised and presented the Society as an extremely professional and well-resourced organisation. The Chairman reported that next year the event will be held in Daventry and recommended that members try and attend this event. He would be happy to car share with any local members who might be interested in attending. Gwilym had also attended and echoed the Chairman’s comments.


Gwilym reported attendance at training session in London on 10th December 2010 on the new CiLCA Training Guide, and the launch of the new Portfolio. This training cost is £150.

Jim Griffiths mentioned that this differs from the English version on 2 points. He also stated that CiLCA will be the expected minimum qualification requirement for new Clerks and this should be included in any Job Descriptions with an expectation that this will be completed within 18 months of commencing the role of Clerk. Established Clerks will not be expected to obtain this qualification, however he felt it would be beneficial to Clerks and their Councils.

Gwilym explained, after a request from Jane, about the ‘Working with your Council’ qualification which costs £160. He will be running a training event for this in Llandrindod Wells in June and July.

Gwilym also explained the Bursary system following questions from members. SLCC will award a bursary of up to a maximum of £100 to Councils with a precept of under £40,000. This is available to Clerks (via SLCC) and Councillors (via OVW). This is limited to one per Council per financial year, and cannot be applied for retrospectively. Clerks who work for multiple Councils may apply on behalf of each Council. Gwilym indicated that the bursary is likely to continue in 2011-12.

Some members present indicated they would like to have Allotment training. Gwilym would feed this information back.

Jim informed members that there will be training shortly through Planning Aid Wales in Castle Caereinon.


Gwilym had prepared a written report (previously circulated). He mentioned the ‘Shropshire matter’ and confirmed that there is an investigation taking place.

The interviews for the new CEO of SLCC will take place on 29th & 30th March, there are now 9 applicants for this post. Other matters highlighted included:

  • Possibility fort a change of title of the Society
  • Position and standing of locums is not clear
  • Some Clerks are being made redundant and then offered the post on unpaid basis. SLCC will issue guidelines. Jim asked that Clerks alert SLCC to any occurrence


Members had no further questions.


The Chairman asked members for ideas for this year’s programme. Several suggestions were made i.e. Digital Mapping event, trips out, Planning Portal and other training. Anyone with ideas should feed these back to the Chairman. The Chairman agreed to contact Debra Jarvis (Powys CC Planning Liaison Officer) regarding training on the Planning Portal.


The Chairman drew members’ attention to matters as follows:

  • The Chairman circulated a list of books available, from SLCC some of which he had purchased at the conference.
  • He asked if any members had attended the recent OVW training sessions. Jane reported that the 3 sessions she had booked had subsequently been cancelled. The Chairman had also experienced this.
  • Jim informed members that the recently published requirement for Councils with expenditure of £500 to publicise this does not apply in Wales.
  • Jim reported that there have been 3 incidences of Clerks being handed redundancy notices and subsequently offered the posts on a voluntary basis, 2 of these were smaller Councils. He confirmed the SLCC are now taking this matter up.

It was confirmed to hold Branch meetings in March, July (AGM), September and November each year at Llandrindod Wells. The September meeting was set for 14th September 2011.

Gwilym suggested that a strong letter of disappointment be sent to Lyn Cadwallader for not notifying members of his non attendance. The Chairman would contact One Voice Wales to establish the reason behind this prior to sending a letter.

The Chairman thanked Jim for attending the meeting and all other members.


  • Thursday 14th July 2011 AGM, Llandrindod Wells Sports Centre (SLCC President attending)
  • Wednesday 14th September, Llandrindod Wells Sports Centre (to be confirmed after contact with Planning Liaison Officer)

Meeting ended 8.10pm

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