TELS Learning Cities Audit Tool – draft 4- 15/3/00


The TELS project is a survey of Learning Cities, Towns and Regions in Europe. In its first year it studied 6 cities from different European countries and analysed in depth their progress towards becoming a City implementing Lifelong Learning concepts in 9 domains affecting the life and work of their citizens. It reported back at a Helsinki conference in Autumn 1999. In the second year the survey is to be expanded to 100 cities, using the knowledge and outcomes of year one to refine the understanding and implementation processes. In this year too there will be four seminar/workshops, five forums for the interchange of opinion, ideas and experiences between professional groups, and an international conference to end the project – just as importantly, the project will start a European network of Learning Cities for the 21st century, exchanging ideas, opinions, activities, trade opportunities, insights etc in aour journey tworads creating a European Learning Society.

Each city in phase one had its own Lifelong Learning strengths. Some were more advanced in Lifelong Learning terms than others, but all were implementing projects to help their understanding and to prepare the way for future development. The study helped to highlight what they have done, and also what remains to be done in succeeding years. In year 2 the questionnaire is smaller and less detailed, but it retains the 9 domains, and cities and towns will learn much by completing it.

The Audit tool is designed as follows.

Part 1 asks general questions about the cities’ outlook on Lifelong Learning and their vision for development in the immediate future.

Part 2 asks more specific questions about progress and projects in the nine domains of a city's learning life. It is in the form of processable data – yes/no questions, tick lists etc -

In addition there are 'pool questions' within each domain - these request information, case studies and documentation information where there is an innovative project or where the city/town has a special contribution to make to the pool of European knowledge from which others can learn.

A further dimension allows the researchers to make their own observations on the survey they have carried out.

It is not expected that any city will have implemented even 50% of the content of the Auditing tool, but this is unimportant, since its completion is itself a learning process for city administrators into what a learning city could be, and will give new insights and ideas.

How to collect the data? First identify the questions which are easily answered - then identify where the incomplete information can be found - a person or a source of information. Finally identify the innovative Case Studies and enter the data here as described for pool questions below. Data is entered through the web. There are about 26 sections and subsections and the data should be entered in a complete subsection at a time. It cannot be altered once entered. How to do this will be explained at the seminars, as will the details of the questions.

'Pool' questions can be entered by entering the complete document or a relevant subset - or a numbered references (in the audit) may be made to a leaflet or document and this should be provided in a separate folder sent to Norman Longworth at Mas Oliver Sauveur, Chemin de Las Pharaderes, 66500 Eus, France - 2 copies please.

The Audit Tool requests information about 9 organisation types and 9 types of people, as follows. It is recognised that different cities have different methods for educational organisation and the best approximation should be used

Table 1. Organisation types Table 2. People Types

A. City Local Government Administration Departments A. Elected Representatives

B. Schools to 18 years old B. Children up to 18 years of age

C. Universities/Degree awarding Bodies C. Advice, support and guidance workers

D. Further/Vocational Education 18+ D. Teachers and lecturers

E. Non-vocational Community and Adult Education Organisations E. Public Sector Employees

F. Private Sector Business and Industry F. Private Sector employees

G. Educator/Teacher Training Institutions G. Third Age Retirees

H. Trades Unions/professional associations H. Excluded people - unemployed, disadvantaged etc

I. Other Organisations engaged in Learning I. Union/Association Representatives

J. All of the above J Other people engaged in Learning

K. None of the Above K. All of the above

L. None of the Above

Country Codes


2. Belgium

3. Bulgaria

4. Croatia

5. Czech Republic

6. Denmark

7. Estonia

8. Finland

9. France

10. Germany

11. Greece

12. Hungary

13. Ireland

14. Italy

15. Latvia

16. Lithuania

17. Luxemburg

18. Netherlands

19. Norway

20. Poland

21. Portugal

22. Romania

23. Russia

24. Slovakia

25. Slovenia

26. Sweden

27. United Kingdom

28. Other countries

Part 1 General Questions concerning your city.

1. General Information

1.0 Country Code

1.1 City Name …………………………….

1.2 Contact Name and address ……………………………..




Tel: …………………………….

Fax: …………………………….

Email …………………………….

1.3 Address of City Education department …………………………….



Contact name …………………………….

Tel: …………………………….

Fax:. …………………………….

Email: …………………………….

1.4 Population

1.4.1 20-50000

1.4.2 50-100000

1.4.3 100-150000

1.4.4 150-250000

1.4.5 More than 250000…

1.5 Number of Universities …………………

1.6 Number of Schools …………………….

1.7 Number of Teacher Training Orgs ……………………

1.8 Number of Adult Education establishments …………………..

1.9 Population in Education

1.9.1 schools ……………..

1.9.2 higher education ……………..

1.9.3 vocational education (for qualification) ……………..

1.9.4 general non-qualification education …….………

1.9.5 other …………….

1.10 Estimated percentage of population participating in learning activities …..

1.11 If there is any other information you feel is relevant to this section please put it here and into the question 1 pool under the heading 'xxxx (your town/city) additional general information'






Part 2, Section 2 - Commitment to a Learning City

2.1 City Strategy for Lifelong Learning

2.1.1 Does your city formally call itself a City of Learning or Lifelong Learning City? Yes/No

2.1.2 Does your city have a published lifelong learning strategy? yes/no If not, Is one in process? Yes/no

2.1.3 Which organisations are/were involved in putting it together? City Local Government Administration Departments ….. Schools to 18 years old ….. Universities/Degree awarding Bodies ….. Further/Vocational Education 18+ ….. Non-vocational Community and Adult Education Organisations ….. Private Sector Business and Industry ….. In/service and pre-service Teacher Training Institutions ….. Trades Unions/professional associations ….. Other Organisations engaged in Learning ….. All of the above ….. None of the Above …..

2.1.4 Has there been an official launch of the city as a Learning City? Yes/No/In process

Please put the executive summary or other details of the City strategy and other relevant data into the question 2 pool under the heading ‘2. xxxx Strategy’

2.1.5 Are you adding something into the pool here? Yes/No

2.2 Organisation of Lifelong Learning

2.2.1 Does the city have a lifelong learning committee? Yes/no/In process If yes, which organisation types are represented? (Table 1) City Local Government Administration Departments ….. Schools to 18 years old ….. Universities/Degree awarding Bodies ….. Further/Vocational Education 18+ ….. Non-vocational Community and Adult Education Organisations ….. Private Sector Business and Industry ….. Pre-Service and in-service Teacher Training Institutions, .. Trades Unions/professional associations ….. Other Organisations engaged in Learning ….. All of the above ….. None of the Above …..

2.2.2 And which people? Elected Representatives Children up to 18 years of age Advice, support and guidance workers Teachers and lecturers Public Sector Employees Private Sector employees Third Age Retirees Excluded people - unemployed, disadvantaged etc Union/Association Representatives Other people engaged in Learning All of the above None of the Above

2.2.3 Is there a person with a budget in sole charge of Lifelong Learning development for the City? Yes/no/in process

If yes, please put a job description into the question 2 pool under the heading ‘xxxx i/c Lifelong Learning’ Are you adding something into the pool here? Yes/No

2.2.4 Which organisation takes the responsibility for coordinating the lifelong learning effort in the city? Education Department… City Council…. Other - please state …………………..

2.2.5 Does the city lifelong learning plan involve non-education departments in the development of projects? Yes/ No/ No plan

2.3 City Lifelong Learning Charter

2.3.1 Does the City have a Lifelong Learning Charter describing its commitment to implementing Lifelong Learning solutions. (eg the ELLIcities Charter – annexe 1) Yes/No plans/in process

If yes Does it publicise this within the community? Yes/No

Please put the details of the city charter in the question 2 pool under the heading ' xxxx City/Town Charter'

2.3.2 Are you adding something into the pool here? Yes/No

2.4 Membership organisations and European Projects

2.4.1 Does the city belong to an organisation promoting lifelong learning in cities Yes/no

If yes please tick which ones …. Educating Cities ….. Eurocities ….. National Organisation ….. Other ….. Which…………….

2.4.2 Does any organisation in the city participate in European/national Projects specifically to promote or develop Learning Cities Yes/No

If yes please tick which Programme Socrates …… Leonardo …… Framework (research)…… Esprit …… Info Society …… Adapt …… National Project …… Other ……

Please say which………………………………………….

Please give details of innovative projects in the question 2 knowledge pool under the heading 'xxxxx Learning City projects'

2.4.3 Are you adding something into the pool here? Yes/No

2.5 The City as a Learning Organisations

A thumb-nail definition of a Learning Organisation might be ‘an organisation which actively encourages all its employees to participate in learning as a means of improving their well-being and productivity and does everything in its power to help them get into the habit of learning.’

2.5.1 In general which of the organisation types in table 1 might be so described in your city? City Local Government Administration Departments ….. Schools to 18 years old ….. Universities/Degree awarding Bodies ….. Further/Vocational Education 18+ ….. Non-vocational Community and Adult Education Organisations ….. Private Sector Business and Industry ….. Pre-Service and in-service Teacher Training Institutions, ….. Trades Unions/professional associations ….. Other Organisations engaged in Learning …..

2.5.2 What incentives/reward systems does the city administration put in place to reward learning among its own employees? payment of course fees financial rewards for successful completion time off to take courses extra holiday in lieu of payment other incentives/reward eg dinner for two None

Please give details of innovative examples in the Question 2 pool under the heading ‘xxxx incentives’

2.5.3 Are you adding something into the pool here? Yes/No

2.6 Quality and Standards

2.6.1 Which organisations in the city operate an externally validated organisational quality standards policy? eg ISO 9000, Investors in People (UK)? Customer’s Charter. (Table 1) City Local Government Administration Departments some/all/none….. Schools to 18 years old …..some/all/none Universities/Degree awarding Bodies …..some/all/none Further/Vocational Education 18+ some/all/none ….. Non-vocational Community and Adult Education Organisations …some/all/none.. Private Sector Business and Industry …..some/all/none Pre-Service and in-service Teacher Training Institutions, some/all/none ….. Trades Unions/professional associations …..some/all/none

2.6.2 Does the city administration actively recommend and facilitate formal quality standards within the learning providers under its control? Yes/no/in process

If possible please add details of innovative projects to the question 2 pool under the heading ‘xxxxx - Quality and Standards’

2.6.3 Are you adding something into the pool here? Yes/No

2.7 Lifelong Learning readiness

Which of the following organisation types, in your estimation, is the furthest advanced in the application of Lifelong Learning concepts. List the first 5 in order against the relevant letter below. (Researchers may wish to complete this question at the end of the survey)

2.7.1. City Local Government Administration Departments …..

2.7.2. Schools to 18 years old …..

2.7.3. Universities/Degree awarding Bodies …..

2.7.4. Further/Vocational Education 18+ …..

2.7.5. Non-vocational Community and Adult Education Organisations …..

2.7.6. Private Sector Business and Industry …..

2.7.7. Pre-Service and in-service Teacher Training Institutions, …..

2.7.8. Trades Unions/professional associations …..

What other evidence can you provide of your city’s commitment to developing a Lifelong Learning society? Please put this into the question 2 pool under the heading ‘xxxx Other Lifelong Learning developments’.

2.7.10 Are you adding something into the pool here? Yes/No

Part 2 Section 3 – Information Strategies

Information is vital to the development of a Learning City. If the consent of its citizens is important then modern, innovative strategies for keeping them informed and involved need to be utilised. These questions therefore relate to the way in which the City not only keeps its citizens informed but also actively empowers their thinking.

Promotional activities

3.1 Use of the Media -

Does the city actively promote and publicise itself as a Learning City by any of the following means?

3.1.1 Television Advertising about the city as a learning city

3.1.2 Developing a Video specifically publicising the city as a learning city

3.1.3 Radio Advertising about the city as a learning city

3.1.4 Frequent radio or TV programmes on the subject

3.1.5 Local Press Advertising about the Learning City

3.1.6 Special Articles on lifelong learning in the Local Press

3.1.7 Posters about lifelong learning in visible places

3.1.8 Special Promotional Events for Lifelong Learning

3.1.9 A Lifelong Learning logo usable by Learning Providers

3.1.10 Internet pages specifying the city as a Lifelong Learning City

3.1.11 Information points in Shopping Centres and other public places