Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council held on
Wednesday, 13th April, 2005 in the Village Hall
Present were: Mr Clark, Miss Collinson, Mrs Oliveira, Mr Perry, Mrs Burton and
Mrs Clark (Clerk).
1) Apologies for Absence
These had been received from Mrs Kesterton, Mr Rixson, and Cllr C. Down.
2) In Attendance
Cllr J. Whitehead.
3) Approval of the Minutes of the Previous Meeting
The minutes of the meeting held on 9th March, 2005 were agreed and signed
4) Matters Arising
a) Community Police Officer
The post-coding visit has been arranged for Saturday, 11th June in the Village Hall from 11.00am to 1.00pm. The Clerk was asked to publicize this event in the Five Parishes Magazine and on the noticeboards.
Action PC
b) Cranham Road Post Box
The Clerk and the Chairman had both spoken to the resident of The Old Shop who was happy for the post box to be moved away from the entrance to the property. The Clerk had written to Royal Mail, who had replied that there were no immediate plans to relocate the post box, but that siting of boxes was under constant review.
c) Cranham Road Potholes
The Clerk had written to Uttlesford, but there had been neither reply nor acknowledgement. The Clerk was asked to write again.
Action PC
d) East of England Regional Assembly Draft Plan
The Council’s response to the draft plan had been acknowledged. It was noted that two days before the close of the consultation period a proposal for a further 29,000 homes had been added.
5) Footpaths
There was nothing to report
6) Stansted Airport
a) Visit to Control Tower
The visit to the control tower schedule for 20th April had been cancelled by NATS for ‘operational reasons’. The Clerk had asked BAA to suggest some alternative dates.
The Clerk was continuing to press the Noise Monitoring Unit for details of the track deviation that had occurred on the day of the Council’s visit to the Unit.
b) Visit to Orbis
Nobody had been available to visit Orbis, the flying eye hospital, during its recent visit to the airport.
c) Takeley Challenge to H.O.S.S.
A newsletter dated 14th March had been received, stating that Takeley P.C. was planning to seek an oral review of its case sometime in the future.
d) SSE Runway Ramble & Grand Fete 26th June, 2005
The Council had been approached by SSE to have a stand at the Fete. Mr Clark reported that he was planning to take his ‘Krazy Kitchen’ crockery smashing stall . It was agreed to mount a display of photographs of property in the village that was blighted or threatened by the four runway options
Action All
7. Correspondence
a) Town and Parish Council Meeting with Uttlesford District Council
Notice had been received that the next meeting between Town and Parish Councils and Uttlesford District Council would be on Wednesday 4th May in Great Dunmow. Mrs Oliveira hoped to attend.
Action JO
b) Kerbside Recyclables
A letter had been received from Uttlesford’s Recycling Officer pointing out that the black and green recycling boxes should not contain surplus materials in black refuse bags or plastic carrier bags, as the recycling plant is unable to open them, due to health and safety restrictions.
c) West Essex Area Forum Meetings
A letter had been received from the County Council giving the dates of future meetings. The next would be held at the North Weald Golf Club on 14th June, 2005 at 7.00p.m.
d) Insurance
The renewal details had been received from Allianz Cornhill Insurance PLC.
Mr Clark had reviewed it and deemed it to be adequate.
8) Finance
a) Balances
Balances as at 31st March, 2005 at Barclays Bank, Dunmow were reported as follows:
Community Account (current) £ 341.20
Business Reserve Account (high rate deposit) £ 1,899.73
£ 2,240.93 *
* (of which £1,000 is committed to the Village Hall)
b) Signing of Cheques
It was agreed to sign the following cheques:
Allianz Cornhill Insurance PLC – Insurance Renewal £ 387.18
Uttlesford Volunteer Bureau – annual subs £ 5.00
£ 392.18
c) Annual Review of Clerk’s Salary and Expenses
It was agreed that Councillors (other than Mr Clark) would gather after this meeting to make a decision on this.
d) Presentation of Accounts 2004-2005
The Clerk presented the accounts for the year ending 31st March, 2005.
There were no questions and acceptance of the accounts was proposed by
Mrs Oliveira (as Chairman) and passed unanimously.
e) Fidelity Guarantee
The level of cover for the Fidelty Guarantee Insurance on the Clerk was reviewed and and agreed to be adequate at £10,000. The question of whether we should obtain Fidelity Guarantee insurance for the members of the Council was discussed, and it was agreed not to do so.
9) Planning
a) Park & Ride at Pledgdon Barn
Nothing further had been heard from Uttlesford.
b) Other Applications
Leswins, Chapel End – renewal of outline permission for the erection of a dwelling – awaited
1 & 2 Baldwins Cottages, Broxted Hill – internal alterations to create one cottage – conditional approval
Clovelly, Brick End – outline permission for the erection of a replacement dwelling with all matters reserved except means of access - awaited
The applicants for this last application had asked the Parish Council to give its support to it. A lengthy discussion ensued. Some councillors wished to express their support, but others pointed out that this site was not included in the District Plan for residential development and that, regardless of the purpose of the application, it would be perverse to support residential development of the site. It was agreed to make no comment to the Planning Department. It was pointed out that individual Councillors could, of course, make their own representations.
10) Any Other Business
a) Hedge & Grass Cutting
The Clerk had written to Mr Freeman asking him to quote for hedge and grass cutting in the village on the same basis as last year. As time is now of the essence it was agreed that if the quote from Mr Freeman was less than £20 more than 2004 the Clerk be empowered to accept it.
b) Rubbish Skip
The rubbish skip (that the Council will be paying for) will be in the village on Saturday, 14th May from 12.30 to 4.30 p.m. at the Village Hall car park.
c) Bell Meadow
It was rumoured that Bell Meadow had been sold.
d) Cllr John Whitehead
Cllr Whitehead, who is not standing for election at the forthcoming Councty Council Elections, gave a brief review of the past year, with specific reference to Council Tax and Highway Matters. Mrs Oliveira thanked Mr Whitehead for his help, advice and assistance over the past twenty years, and wished him a very happy retitrement.
11) Date of the Next Meeting
The date of the next meeting, which will be the Annual Parish Assembly and Annual Meeting, was confirmed as Wednesday, 11th May, 2005 in the Village Hall at
8.00 p.m.
Broxted Parish Council Minutes Page 393