APRIL 15, 2015










ALSO PRESENT: Mark Steele Alan Skinner, Director

Kent Evans Tausha Vorwaller, Clerk

Gary & Robbie Lemarr Clyde Nelson, Attorney via telephone

Julie Burleigh

Val Cook Chief Jon Bunderson

Alex Faini Dave Noel

Eric Simonson JoAnna Ashley

Wade Olorenshaw Charles Fryar

Kim Miller

The invocation was given by Kent Evans, Mayor Smith then led everyone in the

‘Pledge of Allegiance’.

The Council reviewed the minutes from the last meeting. Councilmember Goode moved to dispense with the reading of the April 1st, 2015 minutes and approve them as written. Councilmember Lau seconded the motion. All in favor, motion carried.

The pre-paid accounts payable for April were reviewed. Councilmember Lau moved to approve the pre-paid accounts payable for April, 2015 seconded by Councilmember Lee. Councilmember Goode asked about the payments to Bonneville Power for adjustments to previous bills. Clerk Vorwaller will report back with an explanation. A vote on the motion for approval was called. All in favor, motion carried


Representatives from KBRV Radio Station introduced themselves to the Mayor and Council. The new owner of the local KBRV Station, Val Cook gave a little history on his marketing and broadcasting companies. He stated they are excited to be a part of Soda Springs. He introduced his staff Alex Faini, Julie Burleigh and Kim Miller. Mrs. Burleigh explained that the KBRV station has a wide reaching signal and the potential to reach a large area through advertising. She also mentioned how they plan to share the local area historical sites and business information between the Soda Springs area and the Park City area in hopes of increasing tourism between the two locations. Mr. Faini detailed a small town buy local campaign. The catch phrase would be “Soda Springs Has It!” The City may not see a need to advertise but could promote the amenities like parks and recreation venues and work with the businesses to increase the local economy. Businesses would use the catch phrase to advertise their particular business. Mr. Cook thanked the City Council for their time and reiterated that KBRV wants to be a tool to help Soda Springs prosper.

JoAnna Ashley on behalf of the Caribou Field Archers (CFA) requested permission to hold their spring archery shoot at Kelly Park on May 9th. The group will need to set up on May 8th, tear down and clean up on May 10th and close the disc golf course for the event. The CFA has their liability insurance on file with the City. Mayor Smith mentioned that there was a new shooting ordinance requiring review and approval by the Chief of Police. Councilmember Goode moved to approve the CFA spring shoot at Kelly Park May 8th -10th, 2015 contingent on review and approval of the Chief of Police. Councilmember Lee seconded the motion. All in favor, motion carried. The Mayor mentioned that Director Skinner is working on guidelines and a check list for park reservations and asked that the CFA review these.

Robbie Lemarr, representing the Eastern Stars proposed a City beautification project. The Eastern Stars would like to plant and display flowers around town to distract from unsightly areas and beautify the City. Mrs. Lemarr explained they will focus on entrances and other areas that need attention and hope that the businesses will join in. She requested the City’s support with any planters that are available for use along with help watering the flowers. She would also like permission to build planters on the concrete bases of the new entrance signs. Mrs. Lemarr mentioned that she plans to take photos and bring posters showing what these areas could look like. The Eastern Stars will use their Mother’s Day Flower fundraiser to provide as much materials as possible and help fund the project. The Mayor informed her that permission to put planters on the new entrance signs would have to come from the Carriboo Development Foundation. Councilmember Lee suggested that she also work with Parks Director, Nikita Wilde. Mayor Smith expressed his support and stated the City is willing to do all it can to help clean-up the City. The City Council was all supportive of the good idea.

During the citizen input time representatives of the Farmers Land and Irrigation gave an update on the progress of the reservoir fill. Eric Simonson and Wade Olorenshaw reported that the reservoir should be full by about April 20th and irrigating will begin the first of May. Mayor Smith thanked them for the report and asked that a meeting be set as soon as Attorney Nelson is available to clarify and update the agreements with Farmers Land and Irrigation. Director Skinner will coordinate a meeting around mid-May after planting is done.

Forsgren Associates Engineer, Dave Noel reviewed options for the Formation Spring improvements with the Mayor and City Council. The first option is one that the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) requested be considered. This option would be a water treatment facility with either a sand filtration system or a membrane filter. The membrane filter requires the water to be forced through the filter with pressure, converting the water source to a 100% pump system. This option would require class III operators and it would be very difficult for the current operators to get the required certifications. It would also require power upgrades and two miles of new sewer line and an increased demand on the WWTP for disposal of water used to clean the filters. The estimated cost is $6 million or $9 million for a gravity flow plant and Mr. Noel’s professional opinion is that this option has big disadvantages and should be the last resort.

The second option considered is to put in several shallow wells in and around the spring that are 50 -75 feet in depth. This option would also require 100% pumping but would allow the water source to be reclassified as ground water. One of the challenges of this option is the wells are required to be at least 200 feet from the pond. Review of this option did not include a geohydrology report and there are still a lot of unknowns but a preliminary cost estimate is $3 million. This option would require power upgrades and emergency power or a storage tank. The City’s operators currently have the class II certifications for this type of facility. This option has a lot of unknowns but still a better option than the treatment facility and worth looking into further.

The third option is one that was included in the Water Facilities Planning Study to improve the spring collection. The Planning Study was approved by the State even though there were some violations to state requirements. The initial option to explore a way to enclose the pipe within the pond was not received well by the State. The new plan would be to reroute the spring water 200 feet, fill in the pond and upgrade the area similar to the improvements done at Ledge Creek. The cost estimate for this option is $1 million which would be the best option cost wise for the improvements and the long term operation. The City would need to work closely with the land owner providing improvements and proof that the senior water right holder is still getting all their water. Mr. Noel cautioned that this option might be a challenge to get it approved politically. Mayor Smith expressed his desire to work toward completing each required step ahead of schedule as the City and engineers move forward on this issue.

Dave Noel, Forsgren Associates presented the Mayor and City Council in partnership with Forsgren Engineering the 2014 1st place Idaho Engineering Excellence Award for Water and Storm Water categoryfrom the American Council of Engineering Companies of Idaho for the new Waste Water Treatment Plant that was completed in 2014. The award is given for projects that are above normal and the City’s new wastewater treatment plant was the 1st place winner.

Director Skinner mentioned that the City clean-up week will be May 11th through May 16th. All trash including paint, batteries and tires can be taken to the City shop for disposal. Mayor Smith also mentioned that letters will be going out to point out ordinance violations and there are three to five houses being considered for condemnation. Building Inspector Poulsen is working with Director Skinner to identify code violations. The Mayor hopes that those who receive letters will work with the City to address the problems.

Director Skinner reported that 15 individuals were interviewed for summer parks positions and presented a list of the proposed hires and their start dates. Interviews will be held for a seasonal streets position and a summer recreation assistant.

The Council reviewed the detailed list of projects that were previously approved. Director Skinner reported that prints for the 3rd West hydrant project and the Ledge Creek transmission line will be sent to DEQ by the end of the week and the new sewer camera is in and the monitor will be here in the next couple of days. He reported on the fence replacement and repair costs at Kelly Park at an estimated amount of $10,000 and he will update with cost information as the projects progress. The Council agreed with pursuing engineering for the Rose Avenue project based on the video of the line with the new camera.

The Council reviewed a letter from the Caribou Shooting Club officially donating the two vault toilets at the shooting range to the City. Director Skinner stated that the City already maintains the toilets. Councilmember Hart moved to approve accepting ownership of the two toilets at the City’s shooting range donated by the Caribou Shooting Club. Councilmember Lau seconded the motion. All in favor, motion carried. Mayor Smith requested that a recurring work order be set up for pumping the toilets in October each year before winter.

The Council considered the annual support for the local bus service provided by Pocatello Regional Transit (PRT). Councilmember Hart moved to approve the $1,750 expenditure to support the PRT bus, seconded by Councilmember Lee. All in favor, motion carried.

Clerk Vorwaller requested a wage increase for JoAnna Ashley who will have successfully completed her six month probationary period on April 21st. Clerk Vorwaller stated that she is very pleased with every aspect of Mrs. Ashley’s work and she has proved a valuable asset to the City Hall team. Clerk Vorwaller requested a full grade increase of $1.03 which still keeps the wage below the amount budgeted for the position. Councilmember Hart moved to approve the full grade increase for JoAnna Ashley as recommended by the City Clerk. Councilmember Lau seconded the motion. All in favor, motion carried. Mayor Smith stated that he has been very impressed with her work.

Clerk Vorwaller went over the prior year and estimated 4th of July Carnival costs. The Mayor and Council were all supportive of continuing the carnival. Councilmember Lau commented on how his family enjoyed helping last year and will be willing to help again but will not have as many family members available. Clerk Vorwaller will move forward with advertising and reserving the inflatables.

Clerk Vorwaller reviewed several budget items with the Mayor and City Council. She explained that the Street Fund had sufficient reserves to cover the previously discussed infrastructure projects for the current year and showed a draft budget amendment. The estimated beginning fund balances for 2016 were reviewed along with the 3% property tax increase. Clerk Vorwaller reported that budget worksheets will be sent out to all employees and Department Heads.

Mayor Smith mentioned that Clerk Vorwaller was putting together a check list of items that need to be followed up on or assignments that have been given to help keep track of previous items and discussions.

The visit to Kelly Park was rescheduled for the next meeting when the weather is better.

Councilmember Goode moved to adjourn the meeting at 6:25pm, seconded by Councilmember Hart. All in favor, motion carried.



James R. Smith, Mayor



APRIL 15, 2015



Tausha Vorwaller, Clerk