Minutes of the Meeting of the Hound Parish Council held on Monday

3 April 2017 at Hound Parish Hall, Woolston Road, Butlocks Heath, Southampton SO31 5FR commencing at 7pm

MEMBERS: Cllrs Airey (p), Forder, Guillan (p), Hawkins, Lewis,

Palframan (p), Mrs Queen, Roberts in the Chair (p), Van Niekerk (p) and Williams (p)

(p) Denotes present at this meeting.

Also present: nineteen members of the public, David Nevin, Parish Clerk, Mrs Bridget Cook, Assistant Parish Clerk

319. To receive and accept apologies for absence

Apologies were received from Cllrs Forder, Hawkins, Lewis and Mrs Queen. A proposal was received, seconded and voted in favour.

RESOLVED: That the apologies received be accepted.

(Power used: Local Government Act 1972 s85)

320. To receive and accept declarations of disclosable pecuniary interests on items on the agenda

No declarations of interest were received.

(Power used: Localism Act 2011 and the Relevant Authorities (Disclosable Pecuniary Interests) Regulation 2012)

321. To approve dispensations for disclosable pecuniary interests under section 33 of the localism act 2011

The Clerk advised that this item was not required on this occasion.

322. To approve Minutes of the Parish Council meeting of 6 March 2017

The Clerk read out an email from Cllr Hawkins referring to Recommendation 4 of the Personnel Working Party minutes on page 98. He commented that during the discussion on how to refer to members and staff, it was said that referring to the staff as ‘staff’ was perfectly acceptable and he wanted that minuted. A proposal was received, seconded and voted in favour.

RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the meeting held on 6 March 2017, together with the amendment be accepted as a true record of the meeting.

(Power used: Local Government Act 1972 Schedule 12 Para 41(1))

323. To receive resolution to suspend standing orders for a maximum of fifteen minutes for the public question time

A proposal was received, seconded and voted in favour.

RESOLVED: That Standing Orders be suspended for no more than fifteen minutes to allow members of the public present to raise questions or issues that are not included on the agenda.

Public Question Time

No members of the public wished to speak at this time.

324. To receive resolution to resume standing orders

A proposal was received, seconded and voted in favour.

RESOLVED: That the meeting be resumed.

325. To co-opt one member for Netley Abbey ward

One application had been received from Mr William Keane. A proposal was received, seconded and voted in favour.

RESOLVED: That Mr William Keane be co-opted as Member for Netley Abbey ward.

(Power used: LGA 1972, s12, para 39)

326. To receive a short briefing on the developments of The Chapel and an outline of the community activity programme funded by the Heritage Lottery fund by Jo Basham

Mrs Basham explained that Hampshire County Council (HCC), with help from the Heritage Lottery Fund, had set up a project to help conserve the Chapel and hold a new exhibition on the history of the hospital. There was also a three year community engagement project planned with three members of staff and volunteers. She listed many events, including annual film festivals and boot camps, a military life event and puppet shows and story-telling, a walks and talks programme and a handling station, where visitors could touch artefacts used in the hospital. There would also be an archaeology project and six new heritage trails and they were intending to get primary schools to interview people to collect more military histories. Cllr Van Niekerk mentioned that she had previously promised to promote the activities through HPC, on the website etc. Cllr Williams suggested that Mrs Basham should approach the local Scout groups to get them involved.

327. To receive a short presentation on behalf of The Schoolroom and Lady Rashleigh Trusts from Ernie Scott

Mr Scott explained that the earliest record of The Schoolroom Trust was 1909 and the Rashleigh Trust was 1923. Both had been set up to benefit parishioners of Hound, with The Schoolroom Trust aimed at organisations or groups and the Rashleigh Trust for individuals, for the relief of poverty. He encouraged Members to get residents to contact the Trusts for help as many people in need didn’t like to ask for charity. Although the trustees meet twice a year, they are able to meet urgently if required.

328. To receive the Police report

The Police were not present at the meeting and no report had been received.

329. To receive Borough Councillor’s written report (information only)

Cllr Airey spoke about an accident that had taken place at the junction of Station Road and New Road. He provided an update on the local plan including timescales, with the plan likely to be completed in 2019.

330. To receive the Clerks report (information only)

The Clerk advised that the drains at Abbey Hall were now up and running.

331. To receive and approve payment of accounts for March 2017

Cllr Palframan commented that the cost for a new logo was good value and Cllr Airey asked how many contractors had been consulted on it. The Chair advised that this project had already been instigated in 2016 and only one contractor had been approached. Cllr Palframan also commented on the purchase of pyracantha shrubs as he understood these might not now be used. The Clerk confirmed that they would be used elsewhere. A proposal was received, seconded and voted in favour.

RESOLVED: That the accounts for March 2017, be approved.

(Power used: Local Government Act 1972 Schedule 12 Section 151)

332. To receive cashbook balances as at 31 March 2017

The Clerk informed Members that as at 31 March 2017, the balance for Cashbook 1 was £1001.00, Cashbook 2 was £135,650.83, Cashbook 3 was £277.81, Cashbook 4 was £97,410.53 and Cashbook 5 was held at a zero balance. A proposal was received, seconded and voted in favour.

RESOLVED: That the cashbook balances as at 31 March 2017, as provided, be accepted.

333. To receive and agree purchase of the iMop floor cleaning machines

The Clerk provided some background on the machines and explained that they were less labour intensive, reducing stress on the back of the caretakers. There was a discussion about the number to be purchased and the benefit for replacing the existing mops and buckets. Cllr Guillan suggested that a business case should be raised and used as a template for the future. Cllr Airey agreed with Cllr Guillan’s comments and suggested that a process for how the machine would be moved around the different locations be created. Cllr Palframan highlighted the need for Health & Safety and a duty of care to the caretakers to be considered. The Chair suggested that this be deferred until a business case model was raised, which the Clerk agreed to do. A proposal was received, seconded and voted in favour.

RESOLVED: That this item be deferred until a business case was raised.

334. To receive and approve outsourcing the provision for HR and Health & Safety services to Ellis Whittam

Cllr Airey agreed that this was a good idea and supported it. Cllr Van Niekerk commented that although this was being outsourced, it didn’t mean that Members were giving up their own responsibilities. She asked who would manage the company and how Members would get staff feedback. The Clerk advised that they would go through HPC policies and procedures and that these would be returned to full council for approval. Cllr Airey suggested that perhaps the role of the Personnel Working Party should include outsourcing and Health & Safety. Cllr Van Niekerk proposed that an amendment to the wording be made to add ‘for the Clerk to submit a report on restructuring of these functions to full council.’ A proposal was received, seconded and voted in favour.

RESOLVED: That the provision for HR and Health & Safety services be outsourced to Ellis Whittam and the Clerk to submit a report on restructuring of these functions to full council.

335. To receive and approve usage of Hound Parish Hall FOC for the Netley History project.

Cllr Van Niekerk advised that this event was part of the History Festival and that most of the writers involved with the project had waived their fees. She added that if HPC charged the full rental fee, the event would not be sustainable. The Clerk stated that the amount due was £1286.00 which covered four dates and overnight at Abbey Hall and Hound Parish Hall. Cllr Williams asked if this was the same project that HPC had recently donated money to. Cllr Van Niekerk confirmed that the £3000.00 grant was for the same project, but this was a different aspect of it. Cllr Williams stated that by allowing use of the halls free of charge, HPC would be setting a precedent for other hirers to expect the same. Cllr Guillan agreed that HPC needed to be transparent and that perhaps the grant should have been £3000.00 plus the hall charges, as this element of it would have been paid back. Cllr Van Niekerk asked that a discount of 50% be given. A proposal was received, seconded and voted in favour.

RESOLVED: That the usage of Hound Parish Hall for the Netley History project be reduced by 50%.

336. To receive and approve proposal to purchase hound.gov domain name

A proposal was received, seconded and voted in favour. The Clerk explained that although a domain name had recently been purchased, it was realised afterwards that others, like EBC had a .gov domain name. The one chosen by Members had been rather long and as the hound.gov name was available, that seemed more appropriate.

RESOLVED: That the hound.gov domain name be purchased.

337. Planning Applications

(i)  F/17/80123 – Construction of 6no three bedroom, 1no four bedroom and 2no five bedroom dwellings with associated parking, garages and amenity spaces, following demolition former club building – 100 Station Road, Netley Abbey, Southampton, SO31 5AJ. Mr Gough of Gashouse Hill stated that there was no indication of how high the properties were, i.e. two or three storeys. Mrs De Micheli of Waverley Avenue wanted to know what would happen to the trees on the site. Although the plans stated that two trees would be removed, they didn’t specify which two. Mr Lawrence of Gashouse Hill wanted to know where the drainage would go and Cllr Airey advised that this was a building control issue and not part of the outline building application. Mr Gough added that currently, the water runs down Gashouse Hill and through his garden. Mr Wilkinson of Victoria Glade and Mr Lawrence added their concerns about current drainage issues through their properties.

Cllr Guillan suggested that if the area currently covered in tarmac was replaced by gardens, with flower beds the drainage issues should be reduced. Mrs Hartley, also of Gashouse Hill advised she wasn’t against the application in principle but felt that is was overdevelopment of the area. She added that with so many properties on the site, there would be little room for sufficient grass and flower beds.

Mr Lawrence suggested that the bricks from the current building be used to make a soakaway. Mrs Court of Gashouse Hill mentioned that an environmental survey had been done and wanted to know if the additional properties would have any impact on the flora and fauna in the area. She was also concerned that the steel fencing which would be used around the site may have an impact on the deer and wildlife in the area.

Mrs Hartley asked if the trees on the site were protected and Cllr Airey confirmed that Eastleigh Borough Council (EBC) would have this recorded. Cllr Guillan added his concerns over the access which was being moved closer to the bend. A proposal was received, seconded and voted in favour of objecting due to overdevelopment and the siting of the access. The two Borough Councillors abstained.

RESOLVED: Object due to overdevelopment and the dangerous siting of the access.

Cllr Airey advised that the application would go to the LAC, possibly in June and provided details of where this would be advertised. He added that all members of the public could attend and give their views. Cllr Van Niekerk urged all residents to comment individually as all comments would be taken into consideration and the more comments received by EBC, the more impact they would have.

338. To receive and approve the new logo.

There was much discussion over which option was preferred, with different aspects being highlighted by different Members. Cllr Guillan stated that he had been expecting three very different styles, but the options presented were just variations of one style. The Chair agreed that it was a work in progress and that more work was required. A proposal was received, seconded and voted in favour of objecting to the new logo.

RESOLVED: That the new logo would not be approved.

339. Date of April meetings (all start at 1900 unless stated otherwise):

4th April 2017 – Personnel Working Party at Hound Parish Hall

10th April 2017 – Annual Parish Assembly at Hound Parish hall

24th April 2017 – Planning Committee at Abbey Hall

340. To receive resolution to exclude members of the public and press from confidential matters to be discussed ‘that in view of the confidential/special nature of the business about to be transacted, it is in the public interest that the public and press be temporarily excluded and they are instructed to withdraw’