Strategic Planning Form – Goals, Action Plans, Assessment

Program/Unit/Area: / Non-Credit / Preparer: Pam LiCalsi / Supervisor: VP Farley Herzek /
FY 2010-2011 Program Goal 1 Unit Goal 1 Area Goal 1 (Check Appropriate Box) / College wide Goal
1. / Assess the opportunity and evaluate the need to ladder non-credit curriculum to provide seamless transition of ESLN students to credit programs. Utilize similar teams to partner with CTD for fee-based delivery of training. / 1,2,4,6
2. / Design and implement enhanced Student Support services to Non-Credit students to increase basic skills success rates. / 1,2,4,6
3. / Provide professional development opportunities to enhance Non-Credit instruction and to shape an inclusive and collaborative Non-Credit Learning Community. / 2,4,6
4. / Create an ESL Reading/Writing Center to ensure ESL student persistence through the program. / 1,2,4,6
5. / Assess need for Certificates of Completion in compliance with CCCCO regulations.
Goal # / Obj # / Objectives / Responsible Unit/Area
1 / 1.1 /

Create and coordinate inter-disciplinary teams of faculty to establish ladders for non-credit students.

1.2 /

Design tiered curriculum to seamlessly transition advanced ESLN students into credit programs and to work cooperatively with CTD for fee-based curriculum delivery.

1.3 /

Explore need and opportunity for supplemental instruction for non-native English students wishing to advance in CTE programs.

1.4 /

Integrate workforce preparation/readiness skills into curriculum.

/ Non-Credit faculty
2 / 2.1 /

Create a Counseling-Career Guidance Center for non-credit ESL/ABE basic skills students.

/ Non-Credit Faculty & Counselors
2.2 /

Complete the development of a Non-Credit Orientation.

/ Non-Credit Faculty
2.3 /

Modify the ESLN Celebration/Graduation based on assessment of 9/10 ceremony.

/ Non-Credit Faculty
2.4 /

Design and produce a Non-Credit Student Handbook.

/ Non-Credit Faculty & Counselors
2.5 /

Fully implement ESL Non-credit placement test.

/ ESLN, Student Services (ASC)
3 / 3.1 /

Utilize website and library teaching/learning resources to support continuous instructional improvement in Non-Credit.

/ Non-Credit Faculty
3.2 /

Create professional development “plan” for all interested faculty

/ Non-Credit Faculty
4. / 4.1 /

Define scope of Non-Credit students reading and writing gaps

/ Non-Credit Faculty
4.2 /

Develop strategies for facilitating improved reading and writing teaching and learning.

/ Non-Credit Faculty
5. / 5.1 /

Assign specific “discipline” areas for assessing need for certificates.

/ Non-Credit Faculty
Obj # / Action Plan # / Action Plan (What specific steps will you take to implement your goals and objectives) / Responsible Unit/Area
1.1 / 1.1.1 /

Research delivery mechanisms and other curriculum options

1.1.2 /

Design DRAFT models of VESL tiered/laddered curriculum and consult with Curriculum Committee for approval and implementation timelines.

1.1.3 /

Provide specialized training for VESL faculty, staff and tutors as needed.

/ ESLN, CTE, Tutoring Center
1.2 / 1.2.1 /

Meet with inter-disciplinary teams for the purpose of expanding teaching/learning community collaborations.

1.3 / 1.3.1 /

Create faculty teams to work on supplemental instruction if needed.

1.4 / 1.4.1 /

Incorporate technology and information management outcomes into curriculum and student learning

/ Non-Credit Faculty
1.4.2 /

Investigate additional on-line learning tools for supplemental instruction.

/ Non-Credit Faculty
2.1 / 2.1.1 /

Finalize Counseling Center components and outreach framework to students.

/ Non-Credit Faculty and Counselors
2.1.2 /

Develop a schedule of Counseling Center workshops and events for 2010-11.

/ N-C Faculty & Counselors
2.1.3 /

Leverage delivery capacity by utilizing ESLN faculty office hours for advisement, following ABE model.

/ Non-Credit Faculty
2.2 / 2.2.1 /

Create an ESLN Orientation.

/ Non-Credit Faculty & Counselors
2.3 / 2.3.1 /

Offer an ESLN Celebration/Graduation to acknowledge persistence and success of ESLN students.

/ ESLN faculty
2.4 / 2.4.1 /

Design and produce a Non-Credit handbook.

/ Non-Credit Faculty & Counselors
2.5 / 2.5.1 /

Provide needed training for faculty regarding new placement instrument and process.

/ ESLN, Student Services
3.1 / 3.1.1 /

Work with faculty to identify key projects for 2010-11.

/ Non-Credit Faculty
3.1.2 /

Create project action plan, and completion timelines.

/ Non-Credit Faculty
3.2 / 3.2.1 /

Identify interested faculty

/ Non-Credit Faculty
4.1 / 4.1.1 /

Identify leadership and coordination for both the teaching and learning of reading and writing skills in the ESLN program.

/ Non-Credit Faculty
4.1.2 /

Create a schedule of professional development workshops in the teaching of Reading & Writing for Non-Credit faculty.

/ Non-Credit Faculty
4.1.3 /

Writing Project faculty will develop writing rubrics across the curriculum and provide “norming” workshops so that faculty assess student writing consistently.

/ ESLN Faculty
4.1.4 /

Create a schedule of student clinic/workshops to address specific gaps in their reading & writing skills.

/ ESLN Faculty
1 / Why should this goal be done?
It is essential that the Non-credit program become an integral and viable part of the college community and that non-credit students are given every opportunity to persist and succeed in meeting their career and educational goals. This goal is in alignment with Academic Senate recommendations and with the BSI statewide efforts for non-credit students. This was identified as a primary goal for ABE in Program Review.
Will this goal benefit other areas of the college? If so, how?
Other areas of the college will become more integrated with the non-credit program and students.
Will this goal impact or require accommodations from other areas? If so, how?
This goal will need collaboration from the CTE programs/divisions.
Does this goal fulfill a legal or accreditation mandate? If so, how?
The goals help to bring the Non-Credit department into alignment with BSI and state mandated persistence and success rates for students.
Does this goal address a safety issue? If so, how?
2 / Why should this goal be done? Non-Credit students have as many needs for student support services as credit students, arguably more. Research shows that these services increase student success and retention. The implementation of this goal provides non-credit students with tools for their successful learning; and is primarily modeled after those same services that already exist for credit students. This was identified as a primary goal for ABE as a result of Program Review.
Will this goal benefit other areas of the college? If so, how? No
Will this goal impact or require accommodations from other areas? If so, how? Yes. As the college continues to level the playing field with non-credit and credit students, student support services will be impacted by having to serve more students which increases the cost of those services. Some of those costs can be borne by funds designed specifically for non-credit students.
Does this goal fulfill a legal or accreditation mandate? If so, how? The implementation of a validated ESLN placement test if an accreditation mandate?
Does this goal address a safety issue? If so, how? No
3 / Why should this goal be done? Professional development for faculty and staff is a critical component of ongoing, continuous improvement for any program. This was identified as a primary issue for ABE faculty in Program Review.
Will this goal benefit other areas of the college? If so, how? No
Will this goal impact or require accommodations from other areas? If so, how? No
Does this goal fulfill a legal or accreditation mandate? If so, how? No
Does this goal address a safety issue? If so, how? No
4 / Why should this goal be done? The Writing Clinic for ESLN students was piloted in Fall 09 and repeated in Spring 10 and was incredibly successful. Its ongoing continuation is identified as a high priority for ESLN students by all ESLN faculty, given its positive impact on student learning.
Will this goal benefit other areas of the college? If so, how? No
Will this goal impact or require accommodations from other areas? If so, how? No
Does this goal fulfill a legal or accreditation mandate? If so, how? No
Does this goal address a safety issue? If so, how? No
5 / Why should this goal be done? Certificates of Completion issued to students allow them to show progress and create a positive impact on them. The certificates also provide students with “proof” of completion for use in applying for or keeping jobs.
Will this goal benefit other areas of the college? If so, how? Yes. All non-credit courses that are completed as part of an identified certificate series will be reimbursed at the enhanced apportionment rate.
Will this goal impact or require accommodations from other areas? If so, how? No
Does this goal fulfill a legal or accreditation mandate? If so, how? Yes. The CCCCO requires that non-credit programs identify courses that are part of a certificate of completion or competency.
Does this goal address a safety issue? If so, how? No
Resources Requested for Action Plans
Plan # / Staff/Faculty / Operations / Equipment / Facilities / TOTAL
1.1.1-1.4.2 / 5000 / $5000
2.1.1-2.1.3 / 1500 / $1500
2.2.1 / $0
2.3.1 / 6500 / $6500
2.4.1 / 500 / 1000 / $1500
2.5.1 / 3000 / $3000
3.1.1-3.1.2 / $0
4.1.1-4.1.4 / 3600 / $3600
5.1 / $0
Assessment (how will you measure the “success” of your goal) and Indicators (the specific information that will be collected)
Goal # / Who is Responsible? / Assessment Interval (When will you measure?) / Method of Assessment (How will you measure?) / Target Result (What will change and by how much?) / Indicator (What are you measuring?)
1. / Thomas, Vescial, Senters, Jackson / End of Spring 2011 / ·  Student Learning Outcomes will identify workplace skills within curriculum / ·  Non-Credit will be better linked with CTE programs
·  Student pathways from non-credit to credit will be created and/or clarified / ·  New curriculum written and approved
·  Curriculum modifications completed and approved
2. / Thomas, Vescial, Senters, Jackson / End of Fall 2010
End of Spring 2011 / ·  Attendance at orientation
·  Student Evaluation form asking for feedback / ·  Orientations will be scheduled regularly
·  The process for faculty advising students will be formalized
·  Students will have a better understanding of the non-credit programs / ·  # of students attending orientation
·  # of students attending
·  celebration/graduation
·  # of students utilizing Counseling Center
3. / Thomas, Vescial, Senters, Jackson / End of Spring 2011 / Professional Development plans created / 100% of faculty requesting a professional development plan will create one and monitor progress / # of professional development plans created
4. / Thomas, Vescial, Senters, Jackson / End of Fall 2010
End of Spring 2011 / ·  Attendance at workshops
·  Post-workshop evaluation
·  Faculty feedback / Participation by students will increase by 5% / ·  # of students attending workshops
·  # of faculty participating in workshops
5. / Thomas, Vescial, Senters, Jackson / End of Spring 2011 / Certificates created and approved / Certificates of completion will be distributed to all students earning them / ·  # of certificates created and approved
·  # of certificates earned
For CPC use only: CPC Initials ______
Approved contingent on available funding Approved w/no funding Re-submit with noted changes Not approved


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