Minutes of the Meeting of the Directors of Alyth Development Trust
2nd February 2016, 6.30pm at Losset Inn, Alyth
Present: Clare Cooper, Karen Inkster, Amanda Blakeman, Eileen McBain,
1. Apologies: Simon Montador, Marian Bruce, Peter Kerr
2. Minutes from the previous meeting
Clare proposed and Amanda seconded.
3. Action points from January meeting
Karen is waiting to hear back from DTAS about possible help with setting up a website.
Amanda/Marian is to invite John Swinney to a meeting to discuss the Community Empowerment Act and how it affects communities.
4. Matters arising
a/ Membership form
Karen has been busy with the PAS consultations and therefore has not had time to look into a membership form.
Action: Karen to include in March agenda
b/ AGM (8th June).
Discussion was had about the requirement of papers to be sent out in advance of the AGM. Action: Clare to look into this as secretary. Karen suggested seeing if we could ask someone to give a talk prior to the event to encourage people to attend the AGM. Action: All Directors to think of someone who could give an interesting talk.
c/ Table sale
Karen updated the group, dates have been set, posters have been distributed and the sale is also promoted through Facebook. Previous sellers have also received an email and 10 tables are already sold for the March sale.
d/ Fab Lab
Clare had sent the Directors a link to the Fab Lab concept. This is something Clare is very keen on and it is possible to incorporate a Fab Lab idea into any community buy out that the Trust may pursue. Clare asked if she can keep herself in the loop of the Fab Lab concept, all Directors agreed.
5. Town Centre Regeneration, next steps
a/ PAS consultation
123 people attended the first consultation and 54 the second, which was an excellent turnout. PAS are now collating all the info and suggestions into a draft report which will be shared with the Trust. The bridge consultation also took place at these events. The result of the survey for replacement bridges remains very much 50/50 for people wishing, two, or three replacement bridges.
b/ Comm Links Fund (Sustrans)
The Community Links application must be submitted by Feb 14th. We need the above PAS report to fill in the justification section. The fund will only give funding for one financial year at a time, therefore this application is for ‘phase one’ of the regeneration and for the replacement of bridges.
c/ Comm Innovation Fund (NHS)
Karen informed the Directors that this fund will cover the costs involved in a feasibility study with the view of a community right to buy. After some discussion it was agreed that we should progress with a feasibility study for a community hub but bearing in mind this might be in a number of venues within Alyth, inc the bank, the Baronychurch, the old sawmill.
Action: Karen to look into the application process. Clare is also keen to be involved in any feasibility study and potential venues.
d/ LEADER fund
This is currently on hold due to the Sustrans application.
e/ Community Right to Buy
Clare updated the Directors on a meeting held with Scottish Government Officers from the Community Right to Buy team today. After a lengthy discussion it was decided that the Trust should approach the RBS to enquire if they would be willing to sell the building to us at market value, thus saving them associated advertising and promotional fees.
Action: Clare to speak to Amanda at Growbiz as RBS are present at meetings
Action: Karen to start a right to buy application
6. Standing items
a/ Communications: We have a regular slot in Alyth Voice. The first member’s newsletter was emailed out in January. The Trust has over 100 members however 50% of these didn’t submit email addresses. It was suggested that each Director takes 20 names each and tries to source an email address.
Action: Karen to look into this
b/ Fundraising: Covered above in 4c.
7. AOB
Greenburn windfarm: Amanda updated the Directors on a recent letter from Mount Blair Development Trust in which they state the reasons in which Blairgowrie or Alyth Development Trust should not be given money from Greenburn windfarm. It was agreed the Trust should respond.
Action: Amanda to respond.
Volunteer party: Amanda informed the group about a Volunteer Party on 21st Feb which is led by the Community Council. It was agreed that the ADT should have a stand to help promote the great work we are doing.
Action: Amanda to look into this.
Need for more Directors: Amanda spoke about the need for more officers at the Community Council and the ADT.
Action: Amanda to do a push on social media to recruit for the community council and ATD.
8. Date of next meeting
Tuesday 1st March 6.30pm at the Losset Inn, Alyth