
Raising your skills improving life chances

Minutes of the meeting of the Corporation

held on 23 February 2015 at 4.45 pm

in the Shrubbery

Carole Stott / Chair
Andy Furse / Vice-Chair
Matt Atkinson / Principal
Louise Fradd
Richard Harvey
Jenny Payne
Larissa Perry
James Wallace
Gary Waylen
Emma Yates
Julian Young
In attendance
Jane Shaw / Observer
Heather Cross / Clerk to the Corporation
Rob Sibley / Vice Principal (VP)
Julian Tucker / Director of Finance (DoF)
1. / Apologies / ACTION
Apologies were received from Victor Da Cunha.
2. / Declarations of Interest
Richard Harvey declared an interest in matters concerning Norton Radstock college in that he was a governor there. Carole Stott declared an interest in item 18 on the agenda concerning the AoC consultation on Governance.
3. / Confidentiality of Items
The Chair commented that everything concerning the merger should be considered to be confidential.
5. / Presentations
  1. HE Curriculum
Rob Sibley gave a presentation on the extent and range of the college’s HE curriculum comprising a number of different partner organisations and franchised, licensed and own fee programmes. Success rates were generally very good and many of the courses offered outstanding links with employers and good partnerships. A number of new HE courses were being developed. In answer to a question it was explained that a different quality framework operated for HE work but this had been addressed and validated in the college SAR, based on the QAA framework. Governors asked about the stability of the overall portfolio and were informed that the overall volume of work was stable.
Copies of the presentation slides were to be circulated to all governors. Governors thanked Rob for his informative presentation.
  1. HE Review – Review of Student and College Evaluation
Judy Lye-Forster gave the meeting an update on the QAA review process which had been agreed to move to 5 October 2015, as this would have been the review date for Norton Radstock alone. This would now permit review across the whole merged college. She reminded governors that the review process was based on a self-evaluation document which had to be referenced to the college’s submission. Governors would be meeting HE students and developing a dialogue; the learner voice was an important component of the review process and a new process for HE was being piloted.
As part of the process it was agreedHE student reps would meet with the Board in May, separately from the FE Student Union meeting with governors but which would take place on the same afternoon.
It was agreed that governors would include HE activity in Learning Walks which were to be introduced, recognising that these provided a good opportunity to evaluate information received in meetings.
Governors thanked Judy for the clarity of her presentation.
Minutes of the meeting of the Corporation held on 15 December 2014, 23 January 2015 and any matters arising
A version with a minor amendment made to the minutes of 23 January 2015 had been laid on the table and all other minutes had been circulated previously. The minutes of these meetings were received and agreed as a true record. There were no matters arising other than those already on the agenda.
6. / Strategic Update - Merger with Norton Radstock College – CONFIDENTIAL – please see separate minutes
7. / Gazelle Membership
It was proposed that the college withdraw from membershipas there was a divergence in the college direction from that of the organisation. A draft letter to put this in action had been circulated with the agenda. It was recognised that whilst the college had been a member of Gazelle, this had been valuable and had a positive impact on strategic thinking.
Withdrawal from Gazelle membership was approved.
8. / Risk Management Review
The latest risk register had been circulated. Three new risks were noted – the inability to recruit an electrical assessor, the instability of staffing in Health and Social Care and Public Services, and the narrow breach of minimum standardsby 0.7%. A letter of explanation for the latter had been submitted to the SFA, explaining that this had arisen as a result of including ACL courses in funding and it was noted that the practice would not be continued.
Governors discussed the staffing difficulties and the preparedness of the college to pay a market supplement in shortage areas.
The risk register position was noted, with appropriate actions being taken to mitigate risk.
9. / Key Performance Indicator Monitoring – Learner Numbers and EFA/SFA Contract Performance
A report had been circulated. The College stood at 100.3% against its EFA learner number target and 16 – 18 numbers were higher than the same time the previous year. The following year would see an increase in both learner numbers and funding, including at Norton Radstock College; the numbers for the merged college were noted. The achievement of adult skills funding was recognised as significantly under target but through the use of sub-contracting it was planned to meet the full allocation. Governors encouraged management to continue to work hard to achieve the target.
10. / Teaching and Learning Monitoring report
A report had been circulated previously and the following points were noted –the implementation of the learner voice process to capture the views of HE learners; no major areas of concern from course rep feedback; the implementation of a rapid improvement plan for business provision following a special review; positive progress being shown from the college’s first survey of employability but a need was identified in work experience activity; the negative impact on the learner experience with instability of staffing in the areas of health and social care and public services. An offer of temporary Public Services staff from Hayesfield school was welcomed.
In discussion the Board noted the start of a campaign that day to improve access to the lifts by key users. It was felt that one aspect likely to be raised bythe HE review process was a request for dedicated eating facilities.
Governors requested that a summary of the features in the new inspection framework be provided to them in future and it was agreed that the summary would be provided in the early Autumn term, once the new arrangements came into operation.
The Learning Walk process was discussed and consistency was sometimes found to be an issue. It was agreed that Governors be encouraged to participate in Learning Walks and that a specific process be devised, different from that used by college staff.
11. / English and Maths progress update
A report had been circulated which RAG rated likely performance in the different curriculum areas. It was noted that college activity had been focussed on securing progress for students. Largely the teaching in this area was of a good standard, but there were issues in motivating students especially in Hair. All students were being RAG rated as to whether they were on target to achieve their qualification. Considerable effort was being made to motivate students, not always assisted by the syllabus which was not vocationally based. Governors encouraged managers in their efforts to recruit a new Head for this area, having been informed that it had not been possible so far to identify a candidate of the required calibre.
Governors considered whether this important area of activity was sufficiently reflected in the risk register and it was noted that after merger a new risk register would be drawn up and this area would be high.
It was agreed that a further presentation be made to governors in the Autumn term to update on progress in the area of English and Maths.
12. / Quality Improvement Plan
The new Quality Improvement Plan, prepared to reflect the latest SAR
had been provided to governors.
Governors focussed on the areas in the plan which were currently assessed as red – low success rates on long courses in subject sector area 1 and 13, and the under-development of employer links and work experience in a minority of curriculum areas. Further to the discussion earlier in the meeting it was agreed that the current rating of English and Maths improvement should be recorded as red. It was also agreed that impact should be recorded in the progress.
The next update to the report would be given in April.
13. / Review of sub-contracting activity

A report had been provided to give an overview of the college’s sub-contracted learning provision and the processes being implemented to ensure compliance and quality. The College has two sub-contracting arrangements with Templegate Training, used to meet funding gaps. In the merged college a quality and compliance officer post was to be in place to focus on sub-contracting partnerships.

The Chair informed the meeting that Corporations were expected to satisfy themselves about the suitability and quality assurance aspects of sub-contracting arrangements. The meeting discussed the assurance arrangements used by the college. It was agreed that the Audit Committee be asked to review a report in more detail on sub-contracting arrangements.

14. Student Union Constitution Review

Proposals for the revision and updating of the SU Constitution had been proposed. The recommended document reflected the new arrangements required to include Norton Radstock. Subject to any comments received in feedback subsequent to the meeting, the revised Student Union Constitution was approved. The document would be reviewed again in a year’s time.

15. Management Accounts and current financial position

The Management Accounts for month 5 had been circulated. The current deficit position of £345K, £107K ahead of budget, pay expenditure under budget but with a slight worsening picture and non-pay marginally overspent was all noted. The College has a strong cash position with available funds to be drawn down as needed.

The Principal commented that a reforecast would be prepared once the financial position concerning Norton Radstock was finalised.

The Management Accounts were received.

16.Recommendation for appointment from the Search and Governance Task Group

A proposal for an appointment to the Board from the Search and Governance Task Group had been circulated, with a CV from the person recommended. The proposal was for a governor to be appointed from Norton Radstock College.

The proposal was considered and it was resolved that Donna Baddeley be appointed to the Board of City of Bath College with effect from April 2015.

17.Governance decisions arising from the Strategy Awayday

A report was laid on the table setting out a series of proposals for working groups, with indicative terms of reference.

It was agreed that working groups for quality, finance and staffing and estates strategy be established in accordance with the indicative terms of reference proposed.

Members for the working group were agreed as follows:-

  • Quality – James Wallace, Emma Yates, Jane Shaw
  • Finance and Staffing – Richard Harvey, Gary Waylen, Donna Baddeley (from April)
  • Estates Strategy – Colin Darracott was agreed to be co-opted as Chair, Victor da Cunha and subject to a check of any conflict, Louise Fradd.

18. AoC Code of Governance – to consider a response to the consultation document

The draft Code of Governance Parts 1 and 2 were circulated, together with an invitation letter to respond back to the AoC on the consultation and a proposed response.

Governors considered the draft code and broadly supported the draft response. It was requested that a comment be included concerning the length of term of office referred to for governors and that this should be amended to correspond with the current standard Instrument of Government showing 4 years. The Chair invited governors to put forward any further comments by email to herself and the Clerk by the end of the week.

19.Any Other Business

It was noted that a future report be made to the Board on governance obligations concerning the Prevent agenda.

20.Date of Next Meeting

This was as previously agreed for 23 March 2015.