11 Cwrt Morgan, Caerwent, Caldicot, Mons. NP26 5QZ. Tel: 01291 422089

Minutes of the Meeting of the Community Council held on Monday 11th May 2015 which commenced at 6.45pm. in the Village Sports Hall.

Public Forum

The Treasurer of the STNP FC presented the case for an application for funding the FC’s need for 2 pitches. He stated the club now had 3 teams with 76 registered players and two pitches were now required.

The football club would carry out any necessary ground surface work Their only requirement was an additional set of goal posts, which they suggested should be multi use to accommodate both rugby and football. They envisaged developing the newly formed junior section and hoped to encourage youngsters with an interest in rugby as well. RCC acknowledged their application and requested they seek 3 quotes Due to the urgency in completing the work before the new 2015/2016 season these quotes to be submitted at the next meeting of the CC.

02/2736 Present

Chairman - Cllr Mrs S Oliver Holland

Vice Chairman - Cllr R Stallard

Community Councillors - R Atkins, Mrs P Caines, J Douglas, Mrs L Guppy & Mrs J Tyrrell

Clerk - Mrs M Williams

S.T.N.P.C. – F.C. - David Barlow

Gwent Police - Hayley Brown/Ruth Jones

02/2737 Apologies


02/2738 Declarations of Interest

Cllr Mrs S Oliver Holland - MYS / Garden Skills

Cllr R Stallard - Matters relating to M Hudson

Cllr R Atkins - STNPC FC

Cllr Mrs L Guppy - MCC / STAG

02/2739 Minutes

It was resolved that the Minutes of the 9th and 24th March were unable to be authorised for signature as the councillors present at those two meetings did not have their minutes with them and could not confirm the contents or accuracy. Matter deferred to the next meeting on 8th June. It was resolved that the Chairman be authorised to sign the minutes of the monthly meeting held on 13th April 2015 as a true and correct record of the meeting.

02/2740 Financial Matters and Schedule of Accounts

The Schedule of Accounts and Financial Matters dated 11th May 2015 were approved and signed by the Chairman.

Insurance values to be checked with the insurance company.

It was noted that changes were to be made to payments to MCC. Online banking to be considered.

02/2741 To receive Action/Progress Report

Public Forum

Parking issues Green Close - MCC – Highways and Police had been contacted.

No response to-date. Matter to be chased.

Footpath issues – Security Fence Cllr R Stallard left the meeting. Correspondence

received from MCC indicated that the path in question was not recorded as a public footpath, as RCC owned the land they were at liberty to erect a fence around the SP. Letter to Mr M Hudson informing him of this.

Dog Mess issues - Continuous attempts being made, but public also have a

role to play. MCC meeting 19th May to discuss the issue

Trees on the Allotment Site - MCC had been contacted on the instability of a

willow tree and a boundary tree requesting they attend to the matter. No response to-date. Matter to be chased up

WW1 Memorial Garden - RALGS agreed to purchase all necessary

Plants and seeds and to invoice RCC. Matter in hand.

General Items

RCC Website - Progress on-going

Letter of thanks sent to B Cypher for his contribution to the website. Having taken the photos requested he handed them to the Clerk for inclusion in the website

Parking Problems Elizabeth Sparkes Close -Information received unhelpful. MHS to consider

putting in marked parking spaces.

Network Rail - Public Consultation took place on 15th April,

considered fairly successful approx. 50 people attended.

Green Open Spaces/Car Park -Old Primary School Site -Email rec’d from MCC

confirming area currently designated as an Area of Amenity importance in the Local development

Plan (2011-3021) – refer to email 24/4/15

Planning Office contacted – situation would remain so and saw no reason for it to alter. The planning application in question (School Dev) identifies area as MCC retained open space.

Tudor Baldwin Land Charges Manager contacted re Village Green status – RCC at liberty to apply if so wished, lot Involved in making an application. Considered situation fairly settled. Resolved to make an application for village green status.

Report - Rogiet School - LG to contact Head-teacher regarding a school report

VSH/ Playing Fields Issues

PF Car Park Access - Member reported he had been made aware that the

current layout of the footpath leading to the car park was a danger to the public and needs further thought. Resolved car park to be closed to the public with immediate effect. Member to carry out the necessary work. Lock to be purchased - keys to RA/RS.

Painting issues - JT to purchase paint to complete the work.

Inventory - Clerk and Member to liaise to complete document

Storage Shed - YC’s arranging purchase of their storage shed.

Boiler - Work finally completed at the end of March

Police Report

Report received and circulated for the period 9th April – 10th May 2015.

Ruth James and Hayley Brown representing Gwent Police attend the meeting and introduced themselves, explaining they had now been allocated to the Rogiet area. They would continue to provide a written report, but would not necessarily attend meetings, unless specifically requested to do so. The Clerk had received their email addresses and this had proved a successful means of contact in the past. They were looking forward to developing good working practices with Rogiet.

02/2742 Correspondence

Ombudsman - Revised Guidance on the Code of Conduct

Pubs - OVW – The Voice/ Clerks & Councils Direct

SLCC The Clerk

Various Emails rec’d and circulated including:-

MCC - Changes of Waste & Street Services

Road works/Enforcement Lists/

General Information/Circulars/Agendas

Severnside Programme Board Meeting

OVW - Information and Training/Asset Transfer

Community & Town Councils – Electronic

Publication of Information

Gwent Police - New policing arrangements for Rogiet

Colin Phillips - Magor Station Project

Dog Fouling - Red Card Project

Register of Interests

02ours/2743 Planning Applications/Permission

Planning Application No DC/2015/000450

Planning Permission Modification or Removal of Condition

Description of Proposal Modification of condition no 3 of planning

permission 27283 – continuation of sand

extraction until 30th June 2022

Location Bedwin Sands, The Severn Estuary, Nr Chepstow

Recommendation: No objections, recommend approval

02/2744 Confirm Date of next Meeting

It was confirmed that the next monthly Meeting of the Community Council will be held on Monday 8th June 2015, commencing at 6.45pm. Meeting closed at 9.55.p.m.

Signed: ______

Dated: ______

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