Minutes of the meeting of the Clane Area Committee on Tuesday 13th November 2001 at 2.30pm in Knockanally Golf Club
Present were:Councillors M. Fitzpatrick in chair, T. McEvoy & P.J. Sheridan
Apology from:Cllr. J. Reilly
Also present:E. O’Sullivan DOF, C. Talbot SEO, R. Lyons SE, D. O’Connor SE, W. Carroll DOS, R. Bonar, J. O’Neill EE, B. Houlihan & M. Foley
The Cathaoirleach wished Cllr. Reilly a speedy recovery from his illness.
Deputation from Knockanally Golf Club
The Cathaoirleach thanked the Golf Club for inviting the members to hold their meeting there. He sought and received approval from the members to receive a deputation from the Golf Club, to discuss a proposed development on the site. He welcomed Noel Lyons General Manager, Paddy Mooney Club Captain, Eamon McCann Architect and Gerry Brady.
Gerry Brady explained that the Club had applied for planning permission for a new clubhouse, and a courtyard development incorporating apartments and housing. They had received permission for the clubhouse and apartments but were refused the housing element. This rendered the project unviable. Eamon McCann said that they had redrawn their plans and wished to reapply for permission for a modified housing proposal in a courtyard format similar to that already granted. In his opinion it was not in contravention of the development plan as it was not a greenfield site. Units would be sold to shareholders.
The Cathaoirleach thanked them for their presentation. The members agreed that they were supportive of this project and they looked forward to it being lodged with the Council.
CL1/1101 – Confirmation of Minutes
The minutes of the meeting of the Clane Area Committee of 25th September 2001 were adopted on the proposal of Cllr. Sheridan, seconded by Cllr. McEvoy.
CL2/1101 – Progress Report
Compensation for Caragh GAA Club
A report from Ms. Hickey SEO said that there had never been an offer of compensation to Caragh GAA Club in respect of the demolition of the handball alley. Cllr. Sheridan asked for a copy of all correspondence on this issue to be put together and circulated to the members.
Extension of Wheel bin service
Charlie Talbot reported that due to staff shortages no undertaking could be given at present as to when the wheel bin service would be extended to Carbury.
Planning File – Alan Shaw, Kilcock
Cllr. Sheridan said that Mr. Shaw had been trying unsuccessfully to arrange a meeting with a Planner to discuss his proposals for a nursing home near Kilcock. Cllr. Sheridan requested that Planning Section arrange such a meeting as soon as possible.
Land at Bawnogues for Soccer Club
Ray Bonar reported that the County Manager had given a public commitment that money from development levies would be used to develop the Bawnogues. On that basis and in order to retain the land for the use of the community as a whole, it was felt that it was inappropriate to divide it up and allocate parts of it to individual clubs. Kilcock Celtic were based in the grounds of Scoil Dara and the school had applied for money under the Council’s Capital Grant Scheme for changing rooms. It was awarded to them but they had not taken up the grant. However they had indicated that they were going to reapply.
Cllr. Sheridan said that the soccer club had made strong representations for pitch allocation in the Bawnogues. He proposed that no grant be made to the school until the soccer club was consulted and he proposed that the club be invited to the next area committee meeting. This was agreed.
Proposal from Kilcock & District Community Council
Mr. Talbot asked the members about what type of response they wished to make to the proposal from Kilcock & District Community Council for a formal understanding between them and Meath and Kildare County Councils.
Cllr. Fitzpatrick referred to the condition of the Square in Kilcock; particularly Connolly’s shop, which he said, was derelict. He asked that a derelict site notice be served on it.
Derelict House, Staplestown
A report from the Planning Department said that the sale of this property had fallen through and it is still on the market. The Department had been in touch with the solicitors for the owners and they were to have the house secured by 10th November and to have laid rat poison. The solicitor has informed the Eastern Health Board of this. Planning Department is following this matter closely. The members expressed dissatisfaction with this reply and Cllr. Sheridan proposed that the Council buy the house. It was agreed to ask John Lahart DOS to consider this. Councillors Fitzpatrick and McEvoy expressed concern for the next-door neighbour Mrs. Casey and asked that when the Council official visits the property, they call to her and explain what is going on.
Speed Limits
Cllr. McEvoy reported that the Gardaí were now willing to change the speed limit to 30mph from Clane to the Industrial Estate and to 40mph to Clongowes Wood College. He asked that this be considered in the next review of the speed limits and this was agreed.
Allen Cemetery
Mr. Talbot said that a price had been agreed and contracts were now awaited. Funding would have to be provided from the capital account and Mr. O’Sullivan confirmed that there were funds for the provision of cemeteries in the account. Cllr. Fitzpatrick said this was a matter of urgency and he asked that it be brought to a conclusion.
Public Lighting
A revised list was circulated. There were still items for costing by the ESB and Breda Houlihan undertook to follow this up.
Planning File 113/00
Cllr. McEvoy said two issues were causing concern to Capdoo Residents Association and these were the foul drainage and surface water drainage systems. He said the foul drain was going through the front gardens of three houses and the owners had not been consulted. He said the residents were worried that an illegal connection might be made to the sewer. He asked for a report on both the water and sewage issues.
CL3/1101 – Planning Files
01/670 – Dave Johnson
A report from Planning Section said that permission had been refused and it listed the reasons why. However, Cllr. Fitzpatrick said the question he had asked was why permission was refused a second time in advance of the due date and whether pressure from an objector had brought the decision forward. Mr. Talbot rejected any such suggestion that this could not happen. Ronnie Lyons said there was a problem with the sightline in both applications and the untidiness of the entrance to the development. She agreed to meet the developer and Cllr Fitzpatrick to discuss the issues.
01/1544 – Mooretrim Ltd.
Cllr. Fitzpatrick said a sewerage scheme had been built at Allenwood to enable additional houses to be built there. This developer had received planning permission for houses in two phases and he had agreed to a staged development over a number of years. Now he was being asked to reduce the number of houses from 40 to 15. Mr. Talbot suggested that the developer discuss the matter with Planning Section.
1911/00 – Timahoe Development Association
A report from Planning said that a decision was due on 10th December and the Council had no objection in principle to the development. However the Council owns the site at present and there was no application received to enter into a leasing agreement. Cllr. Sheridan asked that John Lahart and Willie Carroll talk to the Tir na Mona Community Association about a long-term lease.
CL4/1101 – Presentation of Computerised System for tracking representations
The Cathaoirleach welcomed Neil Donnelly and Pat Reidy from Infoscience who made a presentation to the members on the new computerized system for tracking members’ representations, which had started operating that week in Environment Section and would be expanded throughout the organisation in due course. The Cathaoirleach thanked Mr. Donnelly and Mr. Reidy for their attendance.
CL5/1101 – Deputation from Balyna Rural Enterprise & Development Association
Cllr. Sheridan referred to the letter from this association, which was received at the previous meeting and referred to Mr. O’Connor and the Area Engineer. He said a response had issued to BREDA but the members had not received a copy. Mr. O’Connor apologised for that. Mr. O’Neill said that he had advised BREDA that the condition of some roads in northwest Kildare was poor due to limitations on funding. However the extent of development in this area was recognized by the Council and the road reconstruction programme for 2002 to 2005 provided for work to be done on the roads named by the association.
The Cathaoirleach welcomed Larry O’Gorman, Paddy McNally and Jim Flattery from BREDA. They circulated a submission on the condition of four roads in their area – Carbury to Cadamstown, Ballinlig Road to Kilrainey Cross Roads, Carrick Cross Roads to Oldcourt Cross Roads and Ballygibbon Bridge to Carrick Hill. They also referred to the maintenance of water cuts.
Mr. O’Neill reported that the roads they referred to would be addressed in the new roads plan. He acknowledged that traffic using gravel pits was causing a problem but he said that the two major quarries had been substantially levied and the Council was trying to regularise the illegal pits. Mr. Flattery acknowledged the improvements the Council had made so far but he said that felt that they were the forgotten part of Co. Kildare and they were trying their best to keep businesses in the area. Mr. O’Connor pointed out that the Clane Electoral Area receives a very good share of roads funding and he said that the Kilcock – Kinnegad by-pass would have a positive effect.
Cllr. Fitzpatrick thanked the deputation for their presentation.
CL6/1101 – Presentation by Community & Enterprise on area issues for CDB Strategy
Mr. Carroll circulated a document outlining the current position of the CDB’s work, key issues for the county, local issues and the role of the Community & Enterprise office. Cllr. Sheridan complimented Mr. Carroll and his staff on their work on the strategy for Co. Kildare. Mr. Carroll replied that the involvement of the Councillors had been very beneficial.
CL7/1101 – Children’s Playground Report
Mr. Bonar had circulated a report on children’s playgrounds some months previously in which he outlined the issues involved in establishing and running a children’s playground. He said Newbridge had been selected as a pilot project and he was awaiting approval from the Dept. of Sport & Tourism. It was proposed to run this for one year and assess its performance on grounds of insurance, maintenance etc. In reply to questions from Cllr. Sheridan, Mr. Bonar said there was not money for a playground in each electoral area.
CL8/1101 – Consider receipt of deputations
North West Kildare Environment Protection Group
The Cathaoirleach said that this group wanted to meet the members to discuss the proposed landfill site at Drehid. Mr. O’Sullivan reported that the consultants report on the three proposed sites was almost complete and depending on the outcome of the report, there may be no need to meet this group. It was agreed to invite them to the next meeting and the invitation can be withdrawn if necessary.
Robertstown Development Association Ltd.
It was agreed to invite this group to the next meeting also.
CL9/1101 – Taking over Donadea Forest Park
Cllr. McEvoy said the Council had agreed to compile a register of rights of way and he suggested that it start in Donadea Forest Park. Mr. Carroll explained that Coillte might not agree to this because of the expense involved and the need to close some paths for tree felling occasionally. Cllr. McEvoy said the local committee in Donadea rejected these arguments on the basis that it only cost £20 for each right of way and they would have no problem allowing paths to be closed for tree felling. It was agreed to leave this item on the agenda for further discussion.
CL10/1101 – Councillors Questions
CL11/1101 – Notice of Motion – Deputy Stagg
That corrective action be taken to rectify the problem of low water pressure in the supply to houses in Castlebrowne, Clane.
It was agreed to send the report to Deputy Stagg.
CL12/1101 – Notice of Motion
CL13/1101 – Notice of Motion – Cllr. Fitzpatrick
That area members be invited to attend the formal signing of contracts for new council housing schemes in their areas and that these events be publicized.
CL14/1101 – Any Other Business
Enfield to Edenderry Road Scheme
Ms. R. Lyons reported that MC O’Sullivan consultants had been appointed to this £16m contract, 75% of which would be paid for by the Department of the Environment and Local Government. She sought approval to proceed with the drawings immediately. This was agreed.
Ms. Lyons said that consultants O’Connor Sutton Cronin were to be appointed to do the detailed design of this project shortly.
Pharmacy in Prosperous
Cllr. Fitzpatrick said that there was a demand for a pharmacy in Prosperous and he proposed that the members write to the Pharmaceutical Association indicating their support for a new pharmacy there. This was agreed.
This concluded the business of the meeting.
Minutes of meeting of Clane Area Committee on 13th November 2001