Minutes of the Meeting of the Buckstone Primary School Parent Council, held on 6thMarch 2012
Present: Alison Stoner (AS)
Fi Thomas (FT)Derek Hyde (DH)
Dominique Meunier (DM)Diane Palmer (DP) Elaine Aitken (EA) Nicola Pay (NP)
Gill Smith (GS)
Attending: Suzanne MurrayJohn Wright
Morven LangleyDiane Donnelly
Melissa HumphreysLesley-Anne Porter
Caroline MorrisonMarianna Richtarikova
Maria DavieShirley Dryden Scott Arthur Peter Smith
Pamela Whitlie
Apologies:Thelma Dugmore
Arfaan AhmedMarion Stobie
Fiona BlackadderKenny Welsh
NP welcomed everyone to the meeting and thanked people for attending especially with the early start and finish of the meeting to work round the new Boroughmuir High School meeting.
A quick appeal from Arfaan Ahmed, who tended his apologies. Need for some volunteers to help with the cycling for the upper school children.
- Fundraising
FT confirmed that the bags to school looked like it had generated a good response. The current position is: £2,000 in Playground Bank Account, with £5,500 left in Fundraising account. Next fundraiser is the Buckstone’s 35th Birthday. Bring £1 to school and 1977 assembly. Planning for summer fayre is underway and all suggestions welcomed. Volunteers are crucial to for its success and FT asked for those able to help to get in touch.
Discussion around making clear plans for fundraising targets and informing parents. Agreed that this should be followed up on.
Agreed that some of the money raised can be used for the nursery’s needs too.
DP requested that the next maths packs be purchased next term at a cost of £2,500. This was agreed.
Actions: Put discussion of fundraising targets for next year on the agenda for next meeting. NP
- Playground and Outdoor Learning
NP advised that she has had a few positive responses to the email she sent out and that it is still her intention to produce a brief for the end of this academic year with regard to the proposed plans for the playground. Agreement that this is a long-term project and great time and care should be given to assessing all possible options, to maximise the benefits of the project.
Caroline Morrison highlighted the problems with taking children round to afternoon nursery. Wondered about the options for a safer entry through the playground for the younger children. Agreed to trial using the right hand side of the school and enter through the upper school side of the playground. Information to go on homelink letter.
Actions: Put details of trialing access via the right-hand side of the school, through the upper school gate, in the Homelink letter. DP
- Headteacher Update
DP advised that there has been very positive feedback following the latest drop in session on Health and Wellbeing. It is intended to have 3 ‘share the learning’ sessions each year. Mrs Forbes is on a phased return to work. There is a litter picnic scheduled for Monday March 19th – resulting from the Nursery ‘Nature Kindergarten’. Parents should take their children and help litter pick after school and then return to school for drinks and a snack. FT advised that she will get the snacks. The work in this area by Jane Mather is really appreciated and it would be great to get support behind it! DP also asked for support on the issue of the state of the carpets. NP and EA agreed.
Actions: Pay for snacks to be provided on the litter pick FT
- Co-opted members Update
EA advised that some objections have been raised in respect of the proposed double yellow lines. She will look at the objections and speak to the residents in order to make any amendments needed. Waterboard – waiting to hear about changes to fence and gates.
Actions: Consult Residents EA
- Update from Boroughmuir High Parent Council’s New School Sub Group
Peter was joined by Stuart (chair of the Boroughmuir High Parent Counci) to provide a very brief overview of the position, prior to the meeting to follow. The key issue being raised is the lack of land/outdoor space available with the New Build. The feeling was that information and presentations are skewed to push parents towards the new build. The sub-group’s priority is to ensure a fair and balanced consultation. There was a feeling that it was unclear what parts of the plans are fixed and what are open to changes. Peter stressed the need for people to question and push forward their views at the meeting with the council. It is also very important that as many parents as possible respond to the consultation in writing. The closing date is 30th March, 2012.
- Parent’s use of Glow
To be carried forward to next meeting
- Class Reps as Full Parent Council Members
Caroline Morrison, Thelma Dudgmore and Laura Groom will become were elected as full members of the Parent Council. This will be ratified at the AGM.
- Date Of Next Meeting
24th April 2012