Minutes of the meeting of the Buckroe Improvement League, Inc. (BIL)
Date: 02-27-08Time: 6:30-8:00pmPlace: Brass Lantern
Meeting Type: BIL Meeting
Participants: Steering Committee Members: Thomas Ponko, Mark Hollingsworth, Cecile Trevathan, Beverly Crandell, Wendi Powers, Matthew Lawrence. ???? guests
Guest Speaker: Susan Borland, Economic Development Department, City of Hampton
Purpose: Organization of the BIL, Buckroe Issues
- Chairman’s report
- Introduction of Steering Committee and new attendees
- Definition of the BIL – Not the BCA, or an extension of the Green Space Ladies
- Focus on improving the commercial corridors in Buckroe
- Intent is for Buckroe Business to assume a leadership role in BIL
- Phoebus Improvement League can be used as a model
- Things to do (carryover from last month’s minutes)
Develop membership requirements/dues, etc
Elect Board of Directors
Obtain 501(c)(3) designation
Investigate enterprise zone requirements
Investigate historical area requirements
Meet with Neighborhood Office
Meet with Hampton Redevelopment and Housing Office
- Minutes of January 23, 2008 – Motion for Approval: John Pane, seconded by Eddie Deerfield
- Status regarding the BIL limited liability corporation, with the State Corporation Commission
- Chairman is proceeding with the application process ($75.00 application fee)
- False start under previous Chairman
- Chairman presented the outcome of is meeting with the Mayor
- BIL Chairman sent an email to the Mayor and also met with the Mayor to discuss concerns regarding issues currently facing the Buckroe Community
- BarkPark - small dog area
- Road Intrusions
- Vehicle Speed along First Street & more police patrol
- Take the Right Approach
- Mayor’s Vision is not to ‘bulldoze’ Buckroe
- approach properties
- improve Buckroe Avenue
- improve B Lots
- high density development (condos) are removed from Master Plan, single family homes are now the focus
- beach type retail/commercial businesses desired
- parking issues continue to be a concern
- Suggested trip to Riverwalk in Historic Yorktown to observe parking solutions
- No gain in being adversarial with city officials
- Buckroe Pier
- Public Hearing - very good representation - BIL & BCA as well as citizens
- Chesapeake Landing Homeowner’s Association filed suit against the City
- VMRC approved
- Permit process has become; construction on the pier is forthcoming
- Introduction of Speaker: Susan Borland, Executive Director Phoebus Improvement League, City of Hampton, Economic Development Office
- Commercial advantages for having the Buckroe Improvement League - what’s available
- BIL feasibility
- Phoebus Improvement League: How they became successful
used Main Street USA as a model
Phoebus Civic Association
- primarily a business/social activity
- rotary club
- businesses did not have a way to prosper - move forward
- What the Phoebus Improve League had as an advantage - the History from then to Now
Strong sense of community
Focus on Improvements - both commercial and residential
Applied for funding from the City
- Focus also on Facade Improvements
architectural improvements
revolving loan fund
lower interests rates
Virginia Main Street Program
Historic Preservation
National Trust
2001 - FortMonroe gates were closed to the public
Susan became their Director
Phoebus lobbied the City for Improvements
Worth the City’s investments
Hurricane Isabel - 2003
Phoebus Civic Association and Phoebus Improvement League joined forces
More residential outreach
- Discussion regarding the types of businesses being sought for the area
- Commercial & residential and co-exist
upstairs - downstairs approach
- Questions - Discussion - all
Buckroe Master Plan - how the BIL can be involved
commercial corridor
B Lots - residential/commercial mix-use
very emotional issues - preservation of the ‘old Buckroe’ vs. Master Plan
affordable residential vs high end housing
point of origin - will the focus for improvement spread to other areas
will the plan change i.e., Downtown Hampton was supposed to be mix-use
Phoebus Improvement League did not have immediate results - it took time; focus was initially residential
As the Phoebus Improvement League Director, Ms. Borland worked closely with the Neighborhood Office (City of Hampton)
Hired a Consultant
Established the Historic District (tax credits, economic incentives)
Attracted New Business
Use the Main Street Approach
501c status necessary to apply for Grants, must have good accounting practices
BIL is on the right track
Hampton: too many vacant storefronts in the existing strip malls
A one-size-fits-all approach is not realistic when it comes to what needs to happen
Call Susan for more information 728-5149
- New Business: Develop membership requirements/dues
- Elect Board of Directors
- Obtain 501c3 designation
- Investigate enterprise zone requirements
- Investigate historical area requirements
- Meet with Neighborhood Office
- Meet with Hampton Redevelopment & Housing Office
- Comments: good start
- focus on Buckroe & Pembroke Avenue Corridors
- ask for priorities to be established in the Buckroe Master Plan
- residents would like to see improvements in the neighborhoods
- repair/replacement of damaged planters along the boardwalk
- incentives should be offered to residents to repair/improve older properties
- continue pursuing local businesses & residents for their participation
No further action/discussion Meeting adjourned @ 8:15pm
Next meeting scheduled:
March 26, 2008
6:30 pm
Brass Lantern
Submitted by: Beverly Crandell, February 6, 2008