Dr. Margaret Anne Cleek

Tahoe Hall 2044 e-mail

Office hours: 2:45pm to 4:15pm T TR always available via email at r SacCT email

Information on course available from SacCT


College of Business



This course is designed as introductory course in the management of organizational behavior. Its purpose is to provide a foundation for the materials which will be covered in subsequent courses in the curriculum and to give you a working knowledge of how to deal with functioning in organizational environments. Both the content and the process of organizational management will be taught, and to the extent possible experienced by the class. Major topic areas include the functions of management, the foundations of organizational structure, the global-orientation of organizations today, and the importance of values and ethics in organizational decision making. We will be working through some video/film examples of what we are studying and having on-line discussions, related assignments and readings.

The class is on-line. We will have power point presentations with audio lecture. I have audio available re MP3 and will try to make audio useable without power point although ideally students will view power point and listen to audio at the same time. Students are required to do assigned readings and keep up in the textbook. We will also have specific assignments for grades. We will have a multiple choice exam at the end of the semester which will be pass/fail. Course grade is determined by your performance on specific unit assignments and you must pass the final. I do allow for a retake final to reduce student stress. I am a “big picture” person, so am more concerned with overall learning and critical thinking than a 70% versus 69% on a multiple guess test.


To provide both a theoretical and practical framework for the understanding of organizational behavior in organizations

To familiarize the student with the existing theories of personality, motivation, leadership, group behavior etc. so that they might better understand behavior in organizations

To give the student knowledge, awareness, and experience in the processes and functions which occur in organizations

To provide practical experience in the application of theory and concepts to the management of behavior in contemporary organizations

To provide an appreciation of the human component in organizational behavior

To develop an information foundation upon which other courses in the curriculum will stand

To enable students to recognize that organizational events are complex and multifaceted and occur in context

To give students the knowledge and skills to effectively analyze organizational events so that they can better understand, predict, and control organizational behavior

To excite and interest the student with regard to the study of Organizational Behavior or Human Resources Management


It is important that you keep up with the class and do assigned readings and listen to lectures. Assignments will be posted and students may choose to try for an A or B or C grade on assignments. There will also be discussions posted and a minimum number of 3 discussion postings per unit are required of students.I make an effort to make lectures informative and relevant and to set up a curriculum appropriate for the class. While I make every effort to help students who do the work required in the class and value the opportunity for education, I have little tolerance in this economic environment with cutbacks in enrollments for students who do not keep up with the class, do not study, and expect to pass without any work or accomplishment.

You are expected to have read the materials as assigned. You are responsible for doing the readings and staying up with the class. Keeping up with the class is likely one of the most critical student-success habits you can foster. You will HAVE to read the materials eventually to pass the final, it may as well be when assigned so that you can have the benefit of the information when you need it.

There will be three unit assignments and a final which will be multiple choice—although an essay final is offered as an option for those students who prefer an essay exam. In order to receive a passing grade (C) you must get a passing score on the final (set at a reasonable level) and make a C quality response to the three unit assignments and participate in the minimum number of discussions. In order to receive a B in the class you must make a B quality response to the three unit assignments, participate in at least the minimum number of discussions with quality input, and get a passing score on the final. To get an A in the course you must make an A quality response to the three unit assignments, participate in at least the minimum number of discussions with high quality input, and get a passing score on the final. This is explained in greater detail below.


Grades are judged against a qualitative and quantitative standard. You are not in competition with your classmates for grades.

To obtain a C in the course you must participate in the minimum number of discussions andrespond to unit assignments by the C cutoff date with a discussion posting which shows evidence that you read the postings by other students and indicating what you got out of the readings. C students must also pass the final.

More substantial contribution is required to earn a grade ofA or B in the course. Students earning a B in the course must participate in discussions with quality input and earn a B grade on the unit assignments and respond by the B cutoff date. Students earning a B must also pass the final exam.

Students earning an A grade must demonstrate exceptional understanding and application of the course material. Students earning an A grade must provide high quality input to discussions and do unit assignments of the quality described below. A grade above Creflects not the quantitative amount of material you have learned and retained for the day of the test, but rather indicates your level of understanding of the material as demonstrated by your ability to integrate and apply the information.

Students earning an A will be required to do on line research and post additional information on discussion threads by a required due date which will be read and used by students wishing to earn a Bor a C. A students will also be required to pass the final exam.

As this is a foundation course it is important you know the material. Passing the final is important. I try to assist students and make every effort to assure student success.

Specific expectations will be posted with the unit assignments.

An A means you have the ability to integrate and apply course material and see connections, comparisons and underlying assumptions. You must demonstrate that you can integrate and apply course materials in creative and innovative ways and bring in other referenced source materials.

A B means that you can make applications of course material and you can use course material directly as a means to solve problems and explain organizational issues.

A C means that you have learned a sufficient quantity of the course material to be judged adequately knowledgeable.

This method of assessing qualitative differences in the grades is consistent with the academic regulations contained in the CSUS Catalog. The following is from the CSUS Catalog and is applied in this class.


A / Exemplary achievement of the course objectives. In addition to being clearly and significantly above the requirements, work exhibited is of an independent, creative, contributory nature.
B / Superior achievement of the course objectives. The performance is clearly and significantly above the satisfactory fulfillment of course requirements.
C / Satisfactory achievement of the course objectives. The student is now prepared for advanced work or study.
D / Unsatisfactory achievement of course objectives, yet achievement of a sufficient proportion of the objectives so that it is not necessary to repeat the course unless required to do so by the academic department.
F / Unsatisfactory achievement of course objectives to an extent that the student must repeat the course to receive credit.

I plan to create an on-line learning community. A and B students will provide information and analysis which C students can read and learn and assimilate. A and B work will require extra time and effort, but is this not as it should be?

Additional assignments will be available on SacCT and expectations and due dates provided. I will read postings and let A level posters know if their work earns an A. If it does not they can still get a B or a C as earned.


ORGB, Nelson and Quick, South-Western, anyed. This is a low-cost text, but you must buy the text new to have access to the student supplement materials. However, these materials are not necessary for this course.The text is not critical and you may use a used copy or another OB text provided you check out the table of contents and read the right topics.


This is an on line course so you are on your own to work at your own pace. I will post lecture of the week and assignments by Wednesday of each week. Assignment due dates and assignments will be posted. You can reach me for quick response at SacCT email or (more quickly) at . We are a learning community and will all work together to make this a good experience.


I follow the standards of the university with regard to academic dishonesty. Please check out the weblink and read the university policy on academic dishonesty Students violating policy will receive an F for the course.

I have never had a problem with student behavior, but should it be necessary I would follow university policy regarding inappropriate behavior. Please visit the website to review the policy.


I am available for help, please see me during office hours or email me. I am very responsive to email, but not to phone messages, so email is the best means to reach me.If you have learning issues and require special consideration, please let me know so that I can work with you and the office for students with disabilities. Every effort will be made to accommodate you.


This is an upper-division foundation course in the BSBA curriculum and is taught at that level of rigor and expectation. It is my job to assure that students receiving a passing grade in the course have the sufficient knowledge and skill to move forward in the program. I will do what I can to help students achieve their grade objectives, but I do not give high grades for inadequate performance in a university class. I will and do give students failing grades should they not meet the requirements set forth for passing this course.

You are adults and are responsible for your own academic choices. You can choose to set your own grade goals. I will take on the additional workload of papers and assignments for students choosing to do the work. I quickly respond to all email messages. If you have a yahoo or hotmail account you must include Cleek HROB 101 in your subject line or the CBA filter may block your email.

Best wishes for a successful semester!