Greater Muhlenberg Parks and Recreation System Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Directors

Tuesday, August 20th 2013

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A meeting of the Board of Directors of the Greater Muhlenberg Parks & Recreation System, was held this day at 4:30 p.m., CST in the Board Room of Old National Bank, 131 East Main Street in Greenville, Kentucky.

Members Present: Gail Johnson

Ben Van Hooser

Steve Wells, Chair

EA Gentry

Lee Freeman

Cassie Reynolds

Shannon Combs

Matt Perkins

Mackenzie Johnson (HS)

Staff Present: Tommy Barton, Executive Director

Guests Present: Kathy Jacobi, FEMJ

Members Absent: Tracy Hope, Shawn Conckwright, Tammy Pipper

A. Welcome & Call to Order

The Chair, Mr. Wells, called the meeting to order. He welcomed all Board Members and thanked them for attending.

B. Public


D. Administrative Business

Approval of the July 16th and August 6th special Meeting Minutes

Mr. Wells called on the Board to approve the minutes from the July 16th and August 6th meeting of the Board of Directors.

Action: Mr. Ben Van Hooser made a motion to approve the minutes from the July 16th and August 6th meetings. Ms. Cassie Reynolds seconded the motion. There being no objections, the Board unanimously approved the minutes.

Mr. Wells called for the board to approve of the accounts and treasurers report

Action: Ms. Gail Johnson made a motion to approve accounts and Treasurer’s report. Mr. Shannon Combs seconded the motion. There being no objection, the Board unanimously approved Budget and Treasurer’s report

E. Commissioners Report


F. Director Report

Tommy Barton reported he has contacted the 3 large beverage distributers and is working with them on a proposal for the new park. :He also reported that he is still working on small parks and hopes to move into Central City this month to work on their parks. Tommy reported that the steering committee is helping us with fundraising and they will be handling the large donations for naming rights. Tommy also reported on his and Board Chair Steve Wells tour of Elizabethtown Sports Park. Tommy also explained to the board the confusion on “the hill” out at West Campus. Unbeknownst to the GMPRS the school district had approved of the contractors using some of the hill for fill dirt well over a year ago. Tommy, Steve, and Cathy met with Rick Carver and Peroninn Construction and were assured, before the tech wing is done, the contractors will clean the top of the hill off and smooth out “the hill” and leave it looking like a normal slope.

E. Unfinished business

The 501 C 3 is still not approved, but we are communicating with the IRS

Daniel Pate has begun the Audit

The board discussed the steering committee’s plan for fundraising. The steering committee would like to do the large donations for naming rights and have come up with a plan to do so. They are meeting weekly to make a game plan.

Action: In order to speed up the process, Mr. Lee Freeman motioned to except the steering committee’s recommendations and plan for offering naming rights. Ms. Gail Johnson seconded the motion. With no objections the Board unanimously approved of the motion.

F. New Business

The board then began discussion on the groundbreaking ceremony to be held Sept. 6th. The board agreed that a representative of all partnering organizations should speak at the groundbreaking, and an order was established. Tommy Barton will MC the event and introduce the speakers, the order will be Judge Rick Newman(Fiscal Court), School Board, Rod Tompkins (FEMJ), Steve Wells(GMPRS). Lee Freeman mentioned that it would be nice to have some kids at the groundbreaking.

Tommy Barton then asked the board to consider a climbing wall feature to set up at the upcoming events Squash and Goble(Gville) and Harvest Days(CC)n the tradition of the Snowzilla event. Tommy stated it would be great promotion and community outreach. The climbing wall comes from Backyard Bounce at around $1,700 a day.

Action Ms. EA Gentry motioned to approve a package deal to purchase the Climbing wall to be at both events, Squash and Goble and Harvest Days. Ms. Cassie Reynolds seconded the motion. With no objections the Board unanimously approved of the climbing wall.

Tommy then presented the board with Greenville Tourisms request for 2 bistro tables for the corner park on Main Street Greenville. The parks and recreation system has not provided any other funding to this park project.

Action. Mr. Shannon Combs motioned to purchase two bistro tables not to exceed $3,000 for the crossing park. Mr. Matt Perkins seconded the motion. With there being no objections the Board unanimously approved the motion.

The board then discussed the term limits for board members. According to the initial interlocal agreement the terms of Steve Wells, Matt Perkins, and Shannon Combs are up. Their seats are appointed by the Executive Judge, with the GMPRS recommendation. All three board members would like to serve another term.

Action: Mr. Ben Van Hooser motioned to recommend the re-appointment to 2 year terms of Steve Wells, Matt Perkins, and Shannon Combs. Ms. Gail Johnson Seconded the motion. With no objections the Board unanimously approved the motion.

G. Adjourn

There being no further business to come before the Board, the Chair called for a motion to adjourn.

Action: Mr. Matt Perkins made a motion to adjourn. Ms. Gail Johnson seconded the motion. There being no objections, the meeting was adjourned.

The next meeting will be held September 17th , 2013 at 4:30 p.m. at Old National Bank.

Respectfully submitted,

Tommy Barton, Secretary of the Board