
Mr. Brown

449-7200 (ext. 2227)

Course Overview: Algebra Enrichment is designed to provide intensive support to high school students identified for strategic intervention concurrently enrolled in Algebra 1. This course will help students build their conceptual understanding of algebra content while practicing necessary fundamental skills. This course will reinforce what is taught in their core class: algebraic language and applications, the development of the real number system, variables, mathematical expressions, linear equations, problem solving, inequalities, graphs, relations and functions, and basic statistics and probability.

Teacher Overview: Mr. Brown graduated from the University of Connecticut with a Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics. He then earned a Masters Degree in Secondary Mathematics Education at SacredHeartUniversity. He has been a member of the Fitch High school Math Department since 2001. Recently, he earned his degree to become an administrator.

Notebooks: You will receive a notebook for class notes, warm-ups and homework. You should study your notebook regularly. I will periodically collect your notebooks to review them to determine how you have been taking notes. The notebook reviews will count as a quiz grade each time I collect them. Keep homework assignments, in your notebook with the notes associated with that section or chapter.

Calculators: TI-83 Graphing Calculators are provided by the school for use in the classroom only. You will be assigned a specific calculator and you will only use that calculator for the entire semester. Calculators must be returned to me at the end of each class period in which they are used. Students may not take a calculator home. You are encouraged to purchase your own TI-83 or equivalent calculator and you may use it for most assignments, quizzes and tests. If you plan to purchase a calculator other than a TI-8, please review the make and model with me prior to your purchase as some calculators may not be appropriate for this course.

Cooperative Groups: In this course you will be asked to work cooperatively with your fellow students. When you are working together cooperatively, you should always be willing to listen to each other, be an active participant, ask each other questions, help each other when asked, and always use an appropriate voice level.

Rules of the Classroom: There are a few rules that will help to make the class run smoothly:

  1. Be on time. Arriving late to class is a disruption to your classmates and your instructor. Tardy is defined as not being in the classroom by the time the bell starting class stops ringing. Each tardy will result in a detention on the following school day (e.g. Late to a Friday class results in a Monday afternoon detention). The first tardy results in a 15 minute detention. Any other tardy will result in a 30 minute detention.
  2. Be ready for class. Have previous night’s Algebra I homework on your desk ready to review. Being ready also means having your notebook out and working on the warm up.
  3. Respect your classmates and the teacher. All individuals in this school deserve your respect and should be treated in the way you would like to be treated. I will never speak to you in a disrespectful or demeaning manner and I expect that from you. The use of foul language (swearing or profanity) is strictly prohibited in this classroom. Foul language will result in a detention or in extreme cases removal from the classroom to the Vice Principal’s office for disciplinary action (“Blue Slipped”). Respect also includes not arguing with the teacher. You have a right to disagree with the teacher but in the classroom the teacher’s decisions are final.
  4. Food is allowed in the classroom. You are also permitted to drink water, soda, or sport drinks during class. I may revoke that privilege if you become a distraction to others or do not pick up after yourselves.
  5. Restroom trips. If you need to use the restroom during class, please hold up your hand and ask permission to use the restroom. You may be away from the classroom for maximum of five (5) minutes. Only one person may be out of the room for a restroom tripat any time. If you remain out of the classroom for more than 5 minutes your privilege to use the restroom will be removed for one to three weeks. No restroom trips will be permitted in the first 15 minutes of each class or during the lunch periods.

Class Participation: It is very important that we all work as a team with one goal in mind… To become stronger Math and Algebra students! Being a participating member of this team is extremely important to your success.

Daily Warm-up/Journal Responses: We will begin every day with a Problem(s) of the Day (POD). You are expected to start this immediately following the bell. These problems will be similar to those that appear on the Smarter Balance Test. You will be given a bi-weekly grade on these problems. The grade will be based on effort (give detailed explanations and neatly show all of your work). You will also be graded on the corrections that you make after we have gone over the problem as a class.

Attendance: Learning experiences occur in the classroom that cannot be duplicated. You must be present at as many class meetings as possible. If you are ill, keep up with the assignments as best you can and we will work together to bring you up to date when you return.

*** Grades are updated daily on Power School. If you are unable to access Power School let me know and I can provide weekly progress reports to you. Please do not hesitate to email me or call with any questions or concerns.

I, the undersigned, have read and agree to the guidelines stated on the previous page.

Signature of the student ______

Name of student (Printed) ______

Signature of the Guardian ______

Name of Guardian (Printed) ______

Email address of Guardian ______