Steve Donson, the owner of Plough Farm and Tony Allen, a community planning consultant, attended the meeting and made a brief presentation on what could be achieved in terms of a mixed development of affordable and market share properties on the Plough Farm site.. However, they are very much aware that the only way this development could come to fruition would be with the co-operation of the entire parish through a Community Led Development Scheme, which would then have to be approved by TVBC. If no development opportunity is agreed the land may simply be sold to a developer and put into a land bank until planning laws are changed once their contract with Lohmann GB, the chicken farm company, expires. Steve and Tony asked the council to consider the outline scheme and submit comments and suggestions. The next step would be to carry out an initial consultation within the parish.


Brian Comley, Nigel Bull, Steve Kershaw, Charlie Haswell, Tim Strong, Martin Thomson and Cllr. Timothy Rolt (HCC). The Clerk was in attendance. 2 members of the public were present.


Apologies received from David Eldred and Cllr. Peter Giddings (TVBC)


The minutes of the meeting held on 7th November 2016 were approved and signed. The minutes were proposed by Nigel Bull and seconded by Martin Thomson.


The meeting was advised that over 75 people attended this year’s Remembrance Sunday service and laying of the wreath at the war memorial along with one Chelsea Pensioner who used to live in Charlton.

David Eldred wished it to be recorded that there was some concern from parishioners that the Cango bus which operates within the parish was not included in the recent public transport review carried out by Test Valley Borough Council. This was because Cango comes under the auspices of Hampshire County Council and there does not seem to be any connection between the two organisations.


The poor responses from and inability of HCC to answer the many questions raised regarding the Open Reach planning and existing infrastructure were noted and considered to be unacceptable.

Cllr. Tim Rolt (HCC) advised that meeting that an IT consultant in Upton has managed to generate a high speed broadband connection using a mast system for his close neighbours. He is called Nick Bell and the Clerk was asked to invite him to our next meeting in January.


It would appear that we are unable to now remove the unsightly HGV sign at the entrance to Goddards Lane without a Traffic Regulation Order. The only way for alternative signs to be installed would be through the same process. As we know from the application for double yellow lines in Sambourn Lane the waiting time is in the region of 18 months for a TRO.


The HeartSafe Scheme ‘tags’ have been received and each custodian of our 4 AED’s was given a pack so that they could go away and set up the scheme using their mobile smartphone. The parish council would formally like to thank Sarah Haswell, Brian Comley, Steve Kershaw and Julia Rennie for agreeing to become AED custodians as well as Julie Wray who already monitors the AED at The Old Bell & Crown. The Clerk will be the central hub for monitoring the inspection information and will cover for holidays when people are away. The Clerk will look for a volunteer to cover for her but this does need to be one of the 3 other people familiar with the scheme. Once set up the AED guardian will be sent a text message every fortnight reminding them to check the sign. If not inspected then we need a system whereby the Clerk is notified of this. The newly printed information cards and information leaflets will be distributed to every household in the parish before the New Year. The clerks of neighbouring parishes will also be sent copies of our AED leaflets. An extra link to the AED information card and SSA leaflet will be put on the parish website.

Steve Kershaw requested that a formal thank you be sent to Nic Morecroft and Brendan Mahood who had both been instrumental in enabling our faulty AED cabinets to be replaced.


Jon Capes has met with the HCC Rights of Way team to discuss the possibility of reinstating some of our permissive paths but the onus would be on the parish to cover the costs associated with re-opening these paths which includes erecting signs, closing the path for one day each year, public liability insurance, cutting the hedges and grass. A proposal will be made to Jon Capes to re-open two key paths in the parish which are the one from Hatherden School to the playing field and the one inside the hedge in Wildhern which joins the path alongside Haydown House with the path on the opposite side of the road going down to Dines Farm further up the hill out of the village.

The parish council wishes to express its gratitude to Jon Capes for his willingness to consider the various options and Tim Rolt advised the meeting that, to the best of his knowledge, no other landowner to date in Hampshire has offered such a proposal so we were being viewed as a case study.

The closing date for the HCC Small Grants Scheme for Countryside Access is 23 January 2016 after which we will see if we have been successful in securing funding for our footpath maintenance work to replace missing finger posts, way markers and wobbly stiles which were all reported after the recent footpath ‘audit’.


The following two planning applications were reviewed:

16/02799/FULLN The Cottage, Roundaway Farm – 1 and 2 storey extensions – no objection

16/02887/FULLN Bungalow, Tangley Bottom – carport/garden store/new driveway – no objection

The parish councillors were all asked to go away and think about the possible development options which were presented for Plough Farm and to submit these thoughts to the clerk before the next meeting in January for further discussion. It was agreed that the housing needs survey clearly identified a need for both affordable and downsize homes and that this should be addressed and therefore Councillors should consider the demand, attractiveness of the scheme, increased traffic implications and whether the layout presented represented the best solution.


The Clerk advised that the bank balance is £6,446.46 after all cheques and payments had been reconciled to the last bank. The bank reconciliation was then signed by The Chairman as a true account. The following cheques were then approved and signed:

000901 - £ 99.60 RDL Meters re. Tennis court lighting cards (retrospective)

000902 - £291.14 TVBC re. playing field groundworks (retrospective)

000903 - £ 36.00 CPRE Subscription (retrospective)

000904 - £ 36.00 Adam Keppel-Garner re. website hosting (retrospective)

000905 - £321.54 Clerks Salary (November) (retrospective)

000906 - £ 60.00 Flair Creative for AED information card artwork

000907 - £321.54 Clerks Salary (December- post-dated 31/12/16)

000908 - £141.60 Bulpit Print for printing AED info. Cards

Increasing the parish precept to fund the on-going footpath maintenance costs was discussed.


The notice board which was taken down from the Old Dairy at Tangley has been excellently cleaned up by Charlie Haswell, a new lock fitted and it has been installed on the wall of the village hall adjacent to the existing hall notice board.


The Countryside Voice (CPRE) magazine was taken by Nigel Bull

The meeting finished at 8.57pm

The next meeting of Tangley Parish Council will take place on

Monday, 16th January 2017 at 7pm at Tangley Parish Village Hall.