Contact Details (phone and email):
Nominating for Grade:
Relevant Coaching / Hockey Experience etc:
Junior coaches agree to attend trainings and organise a structured training programme. If unable to attend coaches are to organise an alternative training coach.
Senior coaches are encouraged to attend training and co-ordinate with senior training coaches.
Junior and senior coaches are expected to attend all matches or organise an alternative game coach if unable to attend.
Coaches are to comply with Hockey SA and NDHA coaching guidelines and bylaws etc.
Coaches are encouraged, particularly in junior games, to demonstrate and practice fair play, encourage players and provide positive and constructive feed back .
Coaches agree to undertake any police check, coaching training etc as requested by the Association.
Club Secretary to send out email to club members with nomination form attached asking for nominations at the end on February of each year.
Nomination forms to be returned to the club secretary prior to the first meeting of the season. (This year’s first meeting held in the first week of March).
Applicants and nomination forms will be tabled as an agenda item and discussed at the opening meeting. Club members attending the meeting can provide feedback on the nominees.
Executive committee members, President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary, will consider the comments made at the meeting and if necessary seek further advice from senior captains and appoint coaches in the week following the meeting.
If the executive believes the nominees unsuitable for the position or if there has been no nominees, potential suitable coaches can be recommended by the club members at the meeting with the Executive to contact recommended parties as well as sending out another email seeking nominees. Details of subsequent nominees will be emailed out to club members for feedback with a close date for feedback. The Executive will again review the nominations and feedback and appoint a coach.