Minutes of the Meeting of CLAPHAM PARISH COUNCIL held on Tuesday 15thDecember 2015 at 7.45pm in the VillageHall.
PRESENT:- Parish CouncillorsMr. Hope, (Chair), Mrs. Fraser,Mrs. Hurley, Mr. Hurst,Mr. Langley,Ms. Ornithari, Mrs. Palmer,Mr. Prudham, Mrs. Simms,Ms. Simons, Mr. Sparrow, Borough Councillor Walker, the Clerk, Mrs. Paice, and4membersof the public
- APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE:-Mr. Keech,Mr. Tomkins
2.DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST:- Cllr. Hurley for item 19d) as a member of the Village Hall Committee
Mrs. Rosemary Plum had volunteered to join the Council.
Proposed by Cllr. Hurst, seconded by Cllr. Prudham that she be co-opted
Agreed. Cllr. Plum to sign the Declaration of Acceptance of Office
Presentation concerning application 15/02334/MAF for Aldi store in Clapham Road
Aldi consultant tabled a slightly revised layout plan. He advised that the store would not increase congestion on the A6 during the rush hours as the car park was designed to accommodate the maximum predicted peak hour number of customers, there was space for 11 – 12 vehicles to queue inside the car park and further space at the entrance. The entrance met the Department of Transport specification for junctions, the proximity of the roundabout would prevent speeding past the store, Aldi had used projected vehicle numbers from the study by the designers of the A6 roundabout and the store was unlikely to be busy during morning rush hour. There were stringent regulations for operating petrol stations and therefore there were no planning restrictions preventing further development alongside them. Bedford BC could not refuse the Aldi application on lack of need but could consider a site in the Town Centre was more suitable. Bedford BC had, however, agreed with Aldi that there was no other suitable site in Bedford. The application would be heard at the Planning Committee on 18.01.16. and Aldi requested that Council reconsider their objections. (Council discussed under item 11)
Presentation concerning application 15/02730/FUL to convert riding stables to 5 retirement homes on land adjoining Park Farm, Green Lane
Developer advised that the application had specified that the dwellings should be for over 55s but Bedford BC did not require that restriction. The Borough also had concerns about property 5 to the right of the access. Developer advised that the flooding issue at the entrance would be addressed as a new crossover would be constructed, property 5 had a flat grass roof to reduce the impact looking down the hill, solar panels would be used for heating water and construction was unlikely to begin until 12 months after planning consent was granted as the properties were in the curtilage of a listed building and planning conditions would be applied. Developer confirmed that the properties would be marketed to Clapham residents only for the first three months and requested Council support. (Council discussed under item 11)
The minutes of the meeting held on 17th November2015,which had been circulated, were approved by those present and signed by the Chairman.
Maintenance – Blocked gullies and fallen leaves in Green Lane and the High Street had been cleared. Clerk had asked Bedford BC to clean the alleyway between The Close and The Slade, repair potholes in Green Lane and repair street lights on The Glebe and had reported that lights along Bedford Road/Clapham Road were very dim.
Clerk had asked when lamp posts removed and taped up in The Glebe, High Street & Bedford Road would be replaced and Bedford BC had advised that the columns had been identified as structurally unsafe& so had been removed. Works to replace the columns would be scheduled for early next year. Persimmon had been requested to clear the ground around the apple tree on The Glebe.
Parking in Highbury Grove – public notices that no parking on the verge signs to be installed at the top of Highbury Grove and in Oakley Road erected. No verge parking scheme to be funded from Cllr. Walker’s Ward Fund.
Village Hall car park – potholes had been repaired 18.11.15.
There were 8reported crimes in Novemberof which1 was an assault, 1 burglary not in a dwelling, 1 theft from a shop, 1 theft from a vehicle, 1 criminal damage to a dwelling, 1 interference with a vehicle, 1 possession of drugs and 1 dangerous dog incident. Chair noted that Borough Cllr. Foster was proposing Special Constables in every village as in other parts of the country and Cllr. Walker commented that Bedford BC supported the proposal. Cllr. Prudham reported that 6 members of the police were present at the recent surgery in Clapham.
Cllr. Walker reported that Borough consultations were coming to a close. Car parking charges would increase to £1.80 for 2 hours in January 2016 but parking would be free after 6.00pm. Cllr. Langley asked again why green bins were not emptied until Christmas as there were still leaves on the ground. Cllr. Walker had raised with Bedford BC but been advised that not enough green bins were put out to make further collections viable.
Burial ground was discussed (see item 14) and revised Bedford BC budget proposals (see item 19a). Three quotations had been received for grass cutting & hedge maintenance for £10,420, £10,940 and £17,518. The current contractors, Warners were the cheapest combined total and proposed byCllr. Sparrow, seconded by Chair that quotation for £10,420 be accepted
Applications Decided:
a) 15/02120/COU – change of use of agent’s house to school offices & interior alterations at St. Thomas More School. Granted 18.11.15.
b) 15/02316/FUL – single storey rear extension at 80 Milton Road. Granted 25.11.15.
c) 15/02152/FUL – change of use from retail (A1) to restaurant with A3 at 76 High Street (Charlies supermarket). Granted 30.11.15. Cllr. Walker noted that the developer wanted to create an American diner.
Applications Received:
a) 15/02583/FUL – 2 storey side & single storey rear extension at 66 Milton Road. No objection.
b) 15/02714/TPO – fell 1 oak at land at rear of 5 Church View. No objection.
c) Government review of Community Infrastructure Levy
NALC was concerned about the non-mandatory nature of the CIL regime and had called for Government to increase the share of CIL for councils with an adopted neighbourhood plan from 25% to 35%. Bedford BC already had a CIL scheme in place and Council supported the increase from 25% to 35% for councils with an adopted NDP.
Council considered the comments by the Aldi representative. Cllr. Simons suggested that Bedford Modern parents would use the Aldi parking spaces which might reduce the traffic into Bedford but Council agreed by a majority of 6 against and 5 in favour to continue to object to the scheme because of the potential traffic congestion. Cllr. Walker to raise Council’s concerns at the Planning Committee on 18.01.16.
Council also considered the comments by the Park Farm developer and agreed that the development should be restricted to over 55s and properties should be marketed to Clapham residents only for the first three months after completion. Cllr. Walker noted that it would be for the developer to enforce any covenants on the properties.
b) Local Plan 2032 consultation
Reminders had been posted on the website and Facebook that the deadline for comments was 14.12.15. CPRE had analysed Bedford BC housing need calculations and concluded that they are flawed as the Borough should have used the official population data and taken account of small developments (less than 5 dwellings) and windfall sites. If this data was used Bedford BC would need approximately 13,000 houses to 2032, not 17,367 and would not require the 4,500 additional homes in the draft Local Plan. Bedford BC already had 6.3 year supply of deliverable housing sites which would be sufficient to satisfy the Planning Inspector. NDP Group had supported CPRE analysis in their comments. Cllr. Walker would try and find out the number of residents who had attended the drop-in session, although not all were from Clapham. Chair had contacted the new owners of Twinwood Business Park and they were content to meet Council in January to discuss the future of the site.
Christmas Tree event
Chair thanked those who had set up the tree and organised the lighting event. Cllr. Simms reported that the event was another successand Tesco had donated £10 towards the cost of the mince pies. Residents were disappointed that the Lions had not attended and Cllr. Simons had suggested offering them a donation to come next year. Clerk noted that Council might have to buy more thermos flasks as they had been borrowed from Bedford BC in recent years. Cllr. Hurley had asked John Lewis for any unwanted decorations and Chair suggested residents be asked to donate baubles with messages to hang on the tree in memory of family members. Clerk had thanked Bedford Brass and the Church for their help with the event and Council agreed that Bedford Brass should be booked for 2016.
maintenance & signs
No date yet for delivery of entrance stone. Contractor had suggested a 2m barrier at the entrance as 4x4s might scrape a 1.8m barrier. He suggested avoiding a tie back post otherwise visitors would be tempted to lock the gate in the open position & had quoted £960 + VAT to supply and install barrier & posts, a padlock with 3 keys welded to a chain and a sign denoting maximum 2m height. Clerk would obtain further quotations. Hedge and tree planting began 09.12.15. and to be completed this week. Mrs. Pearson & her family had thanked Council for dedicating a tree to the memory of Eddy Pearson. Clerk had received one application for the post locking/unlocking the gate from a Bedford resident. Cllr. Fraser to discuss with a Clapham resident who might be interested. Cllr. Simons suggested giving the lock combination to those wanting to use the site and changing it regularly but councilors were concerned that the gate might be left open.
Bedford BC had commissioned Local Council Support Associates Ltd to develop terms of reference & a timetable for the community governance review for Clapham/Brickhill. Terms of Reference provided an opportunity to identify issues within the legal framework of such a review aspirations as to the outcome of the review. Council had no other issues except the boundary changes agreed at September 2014 Council. Council had agreed that the parish boundary should not be extended to cover the Ward area given the cost of maintaining Bedford Road
Cllr. Sparrow suggested that the village should celebrate H M Queen’s birthday in June as celebrations were being organised in other parts of the country. Councillors to consider and to discuss again at January meeting.
Chair reported that potholes along The Baulk between Green Lane & Peppercorn Park had yet to be filled. Clerk to chase. Cllr. Prudham reported that gullies in the High Street opposite Henman’s garage & Riverside Gardens were blocked & Clerk to ask Bedford BC to clear. Cllr. Palmer noted that the ditch at the bottom of Green Lane was blocked. Cllr. Walker commented that she had been advised by Bedford BC that the ditch on The Ford side was not Bedford BC responsibility.
a) Accounts to pay
Proposed by Cllr.Hurst, seconded by Cllr. Langleythat the Decemberaccounts listed below be paid.
PayeeWork Carried Out Amount Paid Inc. VAT
J. BurnageRiverside Security & Allotment
Caretaker 72.52
WarnersGrass cutting – December payment 775.00129.17
WodeckiRepairing car park pot holes 510.30 85.05
CraigSupplying E delivering Christmas Tree 110.00 18.33
Bedford BCQuarterly bin rental & collection 210.34 2.47
White HartPrinting Village News 540.00
BishopRemoving broken parking bay fencing 125.00
Bedford BrassPlaying at Christmas Tree event 70.00
RBL Poppy AppealRemembrance wreath 17.00
Village HallHire of Hall December 24.50
Mrs. A. E. PaiceSalary December 1,680.80
HMRCQuarterly PAYE 1,877.87
TOTAL 6,013.33 235.02
Accounts already paid
Oakley Day Centre S.137 donation 150.00
Mrs. A. E. PaiceExpenses July – September80.03
TOTAL 6,243.36 235.02
Statement of Accountat 30.11.15.
Current Account £1,000.00Business Reserve £98,490.44
Balance Brought Forward at 31.03.15.£ 43,047.15
Add Income£ 103,668.10
£ 1,303.00 garage rent
£ 547.94 bottle bank
£ 538.45 allotment rent
£ 150.00 cemetery
£ 100.00 Village News
£ 31.75 interest
£ 6.20 photocopying
Less Expenditure£ 56,455.41
Balance at 30.11.15. £ 90,259.84
Neighbourhood Plan monies held by Parish Council
Statement of Account at 30.11.15.
Balance at 31.10.15.£3,1119.92
Income£ NIL
Expenditure£ NIL
Balance at 30.11.15.£3,119.92
b) Wage reviews – Riverside Gardens & Allotment caretakerLiving wage of £7.20 p.h. would be introduced w.e.f. 01.04.16. Current Riverside Gardens/Allotment caretaker salary of £1,086.24 p.a. equated to 3 hours p.w. including litter picking Riverside & posting notices on notice boards
Proposed by Cllr. Sparrow, seconded by Cllr. Hurst that salary be increased to £1,497.60 p.a. for 4 hours per weekAgreed
c) Budget 2016/17
Clerk had circulated draft budget for discussion at precept meeting 14.01.16.
a) Bedford BC – consultation on revised 2016/17 budget proposals
Environment Committee was concerned about the impact of a reduction in street cleansing on the village environment and opposed to the proposed cessation of the dog bin emptying service and Council agreed to object to these proposals.
b) Bedford BC – consultation on proposals for changes to Rural Grants
Bedford BC was proposing to pay only 50% of the cost of a project and the maximum contribution would be reduced to £20K. Projects would be looked on more favourably if the Parish Council was contributing to the cost. Council had no comments.
c) Bedford BC – draft Homelessness Strategy
Clerk had circulated the document and Council had no comments.
d) Village Hall – requesting re-location of car park trade bins
Village Hall was no longer content for trade bins to be placed adjacent to the Playing Field gate as a resident was complaining about rubbish blowing into his garden. Council currently paid £882.96 p.a. for the general waste bin and allowedthe Village Hall to use it free of charge. Clerk & Village Hall caretakers had repositioned the general wastebin under the Committee Room window. The recycling bin was locked and rubbish could not blow out. Councillors discussed whether the Village Hall should contribute to the cost of the bin and proposed by Chair, seconded by Cllr. Langley that given the pressure on Council finances and that the Village Hall had raised the issue they should be asked to contribute £400 p.a. to the cost of the bin w.e.f. 01.04.16.
e) NALC – Government review of Local Council Tax Support Regime
NALC had asked about experiences of being a recipient of an LCTS scheme and impact on local autonomy, local finances budgetingand local residents. To date support had been passed on but wouldbe reduced from 2016/17 and Council would need to increase the precept to maintain current income. Council had no comments.
20.DATE OF NEXT MEETING:- Thursday 14th January 2016 – precept meeting 7.00pm
Tuesday 19th January 2016