Minutes of the meeting of Cherry WillinghamParish Council heldat 7:30pm

on 28th January 2013, in the Millennium Hall.

Present: Cllrs Andrews, Beattie, Blackwell, Cutler, Gulliver, Houghton, Joy, Robinson, Scott, and Mrs M Vail (clerk)

Absent: CllrsBridgwood, Brylewski

Meeting started at 7.30pm

2012/148 Apologies, welcomes

Apologies: Cllrs Booth, Parrott, Trevor Welburn, County Councillor Fleetwood, PSCO Payne and Mr Dunne

2012/149 Members’ declarations of interest, gifts and hospitality

Cllr Scott in respect of Waterford Lane and the Bowls Club, Cllr Houghton in respect of the library and the Parade, Cllr Gulliver in respect of the playing field, and Cllr Andrews in respect of the Cricket Club.

There was a brief discussion around when a declaration of interest should be made. It was suggested that individual councillors should follow the guidelines in deciding whether they need to declare an interest.

2012/150 Chairman’s remarks

There were no remarks.

2012/151 To receive the notes of the Council meeting held on10th Decemberand agree to be signed as a true record

It was resolved to amend item 2012/138 so it reads: ‘he would possibly benefit in a business sense.’

The clerk reported that a councillor not present at the meeting had earlier brought to her attention that a remark in which one councillor told another to shut up had not been included in the draft minutes. After it had been explained that a councillor had told another to pipe down, and that a third councillor had said they had found the remark ‘pipe down’ to be derogatory and offensive, it was resolved to include, with 3 against, the sentence: ‘A councillor felt that another councillor had been derogatory and offensive in his remarks to another councillor.’ The third councillor was asked to explain the offensiveness of the other councillor’s comment. Whilst doing so, the first councillor cut in and spoke across her: it was pointed out that this was what the first councillor had done in the previous meeting.

It was resolved to sign the amended minutes as a true record.

2012/152 To receive reports from outside bodies

i)The Police

ii)Kevin Dunne (Community Action Officer)

iii)District Councillors

iv)County Councillor

There were no reports. Kevin Dunne will now attend the February meeting.

2012/153To receive a report on response from the Library Service and agree any actions as appropriate

The clerk had writtento the library service requesting that the Parish Council be fully involved in the process of drawing up of options, and that LCC work closely with the Parish Council. The following response was received: ‘yes, we will work closely with the parish.’ It is felt that progress is only likely to begin once LCC’s elections have taken place in May. Councillors mentioned that the new Waddington library is working well and has impressed residents, and that the ‘Lincolnite’ reported a 10% increase in issues.Action: clerk to e-mail LCC’s Helen Kirschner in February.

2012/154 To review arrangements for the APM in March and resolve on any further actions required accordingly

The APM will be on 18th March at the senior school. The clerk has negotiated the minimum possible hire payment of £24 exc VAT to cover essential school costs such as caretaking. A report will be presented during the APM meeting so there will be no need for a separate CW2020 display. It is hoped that there will be presentations on the community led plan, the Neighbourhood Plan (by Cllr Booth), the first year of the Youth Centre, and the Gardening Club; to include their plans for the Gala/show in July. It was resolved unanimously to have drinks at 6.30pm, the meeting at 7pm, with opportunity for viewing the plan afterwards. There will be no stalls as organisations will be present at the Gala.Action: poster to be displayed on noticeboards asap.

2012/155 To approve the receipts and payments since the last meeting:

Payments & receipts from previous meeting to 31 December 2012

Interest 10.00
Sale of furniture 63.50
MH rents 177.50
Payments including VAT
Roy Booth 792.00
TPS Office Furniture 712.80
Cherry News 125.00
E-on 16.00
Mrs M Vail (expenses) 128.20
SF Electrical 226.00
Staff Salaries (Dec 12) 1,119.68
HMRC (Oct-Dec) 309.09
Mrs A Welburn 460.83
Doddington Hall 250.00
(Xmas tree) / Mrs A Welburn 51.48
Mr M Cutler 62.87
Wicksteed 409.30
Multidata 45.75
CW Heritage (grant) 100.00
Veolia 516.71
Anglian Water (MH) 33.33
CW Community School 240.00
(2013 gala)
LIVES ref Christmas event 50.00
Alan Williams ref Christmas 25.00
Roy Booth (play inspections) 60.00
Roy Booth (sundry works) 281.50

After an explanation of various costs, it was resolved, with 1 against, to approve the receipts and payments.

2012/156 To receive reports and recommendations (if any) concerning the business of the Council and its Committees, Sub-committeesetc:

a)Planning matters including:

i.To receive a report on recent planning applications, approvals and refusals


129442 Marina Development: application for removal or variation of conditions 12 (lighting scheme for public areas), 17 (bridge design and construction), 20 (mooring design, materials and specification) of planning permission 127112 granted 4th July 2012.


129023 73 Waterford Lane: extension to existing garage and a two story extension.


128992 71 Waterford Lane: erection of 4 dwellings including demolition of 71 Waterford Lane

129280 71 Waterford Lane: move plots 4 and 5 by approx. 2 metres and extend gardens

129253 32 Hawthorn Road: single storey extensions to dwelling

128946 18 St Johns Avenue: dormer extensions to front bedrooms, with hall and garage extension

ii.To receive a report on progress made in setting up of a Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group

As Cllr Booth was not in attendance, there was no report on the progress of setting up the Steering Group. The clerk reported that she had written to Mr Rob Lawton of WLDC advising of the Parish Council’s intention to prepare a Neighbourhood Plan, and had provided him with a map identifying the proposed area to be established for the Neighbourhood Plan, which will be the whole of the parish of Cherry Willingham. Mr Lawton had replied to say that there would be a six week public consultation: dates to be advised. He recommended that, once the period of consultation is set, that the council advertise the consultation locally.

b)Finance General Purposes, including:

i.To note that the precept figure of £43100 has been submitted to WLDC

This item is noted. The Finance and General Purposes Committee is to meet on 29th January to work though the draft budget for 2013/2014.

c)Employment Committee, including:
  1. To consider the feasibility of increasing litter picking hours by up to 2 hours per week from 1/4/13 to 31/10/13 and agree any actions accordingly

After a brief discussion it was resolved to increase the litter picking hours by 2 hours per week from 1st April 2013 to 30th September 2013. The costs of these additional hours will be £170.64.

  1. To approve payment for litter picking undertaken by relief staff

It was resolved to approve payment of £22.12for relief work undertaken to cover the litter picker’s annual leave over the Christmas period.

d)Village ImprovementCommittee, including:

i.To consider quotes in respect of grass cutting schedule for 2013/2014 and agree any actions accordingly

The clerk reported that one company had declined to tender. Two quotes were considered, and it was resolved that Veolia be approached to take up the contract. It was recommended that Veolia be monitored very closely, and be asked to redo poor cuts. The clerk will need feedback to help monitor the situation. Action: all.Action: Clerk to contact Veolia.

ii.To receive the notes of the VIC meeting held on 15 Jan 2013and note the decisions and actions taken.

The notes were received, with the following noted:

  • Dog orders are to go on the February full council agenda: LCC have confirmed that a notice in Cherry News will suffice as this publication goes to all homes. Action: clerk, Cllr Joy
  • It was confirmed that LCC will no longer be involved in repairing the entrance to the Parade. The clerk is in the process of investigating land ownership and the law with solicitors. Action: clerk
  • Speed reduction gates wereexplained as being a visual cue to drivers to slow down on approach to the village, planned to be positioned at both ends of the Fiskerton entrance to the village, and on a similar design to those at Sturton. A councillor mentioned that Baumber had recently installed something similar: clerk to approach them as to costs. Action: clerk
  • Seats, that have recently been cleaned, are still stained, and the banana seats need treating, possibly with teak oil. One seat in the burial ground is missing a slat. Action: clerk
e)Leisure Amenities Committee, including:

i.To consider any further progress on the drainage issue at Laburnum Drive Playing Field and to agree any actions as appropriate

Councillors were referred to the notes of the L&A meeting held on 9 Jan 2013 for a full explanation on this item. The clerk has had problems in getting some companies to quote due to identified problems with the outfall, but now has three quotes. It was reported that Clive Mason and Alan Gardner were bringing their professional knowledge and experience to investigations. They are to do test pits, and suggest a soakaway as the solution as, to link into the existing drainage system, will leave the Council with a potential future problem. Cllr Andrews reported that Mr Gardner had suggested thata soakaway would make a differenceand, until a test for a soakaway has been completed, the Council should not spend any more. Action: clerk to decline most expensive quote.

ii.To note completion of the installation of the goal end and cycle rack at St Paul’s Play Area, and agree submission of application for grant monies

These items are installed, with only the lines to still be drawn on the tarmac pad. Comments so far received have all been positive bar one. Once a payment receipt has been received from Wicksteed, the clerk can submit paperwork to release the £3000 grant monies. Action: clerk

iii.To note any further information received in respect of repairing churchyard path

No further information has been received.

iv.To receive a proposal that a quote for £285 be accepted for re-concreting in place the gate post on the Cherry Tree Pub gate; and supplying and fitting extra bracing to same.

It was resolved to spend £285 on these works. It was suggested that a pad be considered to absorb the banging.

v.To receive the notes of the L&A meeting held on 9 Jan 2013 and note the decisions and actions taken.

The notes were received. It is noted that the Laburnum Drive Playing Field gates were locked from 10pm on Saturday 26th January to 10pm on Sunday 27th January to prevent the formation of a right of way.

f)Summer Events Task and Finish group
  1. To receive a report of the meeting held on 15th January.

This had been a very positive meeting. The Gardening Club have been very busy looking for sponsorship, producing creative ideas, and trying to engage with young people. Investigations are under way in respect of the possibility of a dog agility event taking place. Cllrs Joy and Robinson are to meet with the head of Cherry Willingham Community School: discussions to include using the site in a different way. The next meeting will be on 26th February.

g)Emergency planning

There was nothing to report.

h)Xmas events

There was nothing to report.

2012/157 To receive reports and recommendations from Councillors representing the Council on outside Committees (if any), including:

a)CW2020 Steering Group

Cllr Houghton reported that the final draft of the community led plan, and associated documents had been sent to Fiona Lowe of Community Lincs on 7th January. Fiona had forwarded them to Mary Hollingsworth of WLDC for circulation to its officers for comment. A response is to be made within 4 weeks. A limited number of copies of the community led plan are to be printed, so councillors agreed in principal to approve up to £100 to support the printing of extra black and white copies. Action: clerk to put on February agenda.

b)Youth Club

Cllr Joy reported that the recent meeting with LCC had been very positive. Recruitment of a paid leader and a paid assistant leader will soon take place, and the Youth Club is looking to open on Monday and Friday evenings from 1st April. It is hoped the lease will be signed before the 1stMarch, allowing full control as Cherry Willingham Youth Club Ltd. Cllr Joy was congratulated on his perseverance.

c)The Parade Committee

This item is to be removed from future agendas as this committee no longer exists.

2012/158 To consider other matters relating to the work of the Council

  1. To receive an explanation of the make-up of sub committees, the aim of each sub-committee, and how often each one meets

The councillor who had requested this item had been provided with the Termsof Reference for the Highways and Byways Sub Committee (reporting to the Village Improvement Committee), and the Playing Fields Sub Committee (reporting to the Leisure and Amenities Committee) prior to the meeting. The day and timing of future VIC and H&B meetings are to be reviewed to avoid public opening times.

Action: clerk to circulate councillor contact list, reissue list of committee members, and co-opt the new councillor onto one committee.

  1. To consider the content of Cherry News editorial and resolve on any actions accordingly

Views of councillors were sought regarding the content of Cherry News editorial. Concerns were raised in respect of whether it,at times, presents a misleading, one-sided view, or gives a false impression. It was confirmed that the Council no longer has any connection to Cherry News. Cllr Cutler declared an interest as Cherry News is a non-profit making business, and he sits on its committee but as a resident, not as a councillor. After discussion, it was agreed that Cllr Cutler would take the issues raised to the Cherry News committee. Action: Cllr Cutler

2012/159 To consider Police Matters including issues arising from the minutes (if any)

The clerk was asked to alert the police to youths throwing snow and ice balls at windows and doors.

Action: clerk

2012/160 To note any other correspondence received and to agree action as appropriate

i)An e-mail had been received concerning the poor state of the verges following work on Fiskerton Road, and to report a quad bike cutting across the green triangle from a property to the fields opposite. The clerk had already responded.

ii)An e-mail had been received asking if there was any provision for, or consideration being made, for a basketball court or skate park in the Laburnum Drive Playing Field. This matter is to go before the Leisure and Amenities Committee.

2012/161 To receive reports on action taken in relation to matters arising from the minutes not covered by the agenda and/or reports from Committees

a)2010/162 d) Laburnum Drive – Needs to be moved forwards.

b)2011/110 c) iii Feasibility of path from pond area to Church Lane- PCC have discussed in May.

This item is on hold.

c)2011/116 To explore the feasibility of path/wooded area linking Hawthorn Ave to main part of CW – ongoing.

2012/162Councillors’ matters for report and notice of items to be included in the Februaryagenda

A councillor noted that the agenda does not include a ‘Matters Arising’ item. It was explained that it is best practice to have specific items rather than a general heading.

A councillor referred to item 2012/134 from the 10th December 2012 full Council minutes which stated ‘The breach of order that was raised in November’s meeting, which referred to WLDC Council Procedure Rules W.L.D.C. 15.4, was confirmed as not being applicable to the Parish Council, so there had been no breach of Parish Council orders.’ The councillor asked where members stood as the WLDC Code of Conduct had been adopted by the Council, which guided how councillors behave. It was explained that how the Parish Council operates and does business is dictated by its own standing orders.

A councillor reported that there was movement on the Fiskerton Road building site. This is to be put on the February agenda.

Meeting ended at 8.55pm

Date of next meeting: 18th February 2013 (items for agenda by 8th Feb, agenda to be issued 11th Feb)

Mrs Michelle VailClerk8/2/13

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