JROTC Study Guide
General Knowledge:
1. What is the mission of JROTC? To motivate young people to become better citizens.
2. What is your number one priority? Academics
3. Identify the Battalion Organization
a. CEO/Boss/Leader: Battalion Commander
b. 2nd in Charge: Battalion Executive Officer (XO)
c. Senior Enlisted Soldier: Command Sergeant Major
d. S1: In Charge of Personnel/Admin
e. S2: In Charge of Recruiting and physical security
f. S3: In Charge of Operations and training
g. S4: In charge of supplies/logistics
h. S5: Public Affairs Officer in Charge of Videos/Multi Media
i. S8: In charge of Fund Raising
j. S9 In Charge of Community Service/Service Learning
k. S10 Academic Officer
4. Cadet Creed
· I am an Army Junior ROTC Cadet.
· I will always conduct myself to bring credit to my family, country, school and the Corps of Cadets.
· I am loyal and Patriotic.
· I am the Future of the United States of America.
· I do not lie, cheat or steal and always be accountable for my actions and deeds.
· I will always practice good citizenship and Patriotism.
· I will work hard to improve and strengthen my body my mind.
· I will seek the Mantle of Leadership and stand prepared to uphold the Constitution and the American way of life.
· May God grant me the strength to always live by this Creed.
5. If you are in uniform, when should you wear your headgear? When you are outside and not under cover.
6. How many paces should you start saluting the flag and then drop your salute if you are outside, in uniform and the flag passes by you? 6 paces.
7. The definition of leadership includes providing your subordinates with... Purpose, Direction, Motivation
8. 7 Leadership Values can be summed up in the acronym LDRSHIP. What are they?
L- Loyalty D- Duty R- Respect S- Selfless Service H- Honor
I- Integrity P- Personal Courage
9. 11 Leadership Principles.
(1) Know yourself and seek self-improvement. By properly evaluating your own weaknesses and strengths while endeavoring to improve those areas daily, you will continually improve your abilities and performance. This is an important trait to pass on to your employees for their own benefit and your unit’s.
(2) Be technically proficient. Keep current with the latest technical developments in your field of expertise and know how to deploy your resources for the maximum return on investment. This is another great development principle for your employees.
(3) Develop a sense of responsibility among your subordinates. Drive accountability down to the base level among your staff. Make sure they know that you will hold them accountable for their actions and assignments.
(4) Make sound and timely decisions. Ensure that your decisions are well thought out and that you’ve taken into account all relevant information. Don't act rashly or out of anger, desperation, or any other emotional state.
(5) Set an example. Lead from the front – make sure that your staff sees you as a role model. Be visible in your daily activities and hold yourself to a higher standard – this will motivate subordinates to improve themselves.
(6) Know your people and look out for their welfare. Only by demonstrating that you are interested in and concerned for your employees’ welfare will you win their loyalty. A good leader is a compassionate listener and understands what motivates his team. Do you convey an attitude of “I’m in it with you” or “I’m looking out for myself and you are all on your own”?
(7) Keep your people informed. Information is the life's blood of any organization and only good if it is shared across the widest possible spectrum. Be sure to communicate promptly – good information received too late can be the same as bad or no information at all. Share your ideas and knowledge with your staff – this will make them feel included and valuable.
(8) Seek responsibility and take responsibility for your actions. Be prepared for your next assignment and take charge of all areas of responsibility. If a mistake is made, stand up and take the heat. By doing so, you will demonstrate a key principle of leadership: we are all fallible and make mistakes, but it is how we respond to our mistakes that separates the professionals from the pretenders.
(9) Ensure assigned tasks are understood, supervised, and accomplished. Trust your employees to do their jobs, but verify that assignments have been completed to your standards. While you shouldn’t hover and micromanage tasks, you also should not wait until a deadline to discover that it was done poorly or improperly. The military excels at giving briefings and status reports. When your staff is able to provide you with positive, comprehensive updates, they’ll feel encouraged and you’ll know that the project is on track. If it’s not, then you can offer advice and guidance on how to get back on track.
(10) Train your people as a team. Have your staff work together as a team and cross train on each other’s responsibilities. This allows them to utilize each other's strengths and to feed off of the team synergy. Teamwork develops a sense of shared responsibility and commitment to the objective.You’ll also have backup in the event of a team member’s prolonged absence.
(11) Employ your team in accordance with its capabilities. Know your limitations and those of your people and department. Don't take on more than you should. By knowing your limitations, you'll know when to call in the reinforcements or when to say “no.”
10. Army Ranks Enlisted and Officer.
11. Phonetic Alphabet: Alfa, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, Echo, Foxtrot, Golf, Hotel, India, Juliet, Kilo, Lima, Mike, November, Oscar, Papa, Quebec, Romeo, Sierra, Tango, Uniform, Victor, Whiskey, X-ray, Yankee, Zulu.
12. What does SAI and AI stand for and who are they? Senior Army Instructor (Colonel Shrader), Army Instructor (Sergeant Lewis).
13. Write out the three Army General Orders.
1. I will guard everything within the limits of my post and quit my post only when properly relieved.
2. I will obey my special orders and perform all of my duties in a military manner.
3. I will report violations of my special orders, emergencies, and anything not covered in my instructions to the commander of the relief.
14. Name two elements of sexual harassment? Explain by giving an example.
a. Hostile Environment.
b. Quid Pro Quo- This for that (I’ll do you a favor if you do something for me)
15. Write the definition of Sexual Harassment. Unwanted and offensive sexual gestures, actions or words.
16. List the four “winning colors” and the word to describe them.
a. Brown (Builder) b. Red (Adventurer) c. Green (Planner) d. Blue (Relater)
17. List three functions that are more dominant by Left Brain People. List three for Right Brain Dominant People.
18. List Name the three parts of the brain and their functions.
a. Neocortex: Critical Thinking b. Limbic System: Controls emotions c. Brain Stem: instinctive/reactive
19. Define Downshifting: Brain locks up or does not function well due to being overstressed.
20. In the Dunn and Dunn Learning Style Model, list the five stimuli that affect your learning and give an example.
a. Environmental- sound, light, temperature, design
b. Emotional- Motivation, persistence, responsibility, structure
c. Socialogical- Self, pair, peers, team, adult, varied
d. Physical- Perceptual, intake, time, mobility
e. Psychological- Global, analytic, hemisphericity, impulsive, reflective
21. Explain Left Brain/Right Brain Functioning. The brain is divided into two hemispheres that utilize different modes of thinking. In each individual, one side of the brain is more dominant than the other. The left brain is more logical/analytical and the right brain is more nonverbal/emotional.
22. List and explain the 5 different types of listening.
a. Informative: To understand the message
b. Relationship Listening: Help the individual or improve the relationship between people.
c. Appreciative Listening: for enjoyment like music, TV, radio or to a speaker.
d. Critical Listening: To comprehend and evaluate the message. Good for making decision or forming opinions.
e. Discriminative Listening: To judge the speaker’s message and intentions through cues like rate, volume, pitch, body language, etc.
23. Name and explain the 8 Multiple Intelligences.
· Bodily/Kinesthetic: Gift of physical prowess, coordination, fitness and action.
· Visual/Spatial: Gift of visually representing and appreciating concepts, ideas and information (visual thinking).
· Logical/Mathematical: Gift of reasoning and thinking in symbols and abstractions (calculating, computing, problem solving and logic).
· Verbal/Linguistic: Strong language and literacy skills.
· Musical/Rhythmical: Gift of melody, music, rhyme, rhythm and sound.
· Naturalist: Environmental awareness.
· Interpersonal: Gift of working with people and understanding the complexities of human relationships.
· Intrapersonal: Gift of inner thought, self-awareness, and self reflection.
24. Do’s and don’ts of communication especially when you are interviewing for a job. Don’t look nervous, not make eye contact, seem disinterested, mumble, fidget, doesn’t elaborate, downplay.
25. Do’s: eye contact. Sits up straight. Enunciate clearly. Look neat and well groomed. Emphasize strengths and find ways to show that experience is what the employer needs. Talk positively about former employer.
26. What percent of our communication is non-verbal? 80%.
27. True or False. We should be sensitive to cultural differences in how a good gesture in one culture might be offensive in another.
28. List the different types of thinking maps and their use.
29. List the 5 Effective Study Strategies and give examples for each.
Time management, Make the most of class time, Test taking techniques, Preparing for the test, Taking the test.
30. Goals should be SMART explain.
Specific: Explicit, clearly defined with a detailed plan of action.
Measureable: Quantifiable, results can be observed and measured with concrete criteria.
Attainable: Reachable, within your power to achieve.
Realistic: Worth doing and something you’re willing to work towards to accomplish.
Timely: Within a certain timeframe. Time bound.
31. Seven areas to set goals in your life.
1. Physical 2. Intellectual 3. Spiritual 4. Social 5. Financial 6. Family 7. Career
32. Three timelines for goals and possible examples.
a. Short term (get an A on the Final Exam)
b. Mid term (Get into UW and Army ROTC)
c. Long term (Graduate UW and become an Aviation Officer, retire at 20 years then take over for Colonel Shrader)
Health and Fitness
33. The acronym for the Fitness Principles is PROVERBS. What does each letter stand for and explain.
1. “P” stands for Progression (Increase Intensity and Duration)
2. “R” stands for Regularity (Consistent and regular exercise regiment 3-5 days a week)
3. “O” stands for Overload (Work out/exercise exceeds normal demands up to muscle failure)
4. “V” stands for Variety (Vary routine. Different activities/exercises/music etc. Reduce boredom/increase motivation)
5. “E” stands for Eating Healthy (Balanced diet for long term muscle and mind development, recovery and sustainment)
6. “R” stands for Recovery (Rest from PT, 24-48 hours. Also thru alternating difficult/easier days & muscle groups)
7. “B” stands for Balance (exercise all areas of your body. Upper/lower, front/back, endurance/strength/sprints, etc.)
8. “S” stands for Specificity (gear your training towards specific goals ie. 5k= run, cycle = bicycle, strength= lift…)
34. If you are what you eat, list the five food types and give an example of each.
35. A calorie is the amount of energy it takes to raise the temperature of one kilogram of water by one degree Celsius
36. How many calories are there in a pound? 3500
37. What’s an average daily calorie amount for a male 14-18 years old: 2000-3200 depending on your activity?
38. What’s an average daily calorie amount for a female 14-18 years old: 1800-2400 depending on your activity?
39. What is a good site for researching food like the amount calories of a food? Choosemyplate.gov
40. What percentage is being overweight: 25-29.9 Body Mass Index (BMI)
41. What percentage is being obese: > 30 Body Mass Index (BMI)
42. Identify five components of whole health and give a positive and negative example of each.
1. Food. 2. Exercise. 3. Stress. 4. Sleep. 5. Behavior.
43. Metabolism is the chemical process by which the body produces energy and maintains vital functions.
44. List the 6 steps to control Fat.
1. Examine your existing diet 4. Be active
2. Restrict your fat intake 5. Pick a plan and stick to it
3. Determine your body fat 6. It’s not about dieting but a way of life
45. Identify five causes of stress and give an example of each one.
1. Personal Habits (poor diet/time management/sleep/exercise)
2. Social Activities (conflict with family, peer pressure to use alcohol/drugs/sex, lack of money, be popular)
3. Major Live Changes (death in family, severe illness in family, parents’ divorce, parents remarry, moving)
4. Responsibilities (too many activities, constant deadlines, concern for grades, work/school, care for siblings)
5. Environment (overcrowded, poor lighting, uncomfortable temperature, feel unsafe, noisy, feel confined)
46. Identify some physical effects of stress:
Fight or flight response (Increase heart and breathing rate, dilated pupils, cold hands, dry mouth, muscle tension)
47. Identify some psychological effects of stress:
Irritability, excessive worrying, anxiety, inability to relax, forgetfulness, disorganization, inability to concentrate or complete tasks, lack of energy, trouble with relationships, changed eating habits, need for alcohol and drugs, lowered self-esteem, feeling discouraged, excessive guilt, feeling of helplessness, depression…
48. List some habits to fight stress: Eating well, getting adequate sleep and exercise.
49. Alcohol potency is different in different types of alcohol drinks. How many ounces of each type of drink contain the same amount of alcohol? 12 ounces glass of beer, 5 ounce class of wine, 1.5 ounce shot of liquor.
50. What is the leading cause of death in young people in the US? Alcohol related car crashes.