Minutes of the meeting of Cherry Willingham Parish Council held at 7:30pmon 17th November2014 in the Millennium Hall.

Present:Cllrs Andrews, Beattie, Bloomfield, Booth (arrived partway through meeting), Bridgwood, Brylewski, Gulliver, Houghton, Robinson, Trevor, Welburn, County Cllr Fleetwood, Mrs M Vail (clerk), Mr MJ Tomlinson (RFO). There were no members of the public.

Meeting started at 7.30pm

2014/75 Apologies, welcomes and attendance, including to accept apologies and the reasons for absence where given:

Apologies were received from: Cllr Blackwell (personal commitment), Cllr Booth (work commitment), Cllr Mellor (work commitment), Cllr Parrott (ill), Cllr Scott (family matter). It was RESOLVED to accept the apologies and reasons for absence.

2014/76 Members’ declarations of interest, gifts and hospitality:

Cllr Robinson declared an interest in respect of the youth club due to family involvement with the club.

2014/77 Chairman’s remarks:

Cllr Trevor read out a thank you card from Cllr Parrott in respect of her recent illness. He then noted thatthe bypass public meeting held on 14th November had been well organised, had been very successful, and had been attended by district and county councillors and Sir Edward Leigh. There had also been press coverage. Cllr Trevor concluded by thanking all who had attended. Clerk to write letter of thanks to Action Group. Action: clerk

2014/78 To receive the notes of the Council meeting held on 13th October, and agree for them to be signed as a true record

Item 2014/66: It was noted that, although the 22nd November was the date stated at the October 2014 full council meeting, the correct date should have been 14th November 2014. A note to this effect was inserted into the minutes. It was then RESOLVEDto accept the notes as a true record, and these were duly signed.

2014/79 To receive reports from outside bodies, including the Police, District and County Councillors (if any) and agree actions as required:

County Cllr: Cllr Fleetwood reported that he continued to lobby within LCC to try to changeviewpoints on the bypass, and that he had lobbied hard with MPs at the public meeting. He noted that a £500 grant had been paid to the parish council, and that a £500 grant would also go to Reepham Parish Council. He then reported that the libraries were currently out for tender. Cllr Fleetwood was thanked for his efforts.

District Cllr – Cllr Welburn reported thatshe had been heavily involved in the Draft Local Plan consultation which had now finished, and that she was happy with the submissions received.

She then reported that she had met with Cherry Tree Homes (Hawthorn Avenue development)to discuss the possibility of creating a footpath from Hawthorn Avenue to Green Lane. She hadalso asked for the builder to negotiate to obtain two pieces of land for the parish council.

Cllr Welburn then reported that she had purchased an engraved silver salver for the village which had been presented to a vicar of Cherry Willingham in 1899 by parishioners, andthat she would be seeking contributions in due course towards the total cost (approximately £250) from the community, including from the council.

She concluded by noting that the website petition for the bypass had already had 600 hits.

Police report: The clerk reported as follows:there had been a fuel spillage on Fiskerton Road causingcars to slip, a quantity of sand was reported to have been left partially on the road on Waterford Lane, cars were parked inconsiderately on Waterford Lane and warning notices had been issued, tyres had been stolen from a vehicle from St. Simons Drive, there was a report of suspicious males trying to collect for charity on Hawthorn Avenue, and there was a report of bogus charity bags being delivered to Thornton Way.

Members noted that there was again no police presenceat the meeting. Clerk to write to the Police Crime Commissioner. Action: clerk

2014/80 To receive the schedule of receipts and payments since the last meeting:

Cllr Beattie queried work stated on the schedule regarding the varnishing of seats at St Pauls Play Area, noting that there were no wooden seats at that location. The RFO confirmed that the invoice hadn’t made clear where the seats were and that he had erroneously construed it as being at St Pauls. It was noted that the Committees had requested that all village seats be treated. Members agreed to delete the name ‘St Pauls’ from the schedule. It was then RESOLVED to approve the receipts and payments.

2014/81 For information only: To receive reports and recommendations (if any) concerning the business of the Council and its Committees, Sub-committees etc:

Cllr Trevor asked forMembers to clearly word any agenda items that they submitted so that thesewere very explanatory as to what was required out of meetings. He noted that the following agenda items were for information only and that any concerns needed to be taken to chairs of committees. It was noted that the Village Improvement Committee notes had only been circulated that morning.

a)Finance & General Purposes:
  1. To receive the notes, for information only, of the meeting of the F&GP Committee held on 3rd November 2014:

The RFO noted several amendments that were needed on the draft F&GP notes. Action: clerk

  1. To review the Veolia contract 2014 and agree any actions accordingly:

Cllr Beattie noted that Veoliacut the railway and scout hut footpaths, and that the council had also paid for the cutting back of brambles on these paths on additional occasions. It was confirmed that Veoila were contracted to cut the footpaths and brambles three times a year. Cllr Beattie suggested that Veolia be paid to undertake four cuts instead of three if three bramble cuts were insufficient.

Cllr Welburn then confirmed that the clerk regularly contacted the railway company to cut back brambles on the railway footpath, and she also noted that a weed spray had taken place on the same path to stop weeds from spreading. She also noted that, despite meetings with Veolia, issues had not improved. Cllr Trevor confirmed that the Village Improvement Committee(VIC) and the Finance Committee had both noted these issues when considering the threegrass cutting quotes for 2015/16. He further noted that both committees had resolved to recommend a different contractor to the one currently used,with the expectation being that this would resolve the issues mentioned by Cllr Beattie. Cllr Trevor then confirmed that the VIC had resolved to pay for additional bramble cuts if required.

  1. To approve a request from LCC that the parish council takes on the grass cutting of Hawthorn Avenue on behalf of LCC from 2015/16

It was noted that LCC currently undertook 7 cuts a year on Hawthorn Avenue and would reimburse the parish council a total of £93.45p.a. for this work, and that if the council chose to take Hawthorn Avenue on then there would be an additional cost to the council as it would be cut to the grass cutting schedule. This item was considered fully under the next item.

  1. To note quotes received for the grass cutting contract 2015/16 for all areas of the village, and to approve a recommendation for a preferred grass cutting contractor for 2015/16:

The clerk reported on three quotes for £9317.84, £10,026.04 and £11010, and confirmed that the tender which she had issued covered all areas of the village including the playing fields, and was the tender as previously discussed and agreed by committees. The clerk then confirmed that the additional costs to cover Hawthorn Avenue were £252, £63.42, and £560 respectively, and that these amounts were included in the quotes reported above. She noted that the contractor of the quote for £11010 had invested a lot of time in working out what was required and had therefore submitted a quote based on 24 verge cuts a year rather than the14 cuts which the other two contactors had quoted on. She confirmed that the recommended contractor had contingency plans for sickness or equipment breakdown. Cllr Bridgwood then noted that he would like to check the tender to ensure it met the Leisure &Amenities Committee’sneeds. It was RESOLVED with one abstention to approve the recommendation to accept the quote for £11010, to include Hawthorn Avenue, from Richard Gadsby. Action: clerk, L&A Committee

  1. To consider a recommendation that a grant be given to the Cherry Tree Pub in respect of repair work to the car park

It was noted that the request had been for £800, but that only £500 remained in the grants budget for 2014/15. After a brief discussion, it was RESOLVED, with two abstentions, to approve a recommendation to award £500. Action: clerk

  1. To review the draft budget as prepared by the F&GP Committee on 3rd November and agree any changes accordingly

The RFO noted that the draft budget had been circulated to Members ahead of the meeting, and that the Finance Committee had considered it in detail.

He then provided an overview of the current year’s budget, noting that the total general expenditure for 2014/15 was budgeted for £37,995, and that the F&GP predicted a total spend for the year of £39,970. For project funding he noted that there was a projected underspend of approximately £10,000.

The RFO then noted that, for the 2015/16 draft budget, the council had committed to £30,000 expenditure. He then noted thatthe draft budget currently stood at £73,000 with £13,000 of this to come from balances, and £60,000 from the precept request: this would be a £10,000 increase on 2014/15. He reported that this draft budget did not include a suggested £4000 for resurfacing under the rota ride roundabout at Laburnum Drive Playing Field.

It was confirmed that the potential land purchasewas not included in the budget as the council were currently at a status quo with this, therefore the budget reflected the present time situation.

The RFO then explained that the draft budget did not contain any money specific to paying salaries at the youth club. Cllr Brylewski reported that youth club attendance was good and noted that there was a ‘double edged sword’ in that if they opened on an additional night because of their success in growing numbers, then they would need even more funding for wages.Cllr Robinson noted that there was a limit to how much the youth club could raise itself, and that there was a lower financial limit below which the youth club would simply cease as they would not be able to function.

Cllr Bridgwood asked whether the council should also support other youth organisations, andCllr Beattie noted that he had spoken to a youth club representative at the Autumn Parish Meeting to ask if the youth club had approached other local communities for help.

Cllr Trevor then noted the need, which had been strongly supported by the F&GP, to go to the village to ask if they would support £5000 per year, this being the amount supported by residents at the Autumn Parish Meeting. He then proposed that the council ask the village for £5000 a year for 3 years after which it would be reviewed. Cllr Robinson noted the need to first ask the youth club if they were confident that they could keep open on £5000 per year as, if they couldn’t, then there was no point in asking the village. Cllr Trevor asked that, once the Youth Club Management Committee had had its meeting on 18th November, that it provide the council with hard facts and figures on costings of the youth centre, and Cllr Robinson noted that 70% of youth club attendees were CW children. The proposal was not voted on. Action: Cllr Brylewski

Cllr Welburn then suggested moving £5000 from the ‘fit trail item’ in the budget to the ‘youth club’ budgetas this would ensure that the budget would be in place if the village gave a mandate.

Cllr Fleetwood left the meeting at 8.44pm.

  1. To approve the recommendation of the F&GP Committee that a request be made to WLDC for a precept of £60,000 for 2015/16,and that £12,000 be taken from balances: (Note: this agenda item should read ‘that £13,000 be taken from balances).

It was noted that this item had already been discussed, therefore it was RESOLVED to approve this recommendation. Following a query from the RFO it wasthen RESOLVED that the precept request be submitted as the actual figure rather than an estimate. It was noted that the actual figure was due in by 9th January 2015. Action: RFO

  1. To approve expenditure relating to the bypass public meeting held on 14th November, and to note that this will be reimbursed from LCC grant money

It was noted that spending to date comprised: school hall hire of £52.50, banners at £252 exc. VAT, postcards at £93.73 exc. VAT, and that this expenditure would be reimbursed from LCC grant monies. It was RESOLVED to approve this expenditure.

  1. To agree actions, timescale and costs in consulting with residents over both the purchase of Bowser Estate land and the award of an annual grant to the Youth Club, to include:
  2. resolving on whether to hold a referendum, or to consult with residents by different means

The clerk reported that WLDC had advised that a referendum could cost over £3000and that the decision to hold a referendum had to be made at a public meeting, not a council meeting. She further reported that LALC had suggested a more successful avenue as being to leaflet residents and to offer a prize draw funded from S.137 monies. Cllr Trevor then read out i) a draft article for Cherry News which asked if residents would support the land purchase, and ii) an e-mail from the Cherry News editor which asked what the cost per resident would be of the land purchase. Cllr Trevor then noted that the editor had offered a free half page to allow for such an explanation to be included. It was agreed, subject to permissions, that reply slip boxes be located at the Cherry Tree Pub, the newsagents and the parish office, and it was RESOLVED that a £50 prize be offered. Cllr Welburn confirmed that the estate agents were currently quoting £300,000 for the land. She further noted that there had already been an approach to purchase 2 acres from the council for a community garden, therefore it was very difficult to put an exact price on what he land would finally cost the council.After discussion, it was RESOLVED to put the survey and explanation into the Cherry News and for the Chairman and RFO to jointly put the final article together. Action: Cllr Trevor, RFO

  1. To receive information relating to savings accounts and to agree on amounts to be held in each account:

The RFO reported that he had opened two accounts with Nationwide: an Instant Saver at 0.95% and a 95 Day Saver at 1% and that he recommended just using the Instant Saver. It was RESOLVED to accept the RFO’s recommendation and to go with his decision as to how much money to put in this account. Action: RFO

b)Planning matters:

i.To receive a report on recent planning applications, approvals and refusals:


1A New Crescent: to erect a PVC and brick conservatory. Objections. Action: clerk

Plot 94 Hawthorn Road: to erect one dwelling. The RFO declared an interest. No objections.

Site one: land south of Wesley Road: erection of 26 detached and semi-detached houses. Decision deferred as still awaiting application paperwork.

ii.To approve the actions of the Planning Committee:

It was RESOLVED to approve the actions of the Planning Committee.

iii.To receive a report about the bypass public meeting held on 14th November at the community school, and to receive any other updates in relation to the bypass, and to agree any actions accordingly:

Matter already discussed – it was noted that it had been a very successful meetingand that a further meeting would take place with LCC’s Cllr Richard Davies on 25th November.

iv.To receive feedback on the meeting held at the Epic Centre on 22nd October regarding the Draft Local Plan:

Cllr Booth reported that this had been a lengthy meeting instigated by concerns in Saxilby anda petition from them to WLDC suggesting that WLDC leave the Joint Planning Unit and prepare their own Local Plan. He reported that WLDCcouldn’t afford to do this, and were not content with the way in which planning policies were being drafted, but that they were staying with the Joint Planning Unit.

v.To note parish council response submitted in response to the consultation on the Draft Local Plan:

Cllr Booth reported that lengthy commentshad been submitted, with the response being geared to saythat commitment to settlement hierarchies was being sought too soon without information having been provided as to what the implications of this might be. The response had also noted that the policies didn’t appear to want to give any weight to Neighbourhood Plans, especially in respect of the villages near to Lincoln who were developing Neighbourhood Plans, and it suggested that they look at the evidence as collected by the villages. It was further noted that other policies appeared to be Lincoln-centric and that, in terms of the overall distribution of growth in central Lincolnshire, they didn’t appear to be taking any account of what was happening on the Humber Bank.