Minutes of the Meeting of BridghamParishCouncil held at the Village Hallon Tuesday26th July2016at 7.30 p.m.

PresentMr M Dickenson, Mr B. Evans,Mrs J Lowe and Mrs J Hines

1 members of thepublic

1.Apologies for absence:Mr T Fitch

2. Declarations of Interest on items on the agenda:None

2.1 Dispensations: None

3.To agree and sign the minutes of the meeting held on 21st June & 29th June 2016:minutes agreed and signed.

Meeting suspended

4. Public Participation:

Mr Evans asked the member of the public if he has a hidden agenda, nothing is positive, it is always negative.

The member of the public replied, do things correct or do nothing at all. He said at the VHMC meeting in October 2015, he was attacked by two people; it’s my turn to hold everyone to account. Council said we spend every month fighting, we need to move on, with all the death and worry, full of hatred and heartbreak, we need to move on. The resident commented that the Council had made an incorrect statement, he was verbally abused at the meeting, it is his time to respond, he is holding the Council to account, he worked in Local government, the negativity that has been thrown at us, I’m throwing it back.

Meeting resumed

5. To consider any matters arising from the minutes (for information only):None.

6. To consider Equal Opportunities Policy

6.1To consider Safeguarding Policy

6.2To consider Financial Regulations

6.3To consider communication policy(remove the)

The Council agreed all policies in items, 6, 6.1, 6.2, 6.3.

6.4To consider response to freedom of information requests (update to standing

orders-Cerk to liaise with Councillors in between meetings for freedom of information

requests) This was discussed and agreed, it will speed up the process. It was noted that the clerk

can respond to Freedom of Information queries under standing orders

7. Accounts to be presented for approval of payment in accordance with the budget:

Bridgham Invoice and Income List July 2016
Payee / Net / VAT / Gross
TT Jones Electrical / £40.00 / £8.00 / £48.00
Laserfast Ltd / £38.30 / £7.66 / £45.96
Breckland Finishing / £20.00 / £5.00 / £25.00
Total / £98.30 / £20.66 / £118.96

The Council agreed the payments

8. To consider any planning applications and decisions received after this agenda was


9. To consider feedback from the Highway’s visit:

The Highways visit was successful, Council asked Simon Greggs to contact the Clerk direct to feedback on items. Someone will come out to clear the drains. Clerk was asked to send Simon Greggs a reminder

9.1To consider feedback from Maintenance Meeting held with the Village Hall

Management Committee:It was a very positive meeting, please see notes attached from

meeting. The Clerk to get quotes, Mrs Lowe to show contractors around.

9.2 To consider plaque for David O' Neale and research papers: It was agreed that Mr

Evans will arrange for the plaque to be made to go underneath the photograph, Mrs Lowe to

liaise with Mrs O’Neale on the inscription. Mr Evans to store the boxes of research papers; to be

sorted before Christmas, to put on next months agenda.

9..3To consider purchasing new dog bin/s: TheClerk is waiting for a response, it was noted

that people are throwing dog bags with faeces into the hedges

10. To receive and consider correspondence (including Freedom of Information Requests)

21st June items 1-6 do not need to respond.

The Chairman’s report is on the website. The Clerk is not sure whether the standing

orders are new, but they update any previous ones the Council may have had.

22nd June, letter was sent to chairman of VHMC, the VHMC have not had a meeting so do not

need to respond.

26th June, there was a misunderstanding about the fete, asked about monies raised. The sharing

of the money with the Church is commendable. There should be two years running costs as in

constitution. The Council expressed concern about the communication from the resident and the

VHMC putting costs of hire up, it should be coming from the VHMC rather than a resident.

The VHMC constitution states the ParishCouncil has oversight, they have every right for

financial information, it is the ParishCouncil’s duty to oversee. The VHMC need to be

transparent and accountable. The fete has contributed to the money(2 years running costs).

26th June, 2nd email, The Chairman cannot remember what was said for the 30th September

meeting. Councillors have attended VHMC meetings so have liaised. The Clerk commented that

it is difficult to liaise when relationships need to move on.

11Any Further Reports/items for the next agenda - for information only (not for

discussion) and date of next meeting:

Playground funding: we have passed the pre application stage, now going on to the full application. We have consulted with the community at a previous meeting and verbally via Councillors as well as liaising with the previous Jelly Tot group., Mrs Lowe to obtain letter from residents re the consultation.

Mark to supply a location map. To update the quote for refurbishment of the playground; Mrs Lowe to email pre application to the Clerk. Clerk to obtain quotes and complete application by 2nd August 2016. The previous Jelly tots group still have money left and would like to donate it to be used for playground equipment for the same age group. The Clerk clarified that the money can be kept separate in the Council accounts. The purchase of a picnic bench was discussed, to be looked at in the future.

It was discussed there has been nothing further on the bio digester.

Breckland District Councilhas voted against devolution.

Mr Evans and Mr Dickenson attended the Parish forum meeting it was not very productive

Next meeting date 30th August 2016

There being no further business, the meeting was closed at 8.36pm