The Richmond Community School District is a community nurturing mind, body, and spirit to prepare students for lives of choice, purpose, and service. Our vision is to guide students on pathways of learning to a future of limitless possibilities.
- 4,998 students, Preschool-12th grade
- 95% attendance rate
- 76.4% Free/Reduced Lunch Eligibility
- 95.7% graduation rate (Class of 2016)
- 349 teachers
- Preschool at all elementary buildings
- 13 Advance Placement (AP) courses
- 43 Dual Credit Courses
- 140 Community Partnerships
- 180 Volunteer Mentors
- Digital Transformation - e-Learning specialistsand instructional coaches
- Spanish, French available
- 18 different Career Education Programs
- Project Lead the Way – Engineering
- Project Lead the Way – BioMedical
- Automotive Technology
- Construction Technology
- Drafting Technology
- Radio/TV Broadcasting
- Agriculture Business and Technology
- Cosmetology
- Certified Nursing Assistant
- Interactive Media Web Design
- Cadet Teaching
- Marketing
- Interdisciplinary Cooperative Education
- Professional Careers Internship
- Fire and Rescue
- Emergency Medical Services
- Graduates awarded $3.4 million in scholarships (2016)
- Starr Elementary named “Promising Practice “ school
- Richmond High School placed on National Register of Historic Places
- Charles Elementary named only “Four Star School” in Wayne County
- Westview Elementary raised $4,000 for their Walk-a-thon
- Crestdale Elementary students donated over 2,200 cans of food to local shelter.
- Elementary students learned how to code and moved their Spheros and Ollies. #HourOfCode
Fall Sports- Football
- Cross Country
- Boys Tennis
- Volleyball
- Girls Golf
- Boys Soccer
- Girls Soccer
- Cheerleading
- Boys Basketball
- Girls Basketball
- Wrestling
- Gymnastics
- Swimming and Diving
- Cheerleading
- Baseball
- Softball
- Track and Field
- Boys Golf
- Girls Tennis
School Organizations
- National Honor Society
- Student Government
- Yearbook/Newspaper
- Black History Club
- Bowling Club
- Drama Club
- Green Club
- Robotics Club
- Speech/Debate Club
- Travel Club
- Orchestra
- Marching, Symphonic, Spirit and Concert Bands
- Chamber Choir
- Symphonic Choir
- Winter Guard
- Devilettes
- African Drum Ensemble
- Steel Drum Ensemble
- Academic Teams
- Math Bowl
- Spell Bowl
- Red Devil Pride
- RHS Alumni Assoc.
- K-Kids (Kiwanis)
- Richmond Area Career Center
- Online Graduation Academy
- LOGOS (Gifted/Talented)
- LifeSkills Special Education
- Middle School Early College
- High School Early College
Contact Us Today!
300 Hub Etchison Parkway, Richmond, IN 47374
Phone: (765) 973-3300; Email: