
Minutes of the Meeting of Bishops Clyst Parish Council

Held on Monday 8th January 2018 at Clyst St Mary Primary School Hall (7.30 pm)


PRESENT: R Hatton (RH); D Axford (DA); C Scanes (CS); C Trudgeon (CT); C Fairburn (CF); M Howe (MH);Ray Steer-Kemp (RSK); E Gibbons (EG)

Also present: Three members of the public.


RESOLVED – 1 that the Minutes of the last meeting be confirmed as a correct record and signed by the chairman (circulated).


The Council noted the usual risks.RH and CT item 12. No pecuniary interests disclosed.


Matters arising from last meeting:-

  • Precept applied for £26,975.00.
  • Email to PCSO re two burglaries at the business units at St Bridget Nursery - why were we not informed of them.
  • Advised Plandscape that the rabbit fencing quote has been agreed and work can commence.
  • Devon Communities Together Energy Workshop advice email forwarded to Parish Magazine and Facebook; also notice re parking on verges.
  • Potholes at Winslade Park Avenue reported; letters written to residents re commercial vehicles using and sorting on the verges – notices in parish magazine and facebook requesting residents do not use verges for parking.

Correspondence received:-

  • Notification received that the upper car wall has been damaged and will need replacing – Luke Watts attended to put cones round and will make safe on Monday 18/12/17 – quotes for full repair to be sought; quote received from Luke in the sum of £2,500 for brick build or £1,750 for railings.
  • Email from Cllr Bloxham re Frog Lane double yellow lines – agreed with DCC but to be discussed further.
  1. REPORT FROM COUNTY COUNCILLOR–not in attendance but sent report saying that he is continuing to work on the issues with A3052 and Frog Lane; update to be sent in the near future; meeting to be held on 4/1/18 with RH and MH re DCC funding for school extension.
  2. REPORT FROM DISTRICT COUNCILLOR HOWE – MH reported on the Cat & Fiddle planning application and also the Enfield Farm application; further reported that EDDC achieved a balanced budget; reported on the Greater Exeter Strategic Planto publish their information in due course – MH advised that we keep ourselves informed as to the progress of this and be mindful of any affects this could have on the Parish; RH enquired about the Village Area Boundary – MH reported that it includes the Winslade Park site but no changes have been made – final consultation closes this week then back to Planning Inspectorate with report and decision to be made in the Spring.
  3. REPORT FROM PCSO – not in attendance but reported via email that the PCSO numbers are low and they are looking into uploading one area report which each parish can view by entering the postcode in order to ascertain crime reports – this month’s report is as follows; 2 damage only RTCs on the A376; Sidmouth Road branch down road blocked; A3052 hole appeared in the road; 3 x Burglaries, Oil Mill Lane, Winslade Park Avenue and St Bridgets Nurseries. All are waiting results from scenes of crime; area has been patrolled twice a day since the incidents and there have been no further reports; Flooding on Clyst St Mary roundabout – CT raised concerns about the lack of a PCSO presence in the Parish and also raised concerns regarding the replacement of the crime reports with a generalised online report. Discussed and agreed to write to Police expressing those concerns.

Gaeron Kayley – member of the public reported on the drain on the A3052 being blocked which is flooding the main roundabout; it is believed that the Cavannadevelopment is causing the problem; RH requested that the PC write to DCC requesting that the drains be cleared on the A3052; MH advised we write to Cllr Ray Bloxham and Cllr Sara Randall-Johnson; Gaeron Kayley further commented that Kingdom Travel coaches keep reversing on the Winslade Park/Clyst Valley Road verges –he further commented that there is a camper van parked in Church Lane - believed to be occupied – not currently causing a nuisance.

  1. UPDATE ON CAR PARK WALL –discussed Luke Watts’ advice on repair and quotes submitted;quoted £2,500 for new brick and £1,750 for railings. Discussed removal of remainder of wall which Luke Watts has advised is unsuitable for repair – CT commented that removal would detract from the appearance of the car park. After discussion RH proposed MH seconded that wall be removed and area levelled and made safe. Luke Watts to be asked to quote for this work for approval at next meeting. CT and RSK to produce proposals for Car Park boundary for next meeting. This was agreed.
  1. 17/2889/ful - Enfield Farm Biogester, Oil Mill Lane - Works to ground levels and provision of landscaped area. Comments to EDDC – Approved. Trees to be subject to TPO.
  2. 17/2842/ful – Millstream Lodge, 2 Longmeadow - Replacement of the existing side extension and construction of first floor extension over existing roof. Comments to EDDC – Approved.
  3. Any other planning matters. None.
  1. Monthly transactions: considered and authorised, a schedule of expenditure.
  2. Approved the Newton Poppleford Parishes Together Funding - £467.00 for the defribulator;
  3. DA reported on the elections; He confirmed he will not be standing and requested that the PC consider in good time a new Finance Committee Chairman; he further reported on making future payments by BACS – he will contact Roger Norman to get details of how system works for discussion at next meeting.
  4. DA reported on the £1,100 Parishes Together funding to clear the ditch on the A376; Plandscape to be contacted regarding their original quote and if no changes need to be made to this then the works to go ahead as agreed and voted at a previous meeting.
  1. DA reported on the annual maintenance quotes received – Plandscape - £7,044.50 + VAT – Luke Watts £7,200 total as not VAT registered – RH reported on the individual reports submitted and on the quotes in detail –it was agreed that the RH and DA go back to both companies to outline any queries and then decide who to take on at a future meeting.
  2. SALE OF LAND AT WINSLADE PARK – PLYMOUTH BRETHREN LAND–RH confirmed no update from solicitors; RH has been in touch with them but they have not come forward with any advice since our last correspondence with them; it was suggested that RH chase the solicitors -If they confirm original advice then we will not proceed with this matter. Proposed CT Seconded CF All in favour.

1.Clyst St Mary Village Hall –RH reported on the new CCTV equipment and that it is working well; a link is available online to view the footage.

2.Sowton Village Hall – MFnot in attendance – report was previously circulated to all councillors - appendix A.

3.Airport – DA reported that the next meeting is in February.

4.Allotments– CT reported on the retrospective permission for Mr and Mr John’s shed which had been agreed at the last PC meeting.

5.Play Area/Field–RH reported on the rabbit fencing which has not been completed. Once completed the rabbit traps can be installed; further discussed the use of the pitch for sport purposes.

6.School Governor – RH – this item was moved forward to the first item on the Agenda as the Head Teacher and Deputy Chair of Governors at Clyst St Mary Primary School were present to discuss the funding for the extension of the school – RH reported on the funding issues with the school extension and the undertaking from EDDC to DCC to confirm that funding will be available but EDDC have said they cannot give this as no funding is currently available; MH reported that there is no money in CIL available at present for the school as there are many priority areas – this will be reviewed in Autumn budget; the current CIL budget stood at £76,000; the Headteacher and Deputy Chair of Governors reported on the use of the PE hall as a classroom as an option due to lack of space if the extension cannot be completed; concerns were raised by councillors and the school that the legal obligation to provide PE facilities would be unachievable if the hall is needed to teach pupils and that the only option would be a porta cabin; The Deputy Chair of Governors reported on the additional demand due to new development in the parish will be in the region of 60 children; MH confirmed there will be some CIL money from Friends Life butthis would be limited and would not be automatically allocated to the primary school– it would go into one pot and would go to priority need in the District; MH discussed in detail the financial shortfall in funding in general and that work is being made to remove education from CIL; A lengthy discussion continued and it was agreed that the PC will liaise with the school and write to Devon County Council which will be copied to the Rt Hon Sir Hugo Swire MP.

7.Crealy liaison- MH reported that the next meeting will be in March.

8.DALC – CT reported on the Councillor Advocate scheme around the P&CC Office – awaiting a response from the staff officer.

9.Flood Action Group - CS reported that a meeting has been arranged with the EA – Half Moon 3.00pm on 25th January 2018; RSK reported on the sewer pipe works carried out by South West Water – MH reported that the EA have received £50,000 for flood prevention in Clyst St Mary.

10.Emergency Plan – RSK – meeting to be arranged in due course to add to the Emergency Plan document.

11.Any Other Reports – CS reported on the Frog Lane highway issues – he has been liaising with Cllr Ray Bloxham to put in double yellow lines – Cllr Bloxham has confirmed that this has been agreed for the next list of works to be submitted but CS confirmed that the lines need to be extended –PC supported this extension, Clerk to write to DC Highways; CT reported on the gas pipes upgrade at Winslade Park and the time and disruption this is causing – it was agreed that the PC write to Wales & West Utilities to enquire why the works are taking so long; RSK enquired whether anyone had located the sandbag – this has still not been found; a discussion took place on a suggested new location for the sandbag and the possibility of building a storage unit for it; RSK further reported on the lower car park pavement tarmac – quoted £1,000 which is too expensive – agreed that further quotes be sought; RSK queried whether the A3052 drains would be cleared – RH confirmed PC will contact Ray Bloxham; MH reported on access gates at Village Hall – he suggested that a metal case would be needed to protect the padlock from being cut – this is to be included in any quotes received for the repair of the gate; MH enquired if anyone can attend a meeting in London regarding Compulsory Purchase Orders – no one would be able to attend.


Monday12th February 2018– CLYST ST MARY PRIMARY SCHOOL HALLat 7.30pm