MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF BERINSFIELD PARISH COUNCIL held on Monday 1st December, 2008 at Mount Farm Community Education Centre, Wimblestraw Road, Berinsfield.

PRESENT : Councillor K. Hall Chair

Councillor E. Croft Vice-Chair

Councillor Mrs. P. Collins

Councillor Ms. J. Dance

Councillor G. Denslow

Councillor J. Eccles

Councillor D. Eldridge

Councillor B. Harris

Councillor R. Harwood

Councillor S. Llewellyn

Councillor Mrs. R. Stockford

Councillor Mrs. N. Sutton

1. Items raised by Members of the Public

a) Dorchester Carbon Project Councillor Hall welcomed Councillor Mark Stevenson from Dorchester Parish Council who had agreed to speak to the Parish Council about the Dorchester Carbon Project. Councillor Stevenson gave the Parish Council a brief history of how the project came into being and although he is a Parish Councillor, the project is run at a distance from the Parish Council. He suggested that if residents of Bernsfield wished to start up a group, contact should be made with people who are already involved with other organisations and have links to the wider community. He also suggested involving the school as children are able to encourage their families to start taking action at home. The aims and objections of the group should be established as to whether it is looking for “quick wins” or long term projects or both. Should Berinsfield be interested in forming a group, Councillor Stevenson indicated that he would be happy to talk to a sub-group and to provide information.

Councillor Stevenson produced a reusable canvas shopping bag with a sketch of Dorchester Abbey on it and stated that the Dorchester Group had them made and distributed one to every household in Dorchester in exchange for being able to talk to the residents when delivering them in order to encourage them to become involved in the Dorchester Carbon Project. The Group had obtained a grant to cover the cost of producing the bags.

Councillor Hall thanked Councillor Stevenson for his interesting presentation and stated that he believed the residents of Berinsfield would be interested in forming a group and that his kind offer of assistance was much appreciated.

b) Annual Accounts 2007-08 The Parish Council received a request from a resident for a copy of the annual accounts for the year 2007-08 and arrangements will be made for a copy to be forwarded in the post.

c) Proposed Skateboard Park. A resident enquired what the Parish Council’s contribution would be towards the cost of the proposed skateboard park. The Chairman informed the meeting that the Parish Council would have to provide the sum of £4,000 towards the cost of the proposed skateboard park.

d) Overgrown trees and shrubs. It was reported that trees and shrubs were encroaching on the path in the following locations : 13 Kennet Close and 44 Ock Drive. It was AGREED that the Parish Council should investigate this matter.

e) Dog litter The Parish Council were extremely concerned to hear that residents are allowing their dogs to foul on the school playing field and are not clearing the mess up. An item will be included in the next edition of Your Village Voice pointing out that dog litter bins are provided throughout the village and that anyone caught allowing their dog to foul on any open space or pavement in the village will be liable to prosecution which will result in a fine.

A request was made for a dog litter bin to be installed in the spinney area adjacent to the school playing field, between the school and Abbey Woods Close. The Parish Council AGREED to investigate to see if it would be an appropriate location for a dog litter bin.

f) Fence at the rear of properties in Russell Jackson Close. The Parish Council were informed that work had started on repairing the fence, but that it had not yet been completed.

g) Parish Plan questionnaires. It was noted that residents could return their completed questionnaires to the Information Centre at 39 Fane Drive, Berinsfield for collection by the Parish Plan Steering Group.

2. To sign and approve the Minutes and Confidential Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 3rd November, 2008 The Minutes and confidential minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council held on 3rd November, 2008 were APPROVED and signed by the Chairman.

3. Matters Arising

a) Car Parking. It was AGREED that the Parish Council should liaise with the Police Community Support Workers in order to ascertain that they do check on the inconsiderately parked vehicles during the evenings. It was reported that the driver of the Med Equip van had agreed to park his vehicle away from the junction of Ock Drive and Fane Drive.

b) Bus Timetables The Chairman informed the meeting that the correct time tables should be put in the timetable cases in the near future.

4. District Councillor’s Report. District Councillor Cotton informed the meeting that he had visited Berinsfield with Mr. Richard Peacock, Chief Executive of SOHA Housing, a Strategic Director and Housing Officer from South Oxfordshire District Council. They had looked at various areas, including the open space by the Vicarage in Cherwell Road which it had been suggested could be used for additional car parking space. District Councillor Cotton asked for the Parish Council’s and residents’ co-operation in gathering evidence of the parking problems in Cherwell Road. District Councillor Cotton stated that group visit would be arranged, possibly in February, 2009, and at that time the Parish Council would be invited to nominate a representative to attend.

5. To receive the Notes from the Open Meeting held on 10th November, 2008 regarding the proposal to provide a skateboard park on the recreation ground in Berinsfield and to consider whether to proceed with the scheme. The Chairman invited all members of the Parish Council to speak about the proposed skateboard park and informed them that in accordance with the Local Government Act, 1972, Schedule 12, paragraph 39(1) a recorded vote would be taken. Members all expressed their views on the proposal to provide a skateboard park on the recreation ground in Berinsfield and a named vote was taken:-

In favour Councillor K. Hall

Councillor E. Croft

Councillor J. Eccles

Councillor B. Harris

Councillor N. Sutton

Against Councillor Mrs. P. Collins

Councillor G. Denslow

Councillor Ms. J. Dance

Councillor Mrs. R. Stockford

Abstained Councillor Ms. S. Llewellyn

Councillor D. Eldridge

Councillor R. Harwood

The majority of the Parish Council voted in favour of the proposal to provide a skateboard park on the recreation ground in Berinsfield and it was therefore AGREED that the Parish Council should proceed with the project.

6. To receive the Minutes of the Finance and General Purposes Committee meeting held on Monday 17th November, 2008.

It was AGREED that :-

i) the Minutes of the Finance Committee meeting held on Monday 17th November, 2008 and the recommendations made therein, should be approved.

ii) the budget, a copy of which had been circulated to Members and is filed in the Minute book, should be approved and that South Oxfordshire District Council should be informed that the sum of £114,000 will be required as the precept for the year 2009/10.

7. Correspondence and Items for information.

a) Freedom of Information Act The Parish Council noted that its current publication scheme would expire on 31st December, 2008. It was AGREED that the Council should adopt the model publication scheme, a copy of which is filed in the Minute book, with effect from 1st January, 2009.

b) Request for street light, Bullingdon Avenue, Berinsfield. The Parish Council considered a request that had been made for a new street light to be provided in the hammerhead section at the end of Bullingdon Avenue. This is an access point to the spinney area, adjacent to the A 4074, and a light would provide security for pedestrians and residents. The Parish Council were informed that Oxfordshire County Council is not in a position to provide additional street lights, but would be happy to undertake the maintenance should the Parish Council wish to pay for the light, which would cost £1,250.00 It was AGREED that the Parish Council should provide a light in the hammerhead section at the end of Bullingdon Avenue and that the Clerk should be asked to investigate whether there are any grants available towards the cost.

c) Refuse Collection The Parish Council noted that refuse that would normally be collected on Friday 26th December will be collected on Friday 2nd January, 2009.

8. Statement of Accounts for payment in December, 2008. It was AGREED that the statement of accounts for December, 2008 in the sum of £10,480.39 should be APPROVED.

9. Date of next meeting – 5th January, 2009