MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF BERINSFIELD PARISH COUNCIL held on Monday 5th June 2017 in the School Hall, Abbey Woods Academy, Wimblestraw Road, Berinsfield, Wallingford, Oxon.

PRESENT : Councillor S. Scott-Ely, Chairman Councillor K. Hall Vice-Chairman

Councillor R. Adams

Councillor E. Croft

Councillor D. Eldridge

Councillor B. Fearneyhough

Councillor Ms. J. Garvey

Councillor Mrs. E. McMenemy

Councillor F. Obeng

Councillor Mrs. R. Stockford

1. Items raised by Members of the Public

a) Bus Service 114. Wallingford to Abingdon. Several members of the public attended the meeting to inform the Parish Council that Thames Travel had just announced that it was going to withdraw bus service 114 with effect from 23rd July, 2017. The bus runs from Wallingford via Berinsfield to Abingdon once a day and returns once a day and provides a service for young people to get to the secondary schools in Abingdon, to Abingdon and Witney College and for public use. There is also a service to the secondary schools provided by J. Dhanjal Transport Ltd. and the Parish Council was informed that all buses are usually full. The Parish Council noted the information and agreed to contact Oxfordshire County Council to try and ascertain whether an alternative school transport service will be provided for young people living between Wallingford, Berinsfield, Abingdon to get to the secondary schools in Abingdon. Councillor Adams also agreed to contact J. Dhanjal Transport, Weaver Transport and Whites Coaches.

b) Berinsfield Football Club. Ms. Cullen, Secretary of Berinsfield Football Club thanked the Parish Council for providing funds to the Club under the grant aid scheme. Councillor Scott-Ely, Chairman of the Parish Council asked that the Parish Council’s congratulations be passed on to the football teams for their successes during the 2016-17 season

c) Mr. John Eccles. Councillor Mrs. Stockford informed the meeting that she had attended the funeral of former Councillor Mr. John Eccles, which was held at Oxford Crematorium on Friday 19th May, 2017. She reported that it was very well supported and that there was a fly past by a Spitfire and a RAF guard of honour.

d) PCSO’s A resident enquired if there were still PCSO’s covering Berinsfield and the surrounding area. The Clerk informed the meeting that the Parish Council had been informed that Neighbourhood Policing had been significantly reduced in numbers within Thames Valley Police and that had resulted in one Police Officer and three PCSO’s covering the area.

e) Litter bins outside shops at the junction of Fane Drive and Chiltern Close. It was reported that litter was being blown around due to there not being lids on the litter bins. The Parish Council agreed to investigate as one bin, installed by the Parish Council, should have a lid on it. The other bin belongs to the District Council and none of their bins have lids.

f) Lunch club held at the Berinsfield Community Association premises. Councillor Eldridge asked if it would be possible for the Parish Council to provide a grant to the Lunch Club run at the Berinsfield Community Association premises. The Parish Council confirmed that it would consider an application for a grant from the Lunch Club, provided it was accompanied by a copy of the most recent accounts.

2. Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Mrs. Jones

3. Declaration of Interests. Members were advised to make declarations as appropriate.

4. To receive the Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 8th May 2017 It was AGREED that the Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 8th May 2017 should be APPROVED.

5. Matters arising from the Minutes.

a) Hornbeam trees alongside path between Pavilion and Sports Centre. The Parish Council was informed that the works to lift the trees would be carried out on 6th June 2017. A Member of the Parish Council also reported that the hedge adjacent to the Berinsfield Community Association car park was overhanging the footpath.

b) Allotment site. The Clerk informed the Parish Council that she had visited the allotment site and although there were small piles of what could be rubbish, there was not a substantial amount to justify hiring a skip. The Parish Council considered that it might be beneficial to review the Allotment Tenancy Agreement at the next meeting of the Allotments, Open Spaces and Burial Ground Committee.

c) Solar Farm. The Parish Council was informed that no response had been received from a letter and emails that had been sent to Stratus Environmental and SBC Renewables enquiring if the solar farm had been connected to the grid.

d) Puffin Crossing. Members expressed concern about the mound of earth that had been installed to prevent pedestrians walking through the old entrance to the A 4074. It was not acting as a deterrent as people were able to walk over it. The Clerk informed the meeting that the Regeneration Team at South Oxfordshire District Council had been made aware of this and were investigating whether there would be a fence installed or planting carried out. It was also pointed out that one of the existing litter bins was now in an inconvenient location for Biffa to empty and it required re-locating. Members of the Parish Council also asked if it would be possible for some cycle racks to be installed near to the crossing for the use of cyclists. Some cyclists already leave their bicycles attached to trees in the area.

6. Casual Vacancy on Berinsfield Parish Council. The Parish Council was informed that an election had not been called and it was therefore AGREED that applications should be invited from residents who would like to be considered to be co-opted as a Member of Berinsfield Parish Council.

7. County Councillor’s Report. County Councillor Lindsay-Gale had submitted a short report following her re-election as the County Councillor for the Berinsfield ward. The report had been circulated to the Parish Council.

8. To consider planning applications and decisions received to date :-

a) Planning application No. P17/S0359/HH Infil porch with new door to enable wheelchair access. 4 Roman Road, Berinsfield OX10 7QN. The Parish Council AGREED that South Oxfordshire District Council should be informed that the application should be approved.

b) Appeal. Town and Country Planning Act 1990. Appeal under S78 against refusal of a household application. Site Address : 10 Cherwell Road Berinsfield OX10 7P. Description of development: Retention of timber outbuilding. Application reference: P16/S4141/HH appeal reference APP/Q3115/W/17/3173918. The Parish Council noted that an appeal had been lodged and that it would be dealt with by written representations.

9. Berinsfield Parish Council – Audit of Accounts for the year 2016-17. The Parish Council noted that the internal audit of its accounts had been carried out and that the Internal Auditor had signed off the appropriate section of the annual Return. A copy of the Internal Auditor’s report was circulated at the Parish Council meeting and it was AGREED that the comments and recommendations should be noted.

The Parish Council reviewed the information contained in the Annual Return and Annual Governance Statement and AGREED that the Annual Return should be approved by the Parish Council and signed by the Chairman prior to being submitted to BDO for the external audit.

10. Correspondence and items for information.

a) Venue for Parish Council Meetings. Members of the Parish Council considered the information that a charge of £25.00 per hour would be made for the use of the School Hall and that access would no longer be provided through Mount Farm Community Education Centre, therefore the School Caretaker would have to be present to provide access for Councillors and members of the public through Abbey Woods Academy. Alternative venues in the village were discussed. It was AGREED that the Parish Council should hold its next meeting in the Church Hall and at that time consider information about charges and availability of other venues in the village.

Councillor Eldridge declared an interest with regard to the Church Hall.

b) Door-to-door survey in Berinsfield conducted on behalf of South Oxfordshire District Council. The Parish Council noted that the survey was being carried out and several Members confirmed that they had been visited and completed a survey.

11. Statement of Accounts for payment in June 2017 It was AGREED that the statement of

accounts for June in the sum of £5942.80 should be APPROVED for payment.

12. Items for report to Chairman.

a) “Berinsfield” road signs. Councillor Obeng pointed out that there was a lack of signs in the area to direct people to Berinsfield, particularly from the Abingdon direction. This information was noted and will be forwarded to Oxfordshire County Council.

13. Date of next Parish Council Meeting 3rd July, 2017