MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF BERINSFIELD PARISH COUNCIL held on Monday 7th February, 2011 at Mount Farm Community Education Centre, Wimblestraw Road, Berinsfield.

PRESENT : Councillor K. Hall Chairman

Councillor E. Croft,

Councillor G. Denslow

Councillor J. Eccles

Councillor D. Eldridge

Councillor B. Harris

Councillor L. Pomeroy

Councillor Mrs. R. Stockford

Councillor Mrs. N. Sutton

1. Items raised by Members of the Public.

a) Queenford Lake. Mr. Stuart Scott Ely informed the Parish Council that he had submitted an application for a Lawful Development Certificate in respect of a clubhouse with changing facilities, office, café and shop. He stated that he was trying to obtain planning permission for buildings erected on the site by previous tenants. Copies of a plan of the site and copies of photographs of the lake and buildings were circulated to all Members of the Parish Council for information.

Mr. Scott Ely invited Members of the Parish Council to visit Queenford Lake. The Chairman thanked Mr. Scott Ely for his invitation and indicated that Members may wish to take up his offer of visiting Queenford Lake. He also informed Mr. Scott Ely that the application for a Lawful Development Certificate was on the agenda for the formal part of the Parish Council meeting and therefore he did not propose to allow Councillors to ask questions about the application at this stage.

b) Skateboard Park/BMX area. Mr. Martin D’Arcy informed the Parish Council that he had negotiated with Mon Barbour the owner of SS20 Ltd, based in the Cowley Road, Oxford, to provide some vouchers which can be used by young people against the cost of purchasing safety helmets, knee pads etc. in the shop. The vouchers are for £10 each and will be accepted on all purchases over £25.00. Mr. D’Arcy also informed the Parish Council that he would be keen to start an extreme action sports club in the village, but would require sponsorship for his insurance premium in order to be able to do this. The Parish Council were grateful to Mr. D’Arcy for contacting SS20 Ltd. and the Chairman stated that the Parish Council had previously agreed that it would be prepared to pay expenses to Mr. Barbour if he was prepared to come to the village to speak to the young people and display the type of safety equipment they should be wearing.

c) Motorcycles. Lee Conway informed the Parish Council that Neil Owen and the motorcycle group may have found some land suitable for the young people to ride their motorcycles. Neil Owen hopes to be able to provide more information about this in the near future. Lee informed the meeting that there was a practice at Culham recently and 270 riders, many of them local people, took part. There will be another event in two weeks’ time. The Chairman thanked Lee for keeping the Parish Council informed of the progress on the scheme.

d) Berinsfield Scrap Yard. Councillor Denslow informed the meeting that there were tyres by the hedge outside the scrap yard. It was AGREED that this matter should be referred to South Oxfordshire District Council.

e) Opening of the new Gymnasium, Berinsfield Boxing Club. Councillor Hall stated that he and other members of the Parish Council had attended the opening event and that it was very successful.

f) Vehicles obstructing pavement. The Parish Council was informed that vehicles parked on the grass verge area in Fane Drive opposite the entrance to Russell Jackson Close, were parked over the pavement and were causing an obstruction. It was AGREED that this matter would be referred to the Police Community Support Officers.

g) Library. Councillor Sutton informed the Parish Council that there had been an incident at the Library involving some youths, but that the Police had dealt with it efficiently and quickly.

Councillor Sutton also informed the meeting that the inaugural meeting of the Berinsfield Book Club would take place on 15th February at 7.30 p.m. at the Library.

h) Bungalows. The Parish Council was asked to obtain clarification as to whether there is a lower age restriction for people being allocated bungalows by the Housing Associations.

i) Request for dog litter bin. The Parish Council was asked if to consider providing a dog litter bin in Fane Drive between Lay Avenue and Green Furlong. The Parish Council AGREED that it would consider this request, but would have to see if there was anywhere suitable for a bin to be installed in the first instance.

The Parish Council was also informed that many residents are picking up their dog litter, but are depositing the bags underneath the dog litter bins instead of in the bins and some are also throwing it into bushes and trees in the village.

j) Potholes. Lee Conway informed the Parish Council that the road surface in Fane Drive between Lay Avenue and the water tower required some repairs and that there was a pothole near to the junction with Colwell Road. The Chairman informed the meeting that he and the Clerk would be meeting the Area Steward from Oxfordshire County Council Highways Department on 14th February and would be inspecting various roads in the village.

2. Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Ms. Dance, Mrs. Collins and County Councillor L. Lindsay-Gale.

3. To approve and sign the Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 10th January, 2011. The Minutes of the meeting of Berinsfield Parish Council held on 10th January, 2011 were APPROVED and signed by the Chairman.

4. County Councillor’s Report. County Councillor Lorraine Lindsay-Gale had informed the Parish Council that she was unable to attend the meeting, but had submitted a written report which was circulated to all Councillors and is filed in the Minute Book.

The Parish Council noted that Dorchester, Warborough, Benson and Nuneham Courtenay will not be considered as proposed sites within the period of the proposed Minerals and Waste Development Framework. It was also noted that Stadhampton/Berinsfield and Clifton Hampden have not been precluded from further assessment.

5. a) Application for Lawful Development Certificate. Application Ref : P11/W0012/LD

Location : Queenford Lakes Watersports Centre, Burcot Lane, Dorchester-on-Thames (in the Parish of Berinsfield)

Proposal : Operational Development comprising: Clubhouse with changing facilities, Office, Café and Shop.

The Parish Council had been asked for its observations on an application seeking a Lawful Development Certificate which the Planning Manager of South Oxfordshire District Council has received. The Parish Council noted that in order to determine the application it was likely the District Council will be required to research the history of the land for at least the last ten years.

The Parish Council considered the application for a Lawful Development Certificate and it was AGREED that :-

i) South Oxfordshire District Council should be asked why it had not complied with an agreement made during a meeting between Officers from the Planning Department and representatives from Berinsfield Parish Council, on 7th July, 2010 that all applications made in respect of Queenford Lakes should be dealt with by one Officer.

ii) In the Parish Council’s opinion, buildings identified on the plan submitted as part of the application for a Lawful Development Certificate as No.22 and No. 23 had not been in their current location for four years and that photographic evidence of this had been provided previously to South Oxfordshire District Council.

6. To receive the Minutes of the Allotments, Playing Fields, Open Spaces and Burial Ground Committee meeting held on 24th January, 2011. The Minutes of the Allotments, Playing Fields, Open Spaces and Burial Ground Committee meeting held on 24th January, 2011, together with the recommendations contained therein, were APPROVED by the Parish Council.

7. Berinsfield Library The notes from the Open Public Consultation meeting called by the Parish Council on 15th January, 2011 were received and noted by the Parish Council.

8. Berinsfield Library. Councillor Mrs. Sutton declared an interest in this item and did not take part in the discussion.

It was proposed by Councillor D. Eldridge, seconded by Councillor K. Hall and AGREED that Berinsfield Parish Council should oppose the closure of Berinsfield Library by Oxfordshire County Council. The Parish Council deplore the forcing through of library closures in Oxfordshire by the County Council without any real negotiation or meaningful consultations with Library users.

It was AGREED that a letter should be written to Oxfordshire County Council expressing the Parish Council’s opposition to the proposal to close Berinsfield Library, incorporating the following points :-

i) The Library is a purpose built building with facilities for disabled users and is a hub used by residents from Berinsfield and villages in the local vicinity.

ii) The children from Berinsfield C.P. School are taken to the Library regularly to use the

facilities on offer.

iii) It would not be practical for school children to travel by public transport to the Libraries in Abingdon, Wallingford or Oxford after they return to the village from their schools in the afternoon. At the present time many children use the Library in order to do their homework. The Library is also used by some of the Home Tutors and their pupils.

iv) If there were cuts in the bus services serving the village, it would become difficult for residents to travel to Libraries in Abingdon, Wallingford or Oxford in order to use the facility.

It was AGREED that a further open meeting should be held in Berinsfield after the County Council has considered its budget on 15th February. Notices should also be distributed to residents in the villages surrounding Berinsfield. In view of the time scale, the Parish Council agreed that the Chairman and Clerk should be given delegated authority to organise the open meeting.

9. Correspondence and Items for Information.

a) The Local Government Boundary Commission

Electoral Review of Oxfordshire.

The Parish Council noted that the Boundary Commission has recommended that there should be 64 Members of Oxfordshire County Council, but did not wish to comment on a new pattern of divisions based on the Council size of 64 members.

b) Grant Aid 2011/12 The Parish Council noted that the closing date for applications from local voluntary organisations who provide a service to the residents of Berinsfield is Friday 4th March, 2011.

c) Finance Committee. It was AGREED that the date of the Finance Committee meeting should be changed to Monday 14th March, 2011.

d) Internal Audit 2010/11. It was AGREED that Mr. Philip Hood of Arrow Accounting Accountants should be appointed as the Parish Council’s Internal Auditor to carry out the internal audit of the accounts for the year 2010/11 at a cost of £230.00 plus travelling expenses at 50p. per mile. The Chairman and Responsible Finance Officer signed the letter of appointment.

e) Request for Grant Aid. Reverend Latham, as Chair of the Governors of Berinsfield C.P. School asked if the Parish Council would consider making a grant towards the cost of providing cycle helmets to enable a cycling proficiency course to take place at the Primary School, starting on 15th February. The School is able to purchase 20 helmets at £150.00, which is a reduced rate. The course will be run by the PCSO’s, Rebekah and Sarah, and will also provide essential training for the PCSO’s to qualify to run further cycling proficiency courses.

It was AGREED that a grant of £150.00 should be made to Berinsfield C.P. School to purchase 20 cycle helmets.

10. Statement of Accounts for payment in February It was AGREED that the statement of accounts for payment in February in the sum of £5956.17 should be approved.

11. Date of next meeting – 7th March, 2011

12. Confidential Item

In view of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted, it is recommended that the public and press be excluded for the consideration of this item.