Ashleworth Parish Council
Clerk: Nicky Hill
Orchard Cottage
Hill Farm Lane
Tel: 01452 781028 Email: /

Minutes of the Meeting of 14th July 2015

Councillors Present / In attendance
Mike Fellows (MF) Chairman / 4 members of the public
Tony Eardley (TE) Vice Chairman / Grant Elliot (GE) Neighbourhood Watch representative
Derek Collier (DC) / Clerk: Nicky Hill (NH)
Minute No. / Item
400/1415 / MF welcomed everyone to the meeting. Apologies for absence from Caroline Saunders.
A member of the public questioned the wording of the Utility Land as advertised for sale on Nup End Road near to the proposed Bloor Homes development. MF advised that housing development is not allowed on utility land."
A member of the public asked if the Parish Council had been advised of a petition thought to be circulating for the development of 60 houses. MF reported that there was a petition circulating for the possible development of 35 houses, but APC had not been approached and reiterated that the Parish Council could not comment until a planning application had been received.
401/1415 / Declaration of Interests:
402/1415 / To confirm and sign the minutes of the meeting on 26th May 2015.
The minutes were confirmed and signed.
403/1415 / Matters arising /review of actions from the last meeting not on the agenda.
404/1415 / Reports from invited speakers.
GE reported that:
- There was a theft from a garage/shed in Maisemore and reports of distraction thefts. These reports have highlighted the necessity to keep doors locked and to be vigilant if approached by persons asking for directions or other information (the distraction) whilst other members try to commit a crime.
405/1415 / Planning.
a)  Planning applications received since the last meeting:
i)15/00586/FUL Single storey timber outbuilding to use as garden room, replacing existing shed – Box Bush Cottage.
ii) 15/00701/FUL Demolition of existing two storey rear extension and erection of two storey rear and side extension. - Foxhollow, The Stream.
b)  Decisions required at this meeting.
15/00701/FUL Foxhollow-There were notable changes to the previous application, but there were 2 main issues raised for concern.
(i)  The absence of reference to drainage is a concern. It is understood that the property shares a septic tank with the neighbouring property and MF suggested this might be a matter for the two parties to discuss.
(ii)  A concern was raised over the excessive use of timber on the facia on the front of the house.
APC agreed that there were no major objections to the revised plans however; the 2 issues should be submitted for comment to TBC.
c)  TBC decisions made since meeting in May.
i) 15/00380/FUL Change of use of Public House to form detached dwelling house – Queens Arms. Permit
ii) 15/00535/LBC Demolition of lambing shed – Kingstanding Consent
iii) 15/00479 FUL Proposed dropped kerb – 4 Bartholomew Close Permit
iv) 15/00586/FUL Single storey timber outbuilding to use as garden room, replacing existing shed – Box Bush Cottage. Permit
The absence of reference to drainage is a concern. It is understood that the property shares a septic tank with the neighbouring property and MF suggested this might be a matter for the two parties to discuss."
406/1415 / Councillor attendance at/feedback from relevant events/meetings
CS attended GAPTC Councillor Update on the 8th June 2015.
The update consisted of 2 items:
1. How to Use the Sustainable Communities Act, and
2. An Introduction to the Local Council Award Scheme
CS reported that whilst the course was interesting and informative, it was tending to be directed at the larger councils.
407/1415 / Highways:
NH read out an email reply from Richard Waters in response to 3 outstanding issues:
·  Longridge Lane drainage system – RW confirmed that improvement should be seen following cleaning and jetting works.
·  Finger post at Ham Road and White End junction – Chris Hawkins will check and action if necessary.
·  Recent ditch clearing along Ham Road near to Stonebow – RW reported that an order has been raised to install hazard marker posts. APC have asked that a more substantial fencing/barrier be placed but RW has replied that there are not the resources to fence these ditches.
MF commented that if hazard marker posts were installed, it may cause the same problem as in White End, whereby the marker posts have been damaged by the recent grass/hedge cutting. It was also reported that this has also been the case along a stretch in Broad Street.
MF and NH will contact Richard Waters and raise these concerns.
There was a report of fly tipping near to the Ashleworth sign on Broad Street. DC will contact TBC.
MF reported that a complaint had been received, highlighting the crumbling of the white zig zag lines outside the school. NH will advise RW of the complaint, but it was agreed that direct communication between the school and Highways would produce a more effective result.
408/1415 / Proposed Bloor Homes development.
MF reported that no planning application has been made to date. However, as previously reported, an application is expected imminently. MF and TE met with Lisa West from TBC to discuss the process for section 106 contributions to community facilities from developer. The potential beneficiaries are the Woodpeckers, Church and Village Hall. TE reported that the memorial Hall Committee has discussed certain projects that might qualify for such funding. TE also emphasised that the seeking of section 106 funding is without prejudice, ie it does not imply support for any planning application.
409/1415 / Review of TBC/GRCC initiative with Bloxham's Orchard garages.
There was a meeting on 29th June between GRCC and the residents of Bloxhams Orchard to discuss the consideration of the development of the unused garages. The residents were asked to fill in a questionnaire and GRCC will report on the outcome in due course.
MF reported that there is no planning application to date.
410/1415 / Defibrillator training.
MF discussed if there were a demand for training and suggested a notice in WoSN and maybe produce a form to circulate to find out the level of interest. It was agreed that APC could fund such training and would be open to the community. It was noted that training is not necessary to enable any person to use the equipment as it is totally self explanatory. This led the discussion to take the route of an informative session rather than calling it training.
NH will contact training providers and obtain options and costings.
MF thanked Mr Hill for fitting the cabinet on the Post Office wall.
411/1415 / Letter of complaint re: Memorial Hall Car Park
TE explained that part of the complaint received is an ongoing issue of non Hall users using the car park and that the village hall committee and APC have agreed on a sign to be erected which is hoped will resolve this issue.
The main part of the complaint received was regarding the parking of the mini bus, fumes, loud reversing signal and the colour. DC has investigated and made comments with suggestions of possible solutions to some of the complaints. He will liaise with Tirley Parish Council to consider points raised and once feedback is received APC can then be in a position to reply to the complaint.
412/1415 / Finance:
a) To approve accounts for payment:
1) Clerk Wages June/July
£134.88 x2 Agreed
b) To agree the bank reconciliation payments and receipts. Agreed
c) Expenditure to date against budget Agreed
d) To agree budget priorities
MF noted that the footpath gate post opposite White End is damaged. NH will contact PROW to find out who is responsible for repairs/replacement.
413/1415 / To agree agenda items for next meeting
Car Park Complaint/Issues
Bloor Homes Development
Bloxhams Development
Budget Priorities
414/1415 / To confirm date of next meeting as Tuesday 8th September 2015 - Agreed
415/1415 / Date for forthcoming meetings:
Tuesday 10th November
NH to arrange further hall dates for Jan/Mar 2016
Meeting closed at 8.30pm


