Minutes of the meeting held

Tuesday, 13 September 2016

at David Ayers House



Martin Benge (Chair), Janet Benge (Secretary), Michelle Lount (Treasurer), Ron Feetom, Elaine Shiels, David Shiels, Jacob Birch, Edith Shipley and Margaret Hodgson
Public attending - None
1. / APOLOGIES – were received from Chris Shipley
2. / Annual General Meeting.
In accordance with the constitution of the Committee an AGM was held to elect committee members and officers to specific roles.
The following were elected:
Chair – Jacob Birch
Deputy Chair – David Ayers
Secretary – Martin Benge
Treasurer – Michelle Lount
Funding – Jacob Birch & Michelle Lount
Stalls Coordinator – Michelle Lount & Janet Benge
The following Committee members were elected:
Ron Feetom
Margaret Hodgson
Edith Shipley
Elaine Shiels
David Shiels
Chris Shipley
3. / Constitution
3.1 The committee discussed the constitution and agreed the following amendments:
Section 2. Purpose
Remove para 2.5 which read: ‘To provide financial support, where possible, to Wawne Village Community Groups and Organisations from agreed surpluses’.
Section 7. Finance.
Note: Owing to the Chair and Treasurer being related the following was agreed to Remove ‘Chair’ and add ‘Secretary’ to para 7.6
Remove para 7.8 which read: ‘Any surplus remaining after the financial plan has been agreed will be distributed to Village Community Groups and Organisations as determined by the Committee’.
Martin to amend / Martin
The new Chair took over the meeting from this point.
Thanks to the last Chair.
Jacob and the committee thanked Martin for the excellent work he had done as Chair over the last six years.
The minutes were accepted as a true record
5 / Matters Arising
5.1 Martin presented a list of issues that were noted during the last show. These and other issues discussed are included in the action list at the end of these minutes.
5.2 Jacob submitted a list of potential replacement and additional equipment including a large marquee to replace some of the gazebos as it would be more substantial, pop-up gazebos for ease of assembly, microphone and stand, additional folding tables, signage, PA cables cables. To be investigated further and discussed at next meeting. / Jacob
Update Report
6.1 Michelle distributed a spreadsheet showing the accounts to date as some items are still outstanding from the show. The spreadsheet showed that the show cost £2,456.90 to stage with income of £3,604.40 giving a profit at this time of £1,147.50
6.2 Reserve Fund: It was agreed that a reserve fund would not be set.
6.3 Total Cash at Bank is £4,494.43
7.1 As shown in the accounts £155 had been donated for the last show for which the Committee is very grateful.
Update Action List - see separate Action list at end of these minutes.
The following publicity to be actioned nearer to the next Show date:
Hull Daily Mail
Kingswood life
Beverley Advertiser
Beverley Mag
Humberside Radio
Viking Radio
KC FM Radio
Kingswood Notice Boards -
Posters for Leven, Tickton & Billies (North Point)
10.1 None
The next meeting will take place at David Ayers house on 11th October 2016
Future agreed meeting dates are:
8 November
December - No Meeting
10 January
14 February
14 March
11 April
9 May
13 June
27 June (at the School)
18 July
August - No meeting
12 September - AGM

Wawne Festival 2017 Action List

Note: As this was the 1st meeting for the 2017 Festival and Show most of the issues below are for further investigation and discussion at future meetings.

Issue / Action
Practical Arrangements for Show
School – for 15 July 2017 to be booked
Agreed closing time with Phil
Official booking to be made in June 2017
Cost to agreed with Phil / Jacob
Jacob / Phil
Insurance - £2m cover to be arranged W/C 10/7/16 and confirm details to Phil / Martin
Lottery Licence - to be renewed by early May - if required
Lottery Licence return to be done / ?????
Princess (Maisie Webster) & Prince (Kingsley Roberts) - sash and a rosette each to be purchased
Gift for new Princess and Prince - What?
Poster and A5 version to be sent to Phil to distribute to children in June 2017. / Michelle
Jacob / Phil
Princess parade car – Mike Proctor to be booked / David A?
Celebrity to open Show - Suggestions required / All
1st Aider – ????????? / ?????
Show start time – 1 pm - agreed???? / ?????
Show ticket prices - Price to be agreed?????. Last show price was: £1.50 adults (16+), 50p children (2 – 15 yrs), Free (under 2yrs) / ?????
MC - ???????????? / ?????
Police for 15 July traffic control etc to be booked / Jacob
Chairs – from Angela Drewery - Already in the container - OK to use? / Martin
Tables / chairs– from Village Hall – need Friday evening transportation
Setting up Marquees - Chris will need help for setting up on site on the Wednesday evening at 6.30 p.m / All
Setting up Gazebo's and School for the Show - Friday night and Saturday morning plus clearing away
Temporary Events Licence - To be obtained / Jacob?
Alcohol / drinks -
System worked well this year via Post office. The following issues were identified / discussed:
Red wine - NO
Rose wine - 12 pack needed
Coke Zero - NO
Lime and Black current cordials for drinks mixers
Fruit Shoots - more
Panda Pops - No
Lemonade - More
Water - keep same amount
Cider - Flavored / Berries needed
Carling - Too much say 12 packs. More variety I.e. Stella, Fosters
John Smith - keep same
Suggest - cans of Gin & Tonic, Rum & Coke etc
Bar Prices
Better price list / posters with graphics
Beers - should be £2.50
Coke - should be £1(people surprised they were only 50p)
Fruit Shoots - 50p
Possibly make ‘home made’ Pimms with fruit etc (There was enough staff with Sally, Andy, Glen and Josh)
Ice - More needed.
4 no Large tubs for bar needed. (We used 4 from Mike). Michelle to investigate purchase of our own / Michelle
Contact list – for show day with mobile phones, etc / All
Event Risk Assessment / Martin
PA system - Needs checking and potential additional leads / Jacob
Signage -
‘Use Show Car Park’ - 2 no
‘Please do not park on roads’ 3 no
‘Please use overflow car park’ - for Greens lane
Sign for school entrance - ‘Cars / Pedestrians’ with arrows at gate. Pedestrians were walking on the roadway.
Direction signs need ply wood backing.
Exhibitor Passes -
1) Supply of passes which allows entry for 2 adults and 2 children only per exhibitor.
2) We need a list of who is attending for the Gate staff. / ?
Fridges / Freezers -
1) FOWSA freezer????? / ????
Rope - Required to cordon off the cars and equipment / David A?
Helpers - The following to be approached who may be able to help set up and at the show - Karen (Post Office), Glen, Alan Garland, FOWSA... All offers of help welcome. / All
Car Park - Overflow - Trevor Fisher had offered his field at the end of Glebe Farm as an overflow ?????????? / ????????
Greens Lane / Home Farm / School entrance/exit
Write to Greens lane residents asking them to keep road clear and exit from school field. Thank them for their assistance and apologise for any inconvenience.
Write to Home Farm residents re Overflow parking, keep road clear and thank them for their assistance and apologise for any inconvenience.
Problem with large vehicles & trailers exiting the site. Perhaps need to exit via the entrance? / Jacob
Waste - Need more bins and regular emptying of bins / ????
City of Culture 2017 update ; Martin was now forwarding the Committee information as he receives it / Martin
Electricity supply for Children’s marquee - to see Rob & Jan / Martin
Show Entertainment
Children’s entertainer ???????
Mr Bubbles
Purple Pig
Dangerous Steve
All entertainers at the show were good -All Nighters, Sarah Shiels, Jack Parker
Glen Davison - Come Dine with Me champion is part of Green Gurkings - Barber shop group. Would accept £50
Army Cadet Marching Band (£?)
Police Band
Steel Drum Band - Trinity House School (Donation required) ???
Drumming - Simon / Silvia Button?????
To be discussed further / Jacob
Dancers -
1) Aspire Dance Academy ??????????
2) Bransholme Twirlers - 15 - 20 minutes session ??????????
3) East Riding Youth Dance????
4) Other?????
Dog Agility - ???????????? / ???????
Canine Partners ??????????? / ????
RAF flypast - Application to be sent / Jacob
Races for children and adults - ?????
Archery - Provisional inquiry made - awaiting response / ??????
Face Painter - ????????? / ??????
Bouncy Castle & slide (20% of takings) - / David A?
Fair ground ride (20% of takings) - / David A?
Bull Ride (20% of takings) - / David A?
Hook a Duck
Dorothy - Flour lady -?????????
WI Competition - / Edith / Margaret
Vintage equipment / David A?
Classic Cars / Tractors/ Motorbikes - max 8 cars & 4 tractors. / David A/ David S /Jacob
Holderness Falconers??
Wood carver -
Craft Stalls
1) A maximum of FOUR free stalls would be available for Registered Charities.
2) The following fees were agreed: £10 inside - £15 outside??????? / ???????
Yorkshire Wild life Trust
Police - Crime Prevention / Jacob
Dove House / Michelle
RAFA / Jacob
Rosettes - for stall holders and exhibitors / Michelle
Food and Refreshments
Ice Cream van - a different one?
Fish & Chips - Chris????
Creperie - Glen Davison????
Burger / Hot dogs van - Lewis????
Sweet Candy Floss / Pop Corn - Gillian????
WI Cafe
Complementary Refreshment Vouchers – Who will receive them?
Other Festival Events
Quiz Night – Village Hall – Tuesday th July - Village Hall ????????
Other? It was decided that there would not be any other events held during the Festival week other than the Quiz.???????????
Raffle & Auction
To be discussed at next meeting / All

Note: Next Wawne Show – Saturday 15th July 2017


Wawne Festival Minutes