COURSE GOALS:Upon successful completion of these courses, students will be able to recognize a variety of healthcare roles and make realistic career decisions. Students will learn the fundamentals of safe, legal and ethical care and will learn the human body structures and functions in relation to emergency issues.
ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS: What skills and knowledge are essential for success as a
healthcare worker in the 21st century?
COURSE DESCRIPTION:This is a two credit set of courses that offers a basic understanding of the various emergency situations and their effect on the human body’s functions while integrating academic and project based healthcare information, skills and knowledge. This provides a foundation for work in the healthcare field.
REQUIREMENTS:Medical Insurance, planner, paper, binder w/ dividers, pen/pencils, an active email account (can be their school account)and professional dress (on specified occasions)
(Includes: class fee, liability insurance, CPR/First Aid certification & HOSA)
PREREQUISITES:Minimum of 8th grade reading and math level
16 years old or greater with a sincere interest in the medical field.
This class IS a prerequisite for all other HST classes offered
INSTRUCTIONAL PHILOSOPHY:All students are expected to comply with all school
and course requirements. These are designed to meet regulatory standards for healthcare;
therefore, EACH student MUST meet basic goals without accommodations.
A variety of teaching methods will be utilized to maximize student compliance and understanding. These techniques include, but are not limited to: PowerPoint presentations, lecture, guest speakers, laboratory work, independent study, interactive computer programs, videos and informative games.
Students are expected to participate in basic health screenings, community service projects, and the healthcare student organization HOSA (Health Occupations Students of America). A negative TB test is required for participation in projects. This will be provided at a specified time. If this time is missed, the student is required to obtain it on their own. Students practice skills on live “patients”, this requires liability insurance. A student MUST have a negative TB test and liability insurance in order to participate in lab. If a student does not participate in lab they will receive zeros for the work missed. This includes students in ECAP or suspended or with an excused absence.
Employability skills are stressed in Healthcare. Students are graded daily on their participation and ability to stay on task in class. A student that is not present cannot participate and therefore does not receive points for that day. This includes students in ECAP or suspended.
Content Standards / Hours / Skills / HoursDescribe healthcare careers and pathways / 8 / Safety skills / 18
Healthcare roles and responsibilities / 8 / Height/Weight / 4
Compare service delivery systems / 10 / CPR / 8
Safety / 15 / Vital Signs / 5
Medical Terminology / 15 / Bedmaking/Bedbath / 5
Professional Communication / 10 / Patient Positioning / 2
Employability characteristics / 10 / Wheelchair Usage / 4
Legal/Ethics / 11 / First Aid / 8
Health/Wellness / 4 / Charting / 2
Financial Literacy / 4 / Filing / Schedules/telephone / 2
Mathematical Concepts related to healthcare / 15 / Patient assessment / 10
Anatomical structures of each body system / 60 / Severe bleeding/shock / 6
Use of technology / 5 / Bandaging/cravat / 5
Emergency procedures for various events / 15 / Splinting/cold pack / 6
ASSEMENT PROCEDURES:Performance will be assessed by written test, demonstration, presentation
and daily participations. Students have more than one day to complete a skill. Zeros are given for
skills not completed by the deadline (even if absent on the last day)
Subject / Grade PercentageDaily Participation (20 points per day) / 20%
Projects (written work) / 15%
Skills/Tests / 55%
Presentation / 10%
Semester Grade: Each semester is 80% class work and 20% final exam
CTSO: Health Occupations Students of America,
CULMINATING PRODUCT:Basic knowledge/skills necessary for a career plan in Health Science
First Aid Certification
CONDUCT: Be professional at all times (includes language)
- Uphold patient’s rights and confidentiality at ALL times (Failure to do this CAN result in denial of credit for the class!)
- Be seated with supplies before tardy bell
- Keep lab and work areas clean and organized
- Respect others, work without disrupting class
- ALL patient contact should be compassionate, respectful and confidential
- Do NOT use or sit on equipment without permission