Wednesday 1st November 2017

Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday1stNovember at 7.30 p.m.

at Cold Ashby Sports Pavilion, Stanford Road

Present: Councillors Bailey (chairman), Harpham, Hill, Ritchie, Williams Rachel and Richard.

Interests: none

  1. Apologies: all present. Councillor Chantler asked for apologies to be recorded.
  1. Minutes: minutes of the meeting of the Council on the 6th September 2017were agreed as a correct record.
  1. Matters arising: none
  1. Open forum: 2 members of the public (AP and JH) interested in date of next Capeg meeting and figures for traffic to be discussed later under item 14.4 which was discussed at this point.
  1. Accounts: Details of payments for October and November 2017 and receipts and the new balance were reported in Annex 1. Members approved them and authorisedthe payments shown in them. The balance at the meeting was £17,696.19. (£11,438.45 current and 6,257.74investment.)
  1. Dog waste bins: Councillor Harpham reported a conversation with a Bridle Lane resident and proposed the amendment below, which was agreed.

The council resolves to install two dog waste bins and have them emptied at a cost not to exceed £374 in year one and to set aside a sum in the budget for future waste removal costs. The council agrees to site the bins as close as practicable to the position indicated in the clerk’s agenda report.

  1. Budget: budget proposals for 2018-19 as a basis for the precept were discussed and expenditure (excluding VAT) amounting to £16,395 was agreed as a basis for further analysis at the next meeting.
  1. Insurance for Village Hall and Capfa. The clerk explained the insurance position and asked the council to identify its opening position for negotiation with Capfa and to agree the new arrangements for the bowls club. The resolution below was carried by 5 votes to 1.

The PC approves the new arrangements for the Bowls Clubsubject to confirmation of appropriate cover from them. The PC proposes a 75/25 insurance premium split respectively between Capfa and the PC, subject to further negotiation with Capfa.

  1. Grant Application: The council has received an application for a grant from the bowls club. The council was asked to approve or amend the following resolution: The council resolves to grant the sum of £768 in 2017-18 to the bowls club under its grant award scheme.

Following discussion of the application the resolution was not put to the vote because the application was not seen as falling within the scope of the Council’s grant scheme, which requires the award to be used for the benefit of the community as a whole. The grant awarding policy states: ‘It is a condition of any grant application that the group or project must bring direct benefit to the residents of Cold Ashby.All applications must clearly demonstrate how this will be achieved.’ The clerk was asked to contact the bowls club for further information on how the condition could be met.

  1. Town and Parish meeting: Councillor Ritchie will attend the meeting in Daventry on 14th December 2018.
  1. Telephone kiosk: the council considered a resolution anditwas resolved to accept the managed solution set out in the attachment and to pay the £1750 in the requested gift-aid donation format to the Community Heartbeat Trust for that purpose. This leaves the ownership, management and insurance of the equipment in the hands of the CHT for 5 years after which it can transfer to the PC for £1.
  1. Beech Hedge: Resolved: to have the cemetery beech hedge cut and removed at a cost of £200.
  1. Planning: it was agreed to invite the CEO of Euro Garages to meet the PC to gain a wider understanding of the issues facing the village.
  1. To receive any verbal updates on the following items:
  • CAPFA – delayed insurance invoice 2016/17 (now paid). The clerk thanked the Capfa committee for its understanding in the matter.
  • Village Hall – AGM agenda and annual financial statement: noted
  • Capeg: next meeting agreed as Wednesday 29th November.
  • Windfarm fund. In the interests of avoiding further delay, the Chairman will not attend informal meetings but will pursue an official meeting including NCF representatives and representatives of other villages.
  • Traffic figures. Cllr. Richard Williams reported that NCC had agreed to pay for a comprehensive traffic count in the village, in part as a result of figures released by the police (as part of a speeding survey which revealed the extent of speeding and confirmed the need to retain the speed monitoring van in the village) and by Prologis who had commissioned a company to look at the effects of Dirft and the new A14 junction. The former survey identified 33,000 vehicles per week through the village and the latter survey 37,000 per week, a 35% increase since 2015. Members and others at the meeting thanked councillor Williams for his continuing efforts on behalf of the community.
  1. Post: to note and/or discuss items of correspondence with the Council not

considered elsewhere on the agenda or previously circulated.

The chair read a letter from the Daventry MP which indicated that the official route from the A14 to Dirft and the M1 south, was via the M6 north and then south to the M1.


Graham Jones 5th November 2017
