Halfway Community Council Including the communities of Flemington, Cairns, Overton, Lightburn, Westburn, Newton, Drumsagard, Hallside and Greenlees.

Minutes of the Meeting held on Wednesday 23rdApril 2014at 7pm in Park View School, Halfway.

1. Sederunt:

Council:Margaret Ferrier (Vice Chair), Jim Walker (Secretary), Heather Ross, Jim Cunningham, Gilly Feron, Jackie Weldon (Treasurer), Sandy Paterson, and John Edgar.

S.L.C. Councillors: Walter Brogan.

In attendance: Alison Kennedy – Flemington-Hallside Church, Joe Pearce – Happy n Healthy, Jim Ewing–Bike Town, David Boyle – Newton, Lizanne Drummond - Cambuslang Allotments, Elspeth Clark, Jan Russell and Kay Cameron - Lightburn Residents, Fay Dougal – Westburn,

PC Michael Hartley of Police Scotland.

Apologies:Councillor Pam Clearie, John McGuigan (Chair), Graham Crombie, Marion Morris,

Jim Lynn and Bob Doris MSP.

2. Police Report:

PC Hartley reported that the Community Police Team have been relocated back to the Cambuslang Office.

There has been an increase in the number of calls from Drumsagard and the Deans Avenue area involving anti social behaviour.

Halfway town centre has had an influx of youths coming in from other districts; police are monitoring this situation.

Questions were asked about the use of CCTV Cameras in the area and there was uncertainty as to which cameras were working and which were not. After discussion it was agreed that we write to the relevant department for clarification. Councillor Brogan suggested that Community Councillors might benefit from a visit to the CCTV H.Q.

Action: Jim Walker

There has been no further reports of house break ins but residents should remain vigilant with particular regard to sneak thefts during daylight hours.

The chair thanked PC Hartley for his report.

3. Minutes: The minutes of our previous meeting were accepted as a correct record.

Moved by Gilly Feron Seconded by Jim Cunningham

4. Matters arising:

Gilbertfield View Estate

A site meeting has been arranged for 29th April to discuss our concerns.

Action: Jim Walker and John Edgar to attend with Councillor Brogan.

Contaminated Material from Motorola Site

Jim Walker reported that SEPA were still investigating but had ruled out asbestos and radioactive material though they are still awaiting a chemical report.

John Edgar stated that he had a report that Black Ore is being transported to the area from the Ravenscraig area.

Action: Jim Walker to contact SEPA

Funeral Parlour – Planning Application

Councillor Brogan reported that the matter was now resolved and it is hoped the planning application will be approved soon.

Community Gain – Outstanding Court Orders

Councillor Brogan informed the meeting that he had investigated this matter and stated that from the information he had received it was not possible to confirm or deny.

Westburn Hall

Ameeting has been arranged with an official from SLC Leisure to discuss the provision of

showers for O’Neil’s Boxing Club.

Action: Jim Walker and Councillor Brogan.

Eva Burrows Centre

Homelessness Manager Val Holton and a representative from the Salvation Army will attend our

CC Meeting on 18th June to discuss our concerns.

Drugs Forum

A meeting has been set up with Stewart Marshall of the Alcohol and Drugs Partnership for

Friday 2nd May 2014.

Action: Jim Walker and John Edgar to attend.

Hutcheson Place – Road Repairs

Councillor Brogan reported that money had been ringfenced in this year’s budget to repair this

road, but a firm date is not available at present.

HCC Website

Jim Walker reported that the website was now up and running and invited members to

contribute to the content.

5. Correspondence:

SLCWeekly Planning Reports–Noted

The Big Lunch 2014 –Noted

BBC – Brian Taylors Big Debate – Circulated

Copy of Public Liability Insurance Docs received – Filed for reference.

6. Councillors Reports:

Councillor Brogan

Walter reported that the Queens Baton Relay for the Commonwealth Games will pass through Rutherglen Main Street on 22nd June 2014.

There was a discussion on recent bus route alterations involving the 172 and 364 services, which had been changed without any public consultation.

It was agreed that we contact Councillor Dennis McKenna the SLC rep. on the SPT Board.

Action: Jim Walker

Jim Cunningham asked if Councillor Brogan could report defective pavements in Cairnswell Avenue, which had been damaged by BT contractors.

Action: Councillor Brogan

The Councillor was thanked for his report.

7. Treasurers Report:

Jackie reported that the accounts had been audited by our appointed Accountant and will be

signed off tonight before being sent to SLC Finance for final approval.

The Administration Account balance is £55.07 and this will be topped up to £767.00 once the

accounts have been accepted.

This months receipts:

Archway rent for Community Forum Working Party Meeting - £20.00

Accountants Fee - £60.00

Secretary’s Receipted Expenses - £24.00

8. Jim Ewing – Bike Town:

Jim stated that the primary purpose of Bike Town was to encourage people to get out on their

bikes for some healthy exercise.

The project received a grant of £272,000 from the Climate Challenge Fund to lure people out of

their cars and onto 2 wheels; they have a target of 56,000 people.

There are 3 working groups and a steering group tasked with reaching as many people and

groups as possible. Members of the public are encouraged to donate old bikes, which could be

brought back into use.

There is a bike repair workshop available where bikes will be repaired free of charge where possible.These Hubs are being created in sites within Rutherglen and Cambuslang where residents can go to hire bikes or have them repaired.

There are “Confidence” courses available where adults can receive training before venturing onto public roads. Whole families are encouraged to join up and get fit and healthy together.

Jim Walker suggested that the Hallside Regeneration Woodland would be a suitable area for cycling activities and invited Jim for a site visit.

After discussion it was agreed that we invite Jim and his Bike Town Team to our Forum and create a Bike Town link on our website.

Action: Jim Walker

9. Halfway Community Forum:

The meeting discussed arrangements for the upcoming Forum and agreed the following: -

The date is confirmed as Saturday 31st May 2014 between 12 and 4pm in Park View Primary

School, Halfway.

The rental cost of £195.90 was accepted by the meeting and it was noted that cleaning costs

(if relevant) would be added.

The meeting agreed that any reasonable additional expenditure for the Forum could be agreed between office bearers for approval by the CC at our next meeting.

The draft Press Release and flyers were discussed and some changes were considered.

The Working Party will meet on Thursday 1st May to prepare the Press Release for submission to the Rutherglen Reformer ahead of the 5th May deadline for publication.

10. A.O.C.B.

Youth Involvement and Forum

Jim Walker gave a report of a radio interview he had recorded involving young people from the

Thinking Differently Project.

Jim proposed that we invite some of the young people involved to our next meeting to get an

idea of the work of the Community Council. Agreed.

There was a further discussion on the possibility of setting up a Youth Forum for Halfway.

Action: Jim Walker

Halfway Folk Music Club

The meeting discussed the possibility of setting up a Halfway Folk Music Club to help

improve the reputation of the area. Agreed

Action: Jim Walker

Old Cairns School site

There was a request for information regards proposals for the future of the old Cairns School

site. Councillor Brogan confirmed that the site was included in the local plan for development.

There is to be 120 houses on the site, however the school is currently being used to decant

other schools and house building is likely to be 2 or 3 years in the future.

Halfway Park signage

Sandy Paterson raised a complaint that notices had been erected in Halfway Park instructing

dog owners to keep their dogs on the lead at all times. Sandy asked that we clarify this situation

as there does not appear to have been any public consultation.

Consultation regards Park Management conducted in 2009 states that “dogs must be kept

under close control.”

Action: Jim Walker, Councillor Brogan

11. Next Meeting- Wednesday21stMay 2014

at 7pm in Park View School, Halfway.

All residents are very welcome to attend.

Secretary: Jim Walker

E-mail: Mobile: 07969282647
