APIC-Indiana Chapter 076
Diana Korpal EducationEducational Support
APIC IN Region 2 members would like to provide an opportunity for all Infection Preventionists in the state of Indiana to apply for the Diana Korpal EducationEducational Support. Diana is a long time APIC member and has always been a supporter of education for IPs and is acutely aware of budget constraints many IPs are experiencing. The educational support initially was established for those in long-term care, something she has always been interested in and where funding rarely available for attending educational meetings. Now, eligibility is being expanded to include those working in all disciplines. Application qualifications are listed below.
The educational support provides an opportunity to attend an APIC Indiana state educational conference offered in April & October. The awarded amount is $100.00 which covers the registration fee for attendance at the spring or fall conference. Lunch is provided; mileage and hotel expenses are not covered but many attendees car pool and share rooms to help with expenses.
There will be 1or 2 applicants selected to attend the APIC IN Spring conference and 1 or 2 applicants to the APIC IN Fall conference. Up to 4 people will be grant educational support. In addition to education, these conferences providethe Indiana Infection Preventionist a chance to network, creating relationships with others who share the same commitment to preventing infections that ultimately leads to increasedquality patient care. Vendor interaction is also available for the IP to evaluate product information.
The applicant should:
- Be members of the APIC-Indiana chapter.
- Be working in Infection Prevention for at least 6 months
- Write a letter requesting the Diana Korpal Education Educational Supportand the meeting for which you are applying.
- Explain how attending the APIC IN state educational conference will benefit you in your practice.
- Include all of your contact information with your application letter.
The APIC-Indiana executive committee determines the winners.
Application letters should be submitted to the president as an attachment to your e-mail.
The subject line should read: Korpal EducationEducational Support applicant.
For what conference are you applying? Spring ______Fall ______
Name ______
Facility ______
Telephone number ______e-mail ______
How many years have you been in Infection Prevention?
How many years have you been an APIC member?
Please tell us why you are applying for this Educational Support. How will attending the APIC IN state educational conference will benefit you in your practice?